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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Prison doctors make good money, and have some perks "normal" doctors have to pay out of pocket for,,, i doubt they would want any help from such a large distraction... People working inside have to develop a trust with anyone and everyone whether they want to or not. I have many in-laws currently working for the DOC inside Washington prisons,, or recently retired from such... My wife for example worked inside Shelton Correctional from the time we were 19 till about age 25. It's good pay if you can get past all the dangerous humans surrounding ,,, you,,, i guess. weird fact FAT510s 69 Lincoln Mark iii was painted twice,, once red then dark grey at the Shelton correctional. . .
  2. Yeah i snuck one in you bastards ,,, :rofl: :rofl: I have a lot more,,, just as out of focus as these,, but don't wanna confuse your buzz. If you don't go you will miss it .
  3. i'm finally going through PB getting pictures, and came across these from last year but never posted and since this thread needs some frickin oics .......... So without further adoo i present ((( Canby 2017 ))) and shit . Friday helping tdaaj and Chester load swap meet stuff Saturday morning
  4. Bullshit i see the fiberglass ones on Craigslist all the time for like $150. bucks ,, and they don't rust and bend.. I will give you $75. dollars and you deliver . .
  5. Jock strap jello wrestling,,, North Eastern Mississippi rules. .
  6. Honestly ,, since with traffic we drive about 2 1/2 hours or more to get there,, the last thing most of my group would even think about is getting in our Datsuns and driving another hour or more. The best part of going to Canby is being at Canby ,,, with all the knuckleheads you only get to see argue with in person once a year. :wub: .
  7. He's to busy tracking down his next bag of pep pills and concentrated monster drink.
  8. I use imgur but i only post from PC never from handheld. https://imgur.com/
  9. Like Datzenmike said ,, use anything but PB as no-one can see your oics as posted Looks like there is a spacer in there to me ... Above quoted oic
  10. bananahamuck


    Over here Datsuns are still considered by most older people,, ( unless they have sentimental value to their family) just an old Datsun .. Not even worth the bother of having to deal with selling to someone else. Example: I bought a 1200 last summer for $330. that the owner was using to prop up plywood sheets ... Put a distributor and sealed hole in gas tank and i have been driving it around town.
  11. I hate to be "that guy" but as a 51 year old that owns all his assets including my house... $25. isn't exactly what i would call investing :rofl: Looking back at the history of bitcoin with the hacking and "banks" << notice air finger quotes ,, filling for bankruptcy or just shutting down with no way to get any of your real money back.. $25 bucks is about all the faith i would put in it also. On the same type of subject.. Have any of you got trapped behind the assholes trying to pay with their frickin PHONE!!?? Gaaahh!!! anyways /
  12. I started using Chrome and firefox at the same time to fix my build thread. So i use Chrome ( with app) to see and be able to download pics into PC then load onto Imgur and post in correct order on Forum . I then switch tabs to Firefox to see which ones are still grey squares,,, or if it has double posts, and delete those. That way i can redo each post individually so pictures are easier for me to keep track of , order wise. It is slow and it sucks but it works, .
  13. The next Olympia meet might have to be held at Scalpum's and then cruise over to Tdaaj's so those two and Bleach might actually bring Datsuns , .
  14. Jesus tap dancing Christ it was cold .... I'm thinking that place was almost as good as Lefty's ,,,, almost . So i ain't got no "video" ,, and i aint sticking my nose up no-bodies butthole like a rooting hog, and thanking them for showing and having a laugh.... And i only have a couple pictures that are different than anyone elses . So fuck you guys . So with that. .
  15. White lightning Fixed Fucking PB Forgot i was in Chrome .
  16. Nah dude I heard it makes you irritable and moody.. And being in my 50s I got to start thinking of my second wife . Twenty year olds seem to have a "thing" about having babies and such <<<<check out my post count
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