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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I know you are THE schooler of schoolers,,, BUT , check this shit out.......... Since that looks like Mick Jagger plus the crazy uniform means it's most likely a British police man of some kind,, added to the fact of it being a British car ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Multiplied by the goofy look you now have on your face,,,,,,, and the chances of the female driving is probably less than .002%
  2. Run to the curmudgeon 2015 has officially been put on the calendar for August 2nd I know Sunday is hard for some but on Sundays we don't have to worry about adjoining business being open and that gives us whole parking lot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yo. Not sure what time he will want early birds to hang out all day but maybe as early as 9:30-10:00 Coffee and what-not will be available Probably start BBQing before noon till we think no-one else is showing or going to eat any more. I/we should have more than enough burger patties and dogs and soda liquids for everyone that shows , but If you wanna bring something to eat or drink like BBQ beans or your grandmas crazy recipe coleslaw,, bring it.. But if you only bring your Datsun,, that would be just fine. You could probably bring your pet as long as it isn't a fuck-up,, barking at everyone,, nipping small children type POS. There is a real bathroom. Stick this in your TomTom C T Powdercoating 2815 37th Ave SW #120, Olympia, WA 98512 Map link for those to poor to have one https://goo.gl/maps/tzOjx
  3. I think you quoted the wrong guy.. I believe Greased monkey is trying to save that beautiful 4door by trading a coupe for it. And how come you have never offered to buy me a sandwich.
  4. Pretty sure you can move the jet up and down on those models with a screw located under the carbs,, not real sure without book in front of me though. If they are super leaned out at the bottom ,, they had no power at the top. Get a "How to SU" manual through Amazon or Ebay and quite a bit of information will be had. PS ,, this is what i warned you over and over about before we even traded.
  5. anyone traveling I5 and see a 1ton maroon and silver Dodge pulling a green van... get away from it as quickly as possible. only thing holding it in dolley is pretty much tire tread. But on the plus side,, i finally got rid of that damn thing.

    1. jrock4224


      someone tld me there lusting over your car on craiglist but have no money

    2. bananahamuck


      Yeah but i need enough to buy the one i want... But hell if it don't sell . i get to keep it.


      So literally a win-win situation really.

  6. I think most of those i have seen on the internet ( in current type pictures) have been in Malaysia, and Thailand type areas..
  7. Not sure what you guys are even talking about.... Fourth of July is were parents all over America teach our youngest children to light explosives off for our drunken entertainment and hope our teenage children just come home with all their fingers. And seriously what parent has not enjoyed the mid winter throwing of left over firecrackers at their teens when they just won't get off the computer and take out the garbage?
  8. It was just the light green font was nearly impossible to read even on my large screen,, it was like those magic eye books from the 90s only without the unicorn picture at the end ,, the tan/orange works great. ..... Been trying to light a fire under a few local clean stocker Datsun guys to sign up, to even out the field of ratty dattys.. Woo hoo
  9. i thought those truck pictures were the OP posting his....... :rofl: :rofl: Now i'm hungry for some fish and chips and a bowl of chowder
  10. bananahamuck


    you can polish stainless just like you polish aluminum ,, it just takes a helluva lot longer. results are very close to the same though... Stainless won't corrode like aluminum so you wont have to keep polishing all the time either.
  11. Hey, don't be mad at me,,,,,, i'm not the guy who "stiffed" you for a blow job,,,,,,,,,, and fer Christs sake Tator pay yer tab when you leave the room,, bro.
  12. It almost makes it worth it to put up with all the jerk-offs on here. almost :lol:
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