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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Oh, i wasn't really referring to that part,, just in general .. Yeah that part could be sourced much faster locally.
  2. Is hole on one side half round-ish or both sides round.. If both sides round almost any rear wheel drive datsun earlier than 85 might work.. I say might as you would still have to check for yourself. My brother lost the pin for his 510 trans, and he drilled the holes out to closest bolt size and used a nylock nut and bolt that has shoulder just wider that width of flanges. Still drives it like that to this day.
  3. I picture me beating my computer like those chimps in 2001 a space odyssey to make windows145,727,902.1 work correctly on my PC.
  4. Is Uberkevin still coming to OLY?? I'm thinking parking lot across from OLD SCHOOL PIZZERIA in Olympia this Sunday.. for a tailgate pizza slice.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tdaaj


      Lol, needhelp finding some engines

    3. bananahamuck


      i had a guys number out in eatonville i met at PnP but i can't find it.



    4. tdaaj
  5. Looks good and a 2 door too boot. Have you found Rockauto yet? http://www.rockauto.com/ No i'm not a paid spokemen but they probably have as many parts in our various cars as Nissan does. :rofl:
  6. I know right?? That's exactly what i said when i read Datzenmike colluding against me to help Zach weasel outta our deal. :rofl: :rofl:
  7. We switched to ground beef when chicken prices went up a while back,, but since beef has went up lately we switched back to ground chicken/turkey like substance.. And i will say i really like chicken tacos/nachos sooo much better.
  8. If we filled it with Styrofoam packaging and plastic bags from Walmart it could be a superweapon.
  9. Well the solution is simple really. If we just keep sending airliners full of Malaysians over them they will eventually run outta missles.. Then we attack.
  10. That thing is pretty dang sweeet . You should tell him to drive it to import events with a sign asking for 510 trades.. I bet he easily gets a few hits.
  11. :rofl: i don't know,, we go back to Oklahoma via Kansas to avoid the second largest state. My dad had a bag from Piggy Wiggly when he went to Tahlequah Ok last year.. so there must be one there somewhere. This year they stayed up in north east by the rivers where they belong.
  12. What's with that crazy looking coil?? Is it high energy or something,,, and if it is it noticeable?
  13. I get that approach really i do,, but as member Goldfishmatt will attest to this weekend in the Costco parking lot when my son ( the same son in this thread earlier) literally filled my 510s trunk with gas not paying attention.. I believe in tough love. I still think of Tristin as my friend even if his feelings are hurt by my name calling. Ok ,, now put yourself in this senerio.. What if you went into the Piggy Wiggly and bought a few items,, it doesn't have to be much maybe $6.00 dollars worth,,, and they made you wait in parking lot across the street for your items,,,,, for 2 or 3 months?? and they don't contact you to say why they won't bring items out? Would you be the polite civil southern gentleman then?
  14. Sorry but this information was only valid till this morning as we discussed earlier in this thread. Since this information was clearly posted in the evening, the trade was started by default. It was in the fine print. Warning: Spelling errors in this message are the product of a poor school system. Pay teachures more than athletes. IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is confidential privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humor or irrational religious beliefs. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is not authorized (either explicitly or implicitly) and constitutes an irritating social fauxpas. No animals were harmed in the transmission of this email, although the mutt next door is living on borrowed time, let me tell you. (If all email was written by Microsoft) Legal Notice: Receipt of this message constitutes your unconditional acceptance of agreement with all terms, conditions, conclusions and opinions, either expressed or implied, as interpreted by the author without further clarification. Use of any information contained herein [inclusive of any and all attachments] or omitted in part or in whole from the actual message is strictly prohibited and will be subject to collection of significant financial damages. Disclaimer: the above is the author's personal opinion and is not the opinion or policy of his employer or of the little green men that have been following him all day. Disclaimer: The views of my employer do not conform to my views, or to any accepted standard of logic that the Greeks thought up anyway... Government Warning: We are corrupt and have sold out to corporate interest. Do not listen to our advice. My opinion is neither copyrighted nor trademarked, and it's price competitive. If you like, I'll trade for one of yours. None of the ideas expressed above are actually mine. They are told to me by Luthor and Ferdinand, the five inch tall space aliens who live under my desk. In return for these ideas, I have given them permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find under there. Spotted on a button: 'Ambivalent? Well, yes and no....' The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is yours to draw... The opinions above are solely those of a 12 year old hacker who has broken into my account, and not those of my employer or any other organization. The opinions expressed above are yours. They are not necessarily those of my employer or myself. The opinions expressed here are not those of my employer, my wife, my church, or myself... But they are the opinions of Elvis as revealed to me through the medium of my pet hamster, Lee Harvey Oswald... The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of my employer, not necessarily mine, and probably not necessary. The opinions expressed herein are those of absolutely everyone at National Instruments: the management, staff, stockholders, their spouses, children, dogs, and cats. In fact, everyone in Austin also agrees. No, make that Texas. U.C.S.B. doesn't even know that I exist, let alone my opinions! WARNING: I cannot be help responsible for the above, as apparently my cats have learned how to type. Your eyes are weary from staring at the CRT. You feel sleepy. Notice how restful it is to watch the cursor blink. Close your eyes. The opinions stated above are yours. You cannot imagine why you ever felt otherwise. The opinions expressed in this letter do, in fact, represent the opinions of UCSD, its employees, faculty, and students, as well as the entire University of California system and its precious Regents, because, let's face it, I have that kind of power at my disposal.
  15. Tristin is Bluebird garage,,, and that is who i'm calling a deadbeat fuck. Redeye ,,now i can't seem to find a think wrong with that guy,, well his hair is a bit long,, but i guess that's the style these days.
  16. Dude i live escalated.. :rofl: (edited) as i guess i suggested a bad one also
  17. WARNING!!!! Do NOT order from this ASSHOLE till he makes the deals he has already gotten paid for square!!,,,,,,, in the status updates you will see people looking for this DEADBEAT FUCK!! Tristin SEND MY SON HIS FUCKING STICKERS!!!
  18. No body waxing was spared that day . Throw back to the old soul music of times past. trust me why would i too you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, again?
  19. The one in Arlington shows as a 91 ,, won't that be a DE? or are the harnesses the same? it might have your tranny though.
  20. Oh yeah,, it isn't really taking the carb apart, it is just taking drain plugs out. I can totally relate to where your coming from I would definitely think long and hard before taking a Hitachi apart for sure. They are a nightmare inside. But your truck might be to new to even have the drain plugs.
  21. I am not familiar with 86 technology but, does your carb have the two drain plugs on the underside of float bowl ? Sometimes you can pull one out at a time and drain some of the crap out ( water and such) then fill bowl up with gas and water separator (Heat type stuff) and pull them again. Never do it hot
  22. You should make sure the other guys aren't coming because it is a long weekend first. :D
  23. Had to look through the old photobucket of science ,, but this is what i have. Datzenmike might come by to prove me wrong. so we wait. Can't remember if measurements are to end of flange or output shaft.
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