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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Model building stores have sheet chrome foil you might be able to use but not sure if the elements would remove it,, but if you install and remove before show it could work. Or not drive in rain.
  2. Ok, over paying sucks, cuz as soon as you do, a buddy will come up with a dirt cheap perfect working one.
  3. Your not buying that $300. dollar one are you?? Surely you could find a cheaper one with a little patients ,, have you tried putting an ad for a truck trans you want on craigslist,, Hobbies-the-cat has a running ad for 510s and he seems to do pretty well.
  4. Yep i checked prices online and they would want $26. plus 9% tax just for the oil pan. Aaaaaand $2. entry fee. 25.99 02.33 9% tax 02.00 entry fee Grand total $30.32 And that doesn't even include the Teriyaki bowl and soda that would be needed..
  5. Looks like he's reserving space so we have harder time getting between posts and messing up his train of thought. :) you can ask mod to delete this comment too if you want. i will keep tuning in.
  6. I don't know about those ,,but if you have a discount tire store anywhere near you, they sell Falken tires that are pretty good for a budget type tire,, in my opinion,, and way less then $70. ( i included shipping in your price) Take into account i know nothing about General tires.
  7. I would like to change my build thread title to that,, it sums up my car perfectly. :thumbup:
  8. You really think that he was serious?? He was asking to buy a front apron for the car he hasn't even bought yet,,, because he thought it would look ,,,, so dope. The extent of his research on putting flares on a 4door was post this thread, The realm..??. The guy doesn't even own a Datsun!!! ,, He most likely saw that car he uses as an avatar on Xbox or some shit. Or someone posted it on the Honda website his high school isn't blocking. He's a fucking Fatlace/stancenation wannabe fanboi troll and i thought i called him on it in my earlier posts,,, but my responses must have been to sarcastic. Anyway I'm out!! Even though you were never in. :rofl: :rofl:
  9. I say just start cutting,,, wah-lah
  10. Nah just as soon as you have it home ,, get cutter wheel and you can usually approximate how much needs to be cut out. If holes end up to large for flares, just pull engine and tranny and wiring out,, out for SR20Det swap,, then all you have to do is find one and ,,,,,,,, wah-lah your done.
  11. I think his weird shit-o-meter might have been what caused his meltdown. That thing is barely even in the running for the What The Holy Fuck Is That trophy,,,,,,,,,,, down on the "farm". :rofl: We had a punk walk off mid season and we started talking about getting someone that had a good fix weird shit with a knife a pair of vice grips and a hammer sense,, then at the end of season ,,, get paid and go away. Hey,, i know a dude!! There's quite a bit of walking and lifting ( not heavy but alot of it ) or he would have been asked back as we were thinking grooming him so as to move into running pickers also, which throw chains about every other pass if not constantly mantained jerry rigged to work.
  12. For just one rib? Didn't notice anything but conversation about hood.
  13. Ok ,, enough of this nonsense. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEz2YD-w2jc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVb0jh6pIEY
  14. No it is going to end up one of these,, only updated with 15X29 winged sprint car type tires,, i built one outta a 79 chevy luv but i didn't take pictures of that monster as it was raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock this weekend. Ye olden days,, old funky homemade frame version. Full hydraulic i will increase engine size and reroute most of this out away/behind cover from operator (in case of leakage) for new buggy . That hose routing is as random as anything in this thread. :rofl: Power rack n pinion out of a 80s T-bird will clean up a bunch of this mess and easier to mount straight up and down.
  15. I went looking for a mirror a few years ago in my barn and never have seen it. Truck was my brothers, it was a 80 stepside and it has lived since 1992 in Grayland Wa,, which is on the beach.. My sons were running the forklift and backhoes so i was rolling passenger window (to shove fork through) down by pushing from top and it dropped straight out the bottom without even hitting anything on its way out. That was pretty funny We usually try to use smaller vehicles (because of width and they are lower to ground already) but since it was manual and free it will work.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5q5Xfpr4bk
  17. Yup i haven't got back to you as i haven't dug out and measured the nice seat i have,, to try and "tempt" you.
  18. My sons and i spent Saturday in the 1.9 inches of rain ripping the body off this nightmare.. Here it's trying on new wheels for the first time.. Now i need fronts as its 4X4. The Titanic was probably more nimble then this thing will be. :D 15X15=ftw Going about 3 or 4 inches lower on the suspension because tires are 15x29 also.
  19. I am curious as to approximately what kinda price they were asking for these ??
  20. Cuz white knight ,, i think the guy payed about that for it. If any car was worth 19,000 it would be that one. IMO http://community.ratsun.net/topic/25017-the-story-of-the-white-knight/ Again If anyone wants to buy my 55 ford f100 and 68 BMW 2002 at the bargain price of $7750. i will throw in a 66 Rambler Ambassador for free.. :D
  21. ^^^^ watch this out at about :52 second mark Probably not as sad as what looks to be a Lancia Stratos being used as a goat barn at :43 though. :sneaky:
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