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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. bananahamuck

    I want a Z

    One suggestion ...leave the whale tail in the box it came in ,,or ,,you could buy a 71 chevy van and affix it to the rear on the roof.. .....yeah that would be nice. maybe ill have to buy a new alternator for our ZXturbo when you get this thing running and show it what whoopass looks like.. :lol:
  2. never seen the guy before ,, but that aint saying much cuz he looks less than half my age. is he the one who bid and didn`t pay on the carbs you had up.?
  3. Now don`t get me wrong ,, after the truck is on the road..by all means let that wagon know whose bawse..i am no purist by any stretch of the imagination... :)
  4. Dont get mad at this comment because it is posted with love ,,,, not haten ,, Braten BUT,,dont you already have a half bagged yard ornament.?? Just enjoy the dang thing for a bit bro. Maybe add a rear block and lower the front springs down the struts, , i little bit ....for now..while you gather all your manual change over parts.. I know your name is spelled with a D it just didn`t sound as good.
  5. i think wow might be a understatement ..
  6. :thumbup: http://soundcloud.com/mixessss21/beastie-boys-vs-daft-punk
  7. Your sig says you have a cube ,,drive that , most every owner on here is a low budget guy at heart, ,,even if they have pricey parts on their rig,, and know all about wanting to drive the thing and having to wait for one reason or another,,, Summer meets in Northwest = sunny warm ,every body relaxing in the sun, drivin around with the windows down. Any other time but summer, meets in Northwest = .. opposite of above ,, plus windshield wipers and the defog blasting
  8. I don`t care really,, just so we don`t get beat by a mostly uninhabited third world country like Canada..
  9. Not mine either ,, but there was a ton of work done to it ..You know just reading about this event, makes me hungry for a quesadilla factory munch-fest.. :D
  10. I think you have the two yards reversed ...The 720 i saw getting crushed was at Lacey auto ,,,,Now called Sutter metals,, on the corner of Martin and carpenter way.. And i think Allen auto parts ( out on Southbay Rd ) went all crushing for awhile then went back to selling parts then back to all crushing again...
  11. You will GOOGLE nothing ,,,,I can tell you which team is the best. USA! USA! USA!
  12. Did anybody catch those ping pong dudes ?? They were going after it man.
  13. So because of the refusal of FAT510 to update this thread it had dropped to page 9 even thought there has been work done to it since May,,,so i thought,, HEY! i got a picture of him in front of my old 720 ,, that is long since gone,, you can see the roof of it in the picture.. :lol: The old Ferguson still runs and i still use it to scrape the driveway..
  14. Ooooooh, ,, it`s like when your playing frizbee in the dark,, and then suddenly it hits you.
  15. Did you ever ask DAT510 he did show some in the 3rd post ... i had a set and flex plate but dirttrack was doing the same thing as you so i sent them ,,,to him...and i could only find that torque converter side one ,,,the one i showed you with the tag on it.
  16. Funny thing in 2004 when the county decided i needed to clean the place up...nobody wanted any of the 4 i gave away..2 of them were nicer than most you see fixed up these days..
  17. By my estimate she still owes you a punch in the face that was promised elsewhere on this site..
  18. I have two sons your age and the TE72 is a pretty popular Toyota choice lately ,,,and they are a little easier to find parts for than the older corollas ....I know the cars look like a cracker box, but with the right wheels , the square styling kinda grows on you ....And they are more likely to have a trans in them strong enough to ease putting in something like a 4AGE years down the road. http://www.google.co...&source=og&sa=N
  19. Hobart 120 is a good machine,, built a few circle trackers with mine and it`s still chugging away more than 20 years later..
  20. You guys aren`t using your real names.. :confused:
  21. University place is in the nice part of Tacoma,, kinda by the bridge, and it would be a reverse commute. I used to work in Port Orchard for 3 or 4 years ,,, before the new bridge ,, and the cars were always going the other way.
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