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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Thanks for the parts man ,,and it was good to meet you... Although being around that many chevys in one spot sorta creep-ed me out a little... :poke:
  2. The names at the bottom are now missing and im not sure why i quoted that
  3. That`s back when cross tops and christmas trees were the shit not coke..
  4. you know if a person lived in the city a tiny truck like that would probably be perfect...
  5. bananahamuck


    Georgia`s gonna have start their own Canby type event ...
  6. Well considering there was absolutely no police work done to recover this car, wouldn`t that be counter productive, from the police`s standpoint??..You would not want to muddy up their $500. dollar fingerprint identification system with ,,,,actual finger prints..And what if it spit out an answer ,,,whoa,,,you would have to go find the guy at his mom`s house ,,,again.. And the union probably would have to be informed ,,,,,it`s just a big mess . Better off just handing out bussiness cards to victims and going on their way..
  7. Ratty .....You didn`t see the pictures he has of himself in a skirt.???
  8. Yeah ,,but if you weren`t such a shy little wall flower and actually GO to a Ratsun meet you would have already known it.. :fu:
  9. Pics of wrecked car or it didn`t happen..
  10. The two on the left now waddle your ass out to the back and tell the oversized Hobbit looking dude to brush some of the sand blast sand outta the gears of my new tranny..
  11. Look Jrock im gonna make me an electric car ....now calm down bro..thinking i might roll over to your little shop of whores pretty soon ..today
  12. So somebodies muffler exploded.??
  13. Yeah , if she didn`t think guys " persons " that are into Datsuns are a bunch of yaah-hoos , showing her us in person will really change her mind.... :lol: I love me some Carl`s jr milkshakes
  14. Sealick you obviously dont know what bozo is....Everybody knows the horns need to be bondo-ed about two feet farther in front of car , and pointed forward.. Geeze get it straight man. Oh and your parked on your garden hose.
  15. Hey, you spotted my wifes van....... :thumbup: Wait.... :confused: wut?....... :sneaky:
  16. i need a drivers fender when you decide to part it
  17. more pictures are required :D
  18. I do not use " rabbit ears " that is the devils receiving device.
  19. oops up there.. :lol: Really clean truck, man And since i deleted it ,,,,,,,,,Welcome to the forum....again
  20. I haven`t had those extended channels since 1995 , :D ,, although they did raise the cheeeep package up to $23. a month now and if i didn`t HAVE to have cable Internets i would be pulling the 300' of cable out of the ground with my tractor and taking it down to the recycle center . <_<
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