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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. You know we have been trying very hard to get the Facebook guys to come to meets ,, so insulting them really isn't cool.. Up here we count one car ONCE not ever picture taken of it,, Take care,, hope your dreams of world domination don't interfere with your happy little sunshine day,, honey :rofl: :rofl:
  2. And this,,, funny how a couple of us "locals" were voicing a couple concerns about the "locos" taking over our local events, that a couple local old timers have that lurk in the shadows but i talked to in person Yesterday,,, and that immediately brought about the name calling... in a couple backhanded complements .. Yeah i would like to meet you to ,,, well,,,, unless your a arrogant prick,, cuz i don't have any time for guys "like that" ..
  3. Your calling us out as not helping others and poor attendence and DEMANDING RESPECT in an event thread you have no intention whats-so-ever of attending
  4. Yeah,,,, when i talked to you i hadn't been online for awhile and everything was happy ,, happy.. I really had no idea how much greater those Modesto guys really thought they were than us,,, at that point. But now it's pretty clear,, .
  5. If you wanted my attention you got it!! I was calling RATSUN a freakshow ... You know the fucking WESITE YOUR POSTING ON!!! Not sure what the fuck you have to do with any of this conversation,,, BUT,, I have followed YOUR monthlly get togethers (religiously i might add )and maybe,,, maybe,, 8 cars show up................ While us guys up here usually pull 10-15 at our semi monthly meets,,,,,,,,,,,, SO i guess my question is why the fuck would we want LESS people to show up???? BTW ,,, it's not 75 and sunny most of the winter " up here" hell i see some of your guys saying they can't make it if it rains,,,,,,,,,, LOL
  6. Shit in those were so powerful the picture took till now to stop being random letters with jpg at the end And yeah my computer sucks
  7. If you are talkng about the 411 ,, i think you will have to take whatever you can get steering wise. Not sure if L20b is a viable swap ( IMO ) as getting it to clear windshield wipers is a main problem with putting a big engine in one of those,, that has only been solved by a couple guys.
  8. Yeah,, i hear you,, i barely recognised her with her clothes on ..
  9. Lol,, it would be another 4 years before i found out about this freakshow,,, and went to one myself. But point being guys here may not wanna come in here and be shouted down but there are rumblings about people saying they weren't keeping the Datsun love alive and thus having every Western Wa event hijacked into being a "Locos" event.. Kinda like what Flat said in a different way .. Don't hate the messenger. Did you see that weird hippy dude in the POTD pictures,, wow.
  10. You know whats weird other than 1 planet of the Datsuns ,,, i can't think of any of those "events" any of you heavy "likers" have even bothered to get out to,, in the last 4 years,
  11. It's great to just move here or just get into Datsuns,, and start calling others on how many meets we have had in this area in the past.. So do we have to change Planet of the Datsuns ,,to planet of the ,_____s RickLocos drive to Mt. Rainer.. Locosloop around hoods canal?? ,,,, Well you get the point. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or do you. ? http://www.bleachgarage.com/images/event/potd06/potd06.html
  12. I took a video of Qtips girlfriend driving around over by the Spanaway golf course yesterday afternoon ,, she waved and drove off.
  13. MHub might have one for sailing.. PM him
  14. Hey!! did you notice that little red 1 up next to your name yet??

  15. You beat me to the post,,,, but this is Hobos thread,, so ipso facto i am asking him. Like i said we are going to be there wherever the hell it is,, but if close i can fudge on the insurance for a day,,, Tacoma not so much.
  16. So it's DATSUN FOoo liiife!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, unless it's inconvenient. :rofl: :rofl: When does the poll close,, ya frickin milky licker?? I need to know as the 720 is insured through a normal group policy since it's basically my only daily driver ,,, but the 510 and 280zx turbo are insured with broad form i let lapse.. Hence why i was wobbling the 720 last weekend.
  17. Says the guy driving a Nissan pathfinder to a place only 20 minutes away. :fu: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: When does voting end??
  18. My old boss used to say " it takes alotta different people to make a world" then smile.
  19. FLATCAT!!! How god damn dare you!! :rofl: :rofl: I'm not and never will be a "Datslocos" i have helped many guys out by working on their cars, towing them, saving them off the freeway , driving all the to Vader with multiple spare tires because lug pattern on rim on trailer (with flat tire) was unknown., giving them an engine when they were on deaths door, on this and other forums .. I don't need a sticker in my front window to know that................ . Having said that ,, if they put on a DATSUN meet in western WA we (meaning me Fat and Ted) will probably always show up,,, and my guess,,, 10 times as much as the guys who got the free stuff.
  20. It's Chehalis,, they probably get 3-4 skinny little tweeker dudes doing that every day,,,, so,,,,,,,, they figured it was just nice to see a new face
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