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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Yeah and fuck you,, you cry baby Called you on your own shit and that's all you got??
  2. I believe that is exactly how Rainer beer was made.
  3. Man i should read my own build thread once in a while :geek: It's flat cuz the excavators make it that way.. :rofl: I bet if you ran a "regular" tractor out on that it would make it about as far as the front wheels ,, peat is about 3 feet thick there,,, the top surface kinda just floats on top... It's my parents cranberry bog ,, they have owned them since 1965. I would post a couple more pics but they are a different phototbucket account and the one i'm on right now isn't destroying my internets at the moment ,, so hate to switch . I shall work on getting you some "action oics" ,,,,,,,,,, or kicking my monitor across the room,, which ever happens first. SO i saw an auction for a going out of business internet parts company and put some bids in on some A14 and 4speed longtails( for the bellhousings) and a couple T40/50 style Toyota trannys... Check out what my winning bids were,,,,,,,,,,,, HOLY SHIT !! am i right?? Thought i would win maaaaaaybe one engine.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 8 foot bed .
  4. REALLY?? Maybe you remember posting this little gem Aug 27 2015 08:03 PM http://community.ratsun.net/topic/67320-donald-trump-is-a-moron-born-with-a-silver-spoon-in-his-ass/ Here's the title DONALD TRUMP IS A MORON BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN HIS ASS. What's that about leaving politics outta YOUR beloved Ratsun?? HRH ,, you are being a little cry baby BITCH<
  5. I did not and never will vote for Trump or Hillary, i did the truly American thing and voted for the mutt no-one even wanted in the race,, the true long shot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the stoner dude.. On the other hand , I vote for local reps and judges and state supreme court judges with much thought and input from my wife's close friends,, I yelled at my sons to stop crying when things didn't go their way so i expect at least that much outta other peoples children. .
  6. bananahamuck

    Tail lights

    There's a dude that has been running them on his 521 for years,,, they fit the space pretty good but still look like b210 tails on a 521.. I got no oics but it's not what you're asking anyways so ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uhm ,,,,,,, nevermind.
  7. You just gotta start looking harder for them,, cuz they are out there hiding in plain site.. ..
  8. Now what were we talking trolling about again??
  9. There is no fucking way in gods green earth your valves could look like that in only 1000 miles unless you are burning oil somewhere.. LOTS of oil You either have bad rings or bad valve guides or running way to rich of mixture on all phases of engine use,, or some such thing,,, no way could that much sludge be built up around the valve like that if ,, no way ,,,, no how. And that's a fact
  10. You knooooow , if you became a tool box member they send you an e-mail in advance telling you of this . And now i aint judging but,,,,, i been to that Tumwater location on a pretty regular basis and i feel i must throw this out there,,,, you're a sucker for the big girls eh ?
  11. Only pussies water pick. Real men use one of these And that isn't even our oldest machine We leave water picking to the frogs
  12. I think it said,, everybody was Kung foo fighting.
  13. Here's one i got from HRH that i think his friend welded up for him,,, mounting hole is oblong because they miscalculated when they drilled it ,, and notice they cut tubes to angle the flange better.. No order to pictures as i just went out and snapped a few just now. It is just laying on another engine to get snaps. It's in a thread somewheres but i don't know what it's called not sure why they are all upside down though .
  14. Probably because you were to busy ducking us all morning to get out of going to meet.
  15. It was a loooooong morning ,,, ran out of gas in my car in my yard,,, cuz of fuel line leak i had SOMEWHAT fixed but had forgotten how much gas i had cleaned up a month before,,, OK ,, run down to station and get gas.. After that ,, went to Gas station to top off before leaving, neighbor tire is flat... Ok,,, put some fixAflat in it fill it up and worry about it tomorrow... While screwing bottle onto valve it broke off,,,OK just put on spare and deal with it when we get back...... Spare 13 wont fit aluminum drums,,, OK so lift whole side of car up and switch front to back....... At the pump We then met up with FAT510 Great,, we are on our way,, just a stop to top FAT510s tank off in Napavine and we are rolling , got my cold soda liquid,, clouds were thinning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, till he sticks the wrong key in ignition and locks that shit up tighter than a goldfishes ass,,,,,,,,,,,,, remove the whole shittery at the pump cuz steering is also locked................ Tore it apart jammed a flat head screw driver in there,,, and we're off. Started driving out my driveway at just before 8,, got to meet at i think right at 12 ,,,,, yeah that was a long ass 2 hour drive BUT on the way home we stopped at Otto's sausage and had some pretty damn good beer bratwurst cooked on a grill outside ,,,, so all in all a great day
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