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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I know that,,,,,,,,,,,,, you know that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but you can't tell a hipster anything.
  2. Well he does have a 521 and that pretty much is the "hipster" way of getting onto Datsuns . Oooo i bought a Datsun,, just like those racing type cars ,,, ,,, only better cuz it's like an El Camino .
  3. Stupid yes ,,, right by a town yes,, died from being a dipshit yes,,, but i was commenting on >>why<< he was up there.. Or why he thought he needed to be. ........ or something Wait,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i thought only hipsters made the trek up to that bus.
  4. So you probably know the "in the wild" guy that died in a bus in Alaska,,,, maybe?? Seemed like a silver spoon little prick.. Watched a show on PBS last night that had his sister and step sisters talking about what the dude went through as a child.... If you hate one or more of your parents,,, you really should check it out.. Might change your thoughts on the whole deal.. Return to the Wild The Chris McCandless Story I know PBS and their liberal agenda.. But if you don't wanna watch it you can lick my minerva
  5. We are up for anything ,, i will give Ted a buzz tonight for his input ,, the square peg might be Kevin as he works nights . I'm thinking leaving kinda early though . So we can maybe stop at Arlington Pick N Pull,, as getting that far north is quite a hump to just look around. Anyone have a flywheel and/or tin spacer plate for a KA24e they wanna sell???
  6. What's that fatty McChocolate pants?? Dude if your going to play with the big boys,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,at the very least,, learn to quote correctly. Learn it ,,, know it.,,, live it
  7. I offered to pick up and drive those parts as far as Salem last weekend when we went to pick up some farm machinery parts Saturday.
  8. He's just mad Australians are FATTER than Americans.. YES FATTER!! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/2157503/Australians-fatter-than-Americans-study.html Written by a UK news group called THE TELEGRAPH in 2008 1:51PM BST 19 Jun 2008 Australians fatter than Americans: study A report by the Baker Heart Institute found that four million adult Australians, or 26 per cent of the population, were overweight or obese. The figure is higher than the 25 per cent rate recorded in the United States.
  9. Aberville is a pretty depressed economy ( for many years now) so he usually has to cut a good deal just to get any business at all. He did Donovans for $60. and it was a pretty tight sqeeze to get 2 1/2 inch pipe up and aroumd all that shit back there.. Doesn't bang around either. You might give them a call first, and tell him your a broke ass student supportng your indigent grand parents or some such story..
  10. As long as you get that pedal mess,,, i sold a 80 210 pedal box for $50. plus shipping in the classifieds here in about a week or less, last summer,, so there is a market for those things. I priced mine low to unload it quick though.
  11. You should cut some of the brake hard lines off and keep the flare nuts in a zip lock,, makes whipping up homemade lines on a Sunday ,, so much easier, when you only have to find the right size tubing,, not the whole sha-bang
  12. So what you're saying is ,, the more things change,,, the more they stay the same?
  13. New York dolls ,, wasn't that a TV show that came on right after ,, Battle of the network stars?? And what the fuck is a "patty smith" ?? Seriously if that was the kinda music i was forced at gun point to listen too ,, i would try my hardest to one day escape,,,,,,,,,,,, run to the highest point in town,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and throw myself off it. Ears first if at all possible.
  14. Mapped and ready to go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, bro.
  15. There should be a fight club only instead of punching each other everyone stands around and freaks out about abitrary shit ... Club George............................................ Oh i'm here already, I'm so sorry that I didn't want your rather bulbous head struggling to find its way through the normal-size neck hole of my finely knit sweater :rofl: :rofl:
  16. there is no way that is even close to an accurate statement,, seriously The Clash rock the Casba ,, Pink Floyd The Wall The Talking heads did some of their best work in the 80s.. Bruce Springsteen ,, metalica Master of Puppets , The Beastie Boyz .. holy shit were you under a rock or something?? Oh and this happened
  17. HUBBs muffler in Aberdeen does really good work for a budget type guy. Not open Saturday or Sunday though.
  18. Is pick n pull hauling it away?? How much do they give for something that stripped down?? Serious answer as i gotta couple MR2 i'm sending in just a couple days. I could haul them to Chehalis like i normally do but i'm feeling lazy... yo.
  19. It's a mythical serpent that shoots flames from it's mouth ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but that's not important right now.
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