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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Well it probably took longer with Kevin standing in the way though.
  2. Or it was UberKevin :rofl: Although he does have the facial hair of a teenage girl.
  3. Yeah under that truck was ,,,,,,naaaaasty bro. Who's takin the pictures?
  4. Who's the cute skinny chick wearing the Beatles beanie??
  5. Soooo ,,,,,,,,,, how did we do ?? Are we close to 5speeds again??
  6. Farmer-joe man---- What ever happened to that video of your truck driving around,, the one where there were leaves on the ground and such?? That really showed how looooow that thing is.
  7. Here about 40 miles south of Mhub ,, if you get in wreck they tow it to your house,, (if you tell them too) it doesn't automatically go to impound.. A couple months ago,, UberKevin wrecked his 521 on the freeway ( spinning around at least twice ,,even bounced off retaining wall slightly damaging it) and the State patrol officer let us drag it off ,,,,,, ourselves. No fine, not even a threat of impoundment,,,, actually me and FAT510 had a laugh with them ( State patrol officer) while Kevin undid his driveline so truck could even roll. They even used their patrol car to block lanes as we took off also,,, as truck crashed in the left hand, fast lane, and into median then back out into freeway.
  8. And this happens every time me and FAT roll But those suits really ride up if you walk to far
  9. You "Turbo" guys do know,, you ALL don't have to run a rear spoiler as big as the car in video,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, right? Did you over dub the original video?? Or did you find that already done? .
  10. Was it anywhere near here?? :ninja:
  11. How much for just for the engine? Anyways since we waited and waited,,,,,,,,,, and waited,,,,,,,,,,, and waited for you to put up some pics. AND since they were already posted on the internets.. . Que the Celine Dion music . .
  12. Hey my own neighbors Jim and Chuck both retired call me DS & Fatboy respectively when they yell at me from across the lawn to come join in their shenanigans. Well as much as really old farts can actually shenaney i guess.
  13. My niece has one of those,, played some game,, bout died of a heart attack right there on the floor.
  14. Yep, ,,, but don't you think for second i haven't nurtured it to where it is now though.
  15. I played (checked with son ) COD once for approximately 1 minute ,, FATs friends kept shooting me in the back... Never played any of those types of games ,, or Xbox / Playstation type games before that or after sooooooooooooooooo ,,,,,, try again. Juuust a bit outside. :rofl: <<<
  16. There is quite a bit more missing than just that, :angel:
  17. If you can call watching the Chappelle show work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then yes i work. I respite care, ( so to speak) and that don't always end at a set time,, or need to be "doing stuff" all the time,,,, and my wife is a paralegal.. We bought this place in 89 when we were 24 years old and have never financed anything else ,,,ever. ... So pretty low budget.
  18. If you creep his phone number (in ad) you can almost see it in the street view of his business/home,, looks to be light primer grey.
  19. Adios? Mark man your killing me here. Are you joking?? Even if you did fuck that hoopty up you should keep yer truck rollin and hang around here and shit.
  20. Hey Tyler,,, we have 3 build threads on here,, a website dedicated to building Datsuns,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you?? The first post i ever gave in here was a legit and honest post.... AFTER paradime said he made his decision,,, and ONLY AFTER did i start messing with him for flooding my thread with Black Betty videos,, and the whole "marry" :rofl: Christmas posts. It was a test to see if he (paradime) had been drinking and if so , how much.. But seriously if you don't understand the jokes just feel free to PM me and i will try my best to explain them too you,,, but your at that age you probably won't listen anyway. . :rofl: << i added that for you so as to avoid confusion. :lol:
  21. The internets is serious business here tonight......... All uptight and what-not
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