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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. It's been such a long winter ,, i don't know if i could make it 10 feet outta the batters box without oxygen being administered..
  2. My wife is happy to not be walking around as i blabber endlessly to complete strangers about something she hates..... If it was a 3 day vintage Toyota meet she might put up with it,, but buncha beat-up nerd mobiles,,,,,,, no fuckin way... . :lol:
  3. Let the votes decide it's the fair way,, it's the rightous way,,,,,,,,, AND ABOVE ALL The American way.
  4. Fridays are terrible i HAVE to be somewhat available in case teachers call to get one at school, if they puke or something,,, and Doodoo has college classes...
  5. Camera looks like it is ratchet strap and duct taped on.. :rofl: :rofl:
  6. I don't think anyone at that party wanted anything to do with the bribe Rick is talking about.
  7. If you vote Dilla Factory it would be 45 minutes closer too you... :ninja: ^^ 1744 S.Gold St in Centralia,WA 98531 ^^ You should make the trip either way though
  8. I wouldn't say a Pertronix is some "fancy" get up that doesn't work... :rofl: . Don't let these guys bullshit you... GOOD working matchbox distributors are pretty dang expensive these days.. More than twice the price of buying a single point distributor AND buying Pertronix unit, ( if you even find a good matchbox that is) ... i have a 3 sets of pertronix ,,one set has been in my 55 for at least 10 years,, one set in my brothers 510 for at least 7 years and the set in mine just under 2 years.. And you use stock coil that came with truck. Just my opinion.
  9. I like the build quality on those grills but I'm with the Jdong,, I like the OG grill on your green machine better...... i would let Bababooyee have it back,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, he would probably have to chase me down first though,, but if he can run farther than 26 1/2 feet, he won't have much problem there either. .. :lol:
  10. AC/DC Grammys “Highway to Hell” Illuminati Satanic Opening Performance EXPOSED !!!
  11. Oh,,,, so i stand corrected,,,,,,,,,, the guy that can't buy a fucking voltage regulator,,,,,,,,, the guy who can't even adjust an alternator belt....... Better?
  12. That's all i needed to know....... :hyper: :hyper: Remember though if life somehow gets you in a bind,,, we will have your back. B) B)
  13. You have to change the distributor to a single point one,,, and on certain models(of the single point distributors) machine down the ring at the top so magnetic sleeve can slide down shaft... I had one done the machinist charged about $20. bucks.
  14. No,, you should know by now i stalk you guys online enough :wub: to know exactly why you have that,,,,,,,,,, i ment the rubber bumper delly-bob.
  15. What kind of vehicle did those firewall wire loom things come off of?? those are sweet Not joking..
  16. That's what he said,,,,,,,,,,, anyways :sneaky: :sneaky: and we have been following his lead on many, many Datsun adventures in the past,, We will see how DatzenRick feels when the voting ends. :poke: FYI even if the meet is held at the (barf) sonic , in (barf) tacoma,, ANYONE going through the Centralia/Chehalis area should stop at the Dillafactory, http://www.dillatime.com/info/, the place is cool as shit and the guy who owns it has worked very hard to make it that way... They are open 7 days a week and i have only went there once when the young owner wasn't working..
  17. Always keep the humidity up where your working and it works pretty good... Alotta times we .. me included have a tendency to over clean and dry part before using super glue,,, which is the opposite of what is called for.
  18. Think this guy ,, lol ,,, has a retro fit replacement dash voltage regulator that fits many different models,, he sells pretty cheap. The way the classifieds are now, i can't find proof but i'm pretty sure i'm correct. http://community.ratsun.net/user/4336-dguy210/ Trust worthy seller
  19. Yeah but i think that as well as that badass orange one were built in OZ / New Zealand like Mark mentioned
  20. I think most people didn't want/order that particular paint package,, not that there wasn't many made,,, i think the SUs made it a SSS not the paint. 79 SSS 2 door ,, UK 79 SSS 2 door ,,,,, same owner,, UK . 79 SSS 2door UK . (from what i have been told) UK did not get any 2door trunk type or wagon models AT ALL. Thanks to Dialup2001 for the pics,,,,,,,, dude is an A10 ,,,,,,,,, freak
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