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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. My biggest complaint about Ratsun .. My mom said i can control everything that other people say or do,, and i can't do that on this website.
  2. So bite it. Now with fantastic soundtrack SAME VIDEO AS ABOVE Posted it here too but it says it is banned in some countries.
  3. Dude, Germans took having your neighbors over for a BBQ to a whole new level.
  4. When i was in grade school bamboo grew down the street from my friend Freds house,,, and one day a kid named Ryan moved into that house , down the street.. Freds dad always yelled at us to never jump into the bamboo NEVER!! Weeeell Ryans parents let him jump into the bamboo,,,,,,, One day Ryan was jumping into bamboo to show Fred his dad was an asshole.. Apparently Ryan now only has one testicle. I have never trusted anthing made outta bamboo since.
  5. I was up in Seattle yesterday at the Childrens hospital and of all the people walking in,,,,,,,, yes walking,,,,, i think only one person had even a sweat jacket on.. :lol: And the rain was hammering . We drove most of the way home about 6pm with the windows half way down. Although the wind has almost shut our lights off 4 times tonight. I may take a break from ratsun whether i like it or not, later this evening.
  6. So a month ago i was coming out of the dentist and My best friend in high schools little brother was telling me he had spent 1 1/2 in prison in Alaska for selling pills,,, and his lawyer was suing for mishandling the court proceedings........ When asked what he was going to do if he won,, finally settle down maybe? ,,,,,, point blank right in my eyes,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, Buy more pills.
  7. That is kinda like my neighbor Charlie,, well i'm not sure what his real name is but he is Vietnamese,, when i go down to Chinatown in Portland, to tell the waitress what we are ordering.
  8. Numbers are skewed as the wife used to work for the Wa State DOC and there is alot of prisoners that are moved from state to state to fill up privately owned prisons and such.. Or cost of housing them is cheaper there than like say,,,,,,,, L.A.
  9. Show us some build threads like that.. From a new member not Icehouse or Pumpkin210 or any of the members from Everette that have been on here since 2007 .. :P I realize some guys can throw their bank accounts at the car they never drive ( OR like a few pat themselves on the back as the greatest thing to ever touch a Datsun,,, then never actually finish) but some of us are on very limited budgets.. . If you go back in project datto to last page,,, half icehouses builds are exactly what you describe.. And Pumkins car was a pretty nice car,,,, before the 2007 member started working his "magic" on it. :rofl:
  10. Here is another option ,, if your thinking of spending serious coin anyway,, have someone do this for you. Man i had to wade through 20 pages of Skibbers 710 build to find it again.. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/44555-cant-really-think-of-a-clever-title-710-coupe/page-22 .
  11. Yeah that was no jokey ,, they had put far to much time into it. I was looking for funny animated emoticons a while ago,, and come to find out it was an AB message board.. That was some crazy shit for sure.
  12. I think there is at least two members with A10s with KAs in them besides the Marky man... They are in Cali and they just never post on here,, you can see them every once in a while in those Southern California meets. Inland empire maybe?
  13. NO SOLICITING" If the property was for sale ,, wouldn't they be disregarding their own rules, thus nullifying the "no trespassing" sign. I would move my camper onto property and when the law is called inform them of such.
  14. OH MY GOD IT'S RAINED FOR 4 DAYS IN CALIFORNIA!!!! We used to go to the beach and it would be raining so hard it stung your face if you turned into it. About a month ago
  15. Trust me son ,, you look like a little squat-to-pee even in real life.
  16. It is their revenge for us dropping the atom bomb.
  17. Every time you turn on radio you hear Wiiiiiiiiiild hooooooorses , but fuck that,,, i like the preceding song better.
  18. Inside cabin size is fine for me even in early 520s.. I was only talking about the high gearing as 60-65 for 2+ hours with a 4speed was rather pleasant really,,,,,,,,, well except it was raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock all the way there and back.
  19. He probably hates Fat-boy cuz we won't sell him any parts.. :rofl: oh and this.. On a related subject. You know i used to drive a 3" lifted 1980 720 to Seattle from here everyday to work when i was younger (alot younger) and thought it was just me longing for the olden days,, thinking it did that trip with a the much maligned 4speed tranny pretty smoothly..... You know what? I did it again today in rush hour traffic and that sumbitch wasn't that bad........ The seat though ,, fuck it took me 5 minutes to stand up straight :rofl:
  20. I think they were jerking you around at WESCO i thought they got rid of all the "know-it-all pricks down there but i guess not.. I hunted around the shed of mystery and found a tube we haven't used yet. If you cut the tip very small you can open a crack and jam that sucker all up in there,, and just slowly slide whilst applying and it seals pretty good most times,,,, Sometimes rubber will really crack to beat hell so you have to kinda baby your way around,, heat applied to rubber may help this problem... BUT since this stuff is what is used to seal windshields,,, well,, there you go. Jammed all up in there As with anything though,,,,,,, your results may vary.
  21. Roll over to WESCO and buy ask them for window sealant,, tell-um what your looking at and what-not ,, and they have some of that black mastic stuff in a caulking tube that is made for the job. It's over by the post office (kinda) downtown Link ,, clickity clickity https://goo.gl/maps/Giics .
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