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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Mcminiville may have wine,,, but how many middleaged tweekers on obviously repainted 20" bikes do you have compared to Oly?
  2. Always with the negative waves ,,,, Hey look on the bright side man.. At least it won't be us Olympia area guys waiting for MHub to show up 6 hours after the meet is over this time........... It will be like having a babysitter ,, you don't have to pay... :rofl: :rofl:
  3. I believe no one over here will like Datzenmike alluded to,, have any idea on that exact choice of brakes as 99.9% of Americans have never seen a MG Metro Turbo ,,so there's that.. I also believe Dime Dave clearly stated that if you grind off the ears of the ZX caliper mounting brackets some 13" wheels do fit. My 70s era 13" Western Minilites included. Or did i read something wrong on my end? :)
  4. You won't be sorry you did,,, and we will see you there.. On the blue truck: I believe the owner at the time of that event sold it... either way,, maybe stop and talk to current owner and have them travel to meets and such ,,, with you.. The LOLS ,,, they are there to be had. :)
  5. Those look like they are of a much higher quality
  6. Bickering :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Anyways ,, Like it was said Most of the South sound meets ARE in Tacoma or Port Orchard,, there used to be alot in Puyallup ,, but that is another story.. Teh last South Sound meet that was in Olympia was a small one early last summer. But sorry your mad we finally got one (no thanks to you BIGTANKER :sneaky: :rofl: :rofl: ) in Oly and i hope to see some of you clowns there.. Since you can't make Dilla factory: Don't miss this : DR Feltersnatch productions presents!! Golden Gardens 5/10 day 2015 ,, no complaining cuz it's "to far" either. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/65302-51015-golden-gardens-bbq/ I have it on good authority there may be girls in skimpy bikinis. I think there will probably be at least another in April probably in one of the aformentioned places ,, and/or North Seattle area. And you guys can count on Me and my son trying our hardest to make them
  7. If it's your wifes girls weekend out ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, why do YOU have to be there?? It would be like going to a baby shower if you ask me,,, sitting around watching my wife cackling all week with her friends ,,, i would be putting a bullet in my head.
  8. Like Flatcat said just trust the injectors work and if they don't ,, cross that bridge later. That old school Sun Tune machine that sits next to the door can find some shit,,, won't tell you 1000% it's an injector but can tell you which cylinder is fucking up,, and how much.. I gots me some Noids too so can rule out bad wiring too pretty quickly.
  9. Isn't idle ( not accelerating or decelerating ) the point of highest vacuum ?? maybe there is a problem with your springs inside the vacuum canister.. So when you push on brake ,, the weak springs allow vacuum to pull to hard..... Although if that happened i would think the brakes would lock up... Unless the vacuum chamber stays compressed slightly and doesn't fill all the way up so the brakes might seem to be closer to the floor and/or mushy feeling.. now i'm more confused then when i started trying to help you.
  10. Where are the guns?? i see no holes or anywhere they would even be mounted.
  11. T50 as in Toyota?? If it is,,,, i was looking at that just the other night with the A15 that was laying there.. seemed pretty close. Nice light weight too.
  12. It's half off day at the Pick n Pulls here ,, for tool box members till Monday... Alternators are usually $19.99 plus core,,,,,,,,,, sooo that would be about $14. out the door including the 2 bucks to enter................................................. and what-not site says there is,, an 87 and 86 pickups at Tumwater RIGHT THIS SECOND!!! YO!!!
  13. Yeah it has title and windows but that is about as far as calling it a car as i would venture to call it.. It doesn't even have rear differential or anything that even was in the dash area at all. Rust is about 4-5 inches up body,,,,,,,,,, because that is where the first bit of metal starts. :rofl: :rofl: I do have a decent 2door car,,, full car,, just needs everything gone through to get on road but 2doors aren't the be all ,end all of Datsun 510s that some seem to think they are ( in my eyes anyways) ,,, four doors more whores and all that and i was hoping to get a b210 project off the ground,,,,,,,, well,,,,,, as soon as find one anyway. :lol: Pictures of 2door ,,,,,,,,,, meh,,, if you notice that was the feender of the lizard mobile, up against the truck,,, before i started fixing it up.... Yes i had a choice of 2door and 4door ,,, and picked the one i liked more. :)
  14. There is barely enough metal in that 2 door to still hold the glass off the ground. My friend Bill just wanted it the hell outta his sight.. But yeah we have a few Datsuns,, we actually have 4 running, driving, licensed and insured Datsuns that drive around some daily.
  15. If the vote goes Dilla,, i will have more non members rolling from here,,,waaay to much trouble to go north 15 minutes then south that same amount,,,,,,,,,,, then to Chehalis... from here my group could just mosey down the backroads and still show at the Dilla factory before noon. If the vote goes Tacoma,,we MIGHT think about stopping at his shop, as a couple guys won't do Tacoma if you paid them.... so it would probably just be 4 or 5 of us. FYI my dog poops in his shrub every night just after dark. .
  16. Jeeze-us tap dancing christ.,, i'm surrounded by brown nosers How bout real Jcrotch shop meet ,,,,,,,,,,, Mid April? ................. Would that shut you up? :)
  17. All the masters i have laying around at my feet say 5/8 ?
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