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Everything posted by Stupid_fast

  1. Yeah dude, I figured since I've never done it before I'd set valve lash to cold spec for practice so I can do it quicker when its warmed up. And I took a break for coffee and snack. I treid to start it again and it almost idled this time, it sounds and runs really rough almost like a motorcycle. What could I be doing wrong? It runs OK, farely smooth ... maybe more fiddling with the idle. Could that be ignition timing?! Oil pressure is good, ~65psi @ 1000rpm
  2. Wow, I checking it cold and the valve lash is WAY too tight... datzenmike... *bows*
  3. brakes front and rear are pretty much all NEW, alternator has just been wired in.. CHG light went out when I got it started before. Thanks for all the awesome info, I will adjust everything and get it working properly. And I'm going to run the bitch hard!! I cant tell you how many times I've read this! http://www.mototuneusa.com/break_in_secrets.htm
  4. OK... gonna double check timing, carb settings, ect get it to run for a few min to warm up, set valve lash then take it for a spin? I just got mah feeler gauges. Sounds good... gonna see if I can get this done today.
  5. Well when it was just running it sounded fine except for being rediculusly loud(header haning off block) and not idling ... meh I'll go get some feeler gauges :( I've been working on this damn thing for a year.
  6. I'm looking at the fuel filter, I got a nice clear spectre one... There's a TINY bit of black specs on the filter, but other than that the fuel is CLEAR. I still will eventually have it flushed.. seems OK for now?? Well... I mean, it wont hurt much to just break the engine in today will it?
  7. So I cant drive it until I do that?
  8. OK I'll mess with the carb... shouldn't valve lash be OK for a rebuilt engine? I'm trying to follow the run it hard break-in, says to just warm up & go ... but then again you have more experience with datsuns!! I do not know how to set valve lash, I have no feeler gauges.. The fuel tank had a bunch of OLD gas in it when I got the car, that keeps it clean right? I just drained that out, filled it up with premium pump gas... Maybe there's still some shit gas remaining in the system that needs to be washed out. The pump is a kyosan one ... I'm almost 100% sure its a correct datsun pump. Then again I could be wrong!! This is the first time starting this car BTW ! this chassis has been sitting for 5+ years!!
  9. my car will start, run if throttle is held down, but dies immedietly when I take my foot off after 10-20seconds.... what should I do? fresh rebuild everything new.. I dont wanna mess up my new engine!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. philcas1987


      Ah no!! Idle circuit is messed up somewhere.

    3. FoxyRoadster


      I'm agree with leacaon I'd check timing


      Does the car pop or backfire any?

    4. Stupid_fast


      Car does not backfire, timing is adjusted correctly... Gonna go to the store to get feelergauges anyway... oh well.

  10. rebuilt engine, new fuel pump(it ran, so theres fuel in there), NEW weber 32/36, NEW distributor(it was firing so its fine), ect ect... HELP!?!?! PLZ!??!? I WANNA DRIVE IT!!! Thannk you!! It runs if I hold the throttle on... prettty smooth when I tried maybe 10-20s, then took my foot off throttle and it died... would it idle warmed up?? should I just warm it up like this!??!
  11. OK I can get it to run(around 10-20s until i tried to idle it), but it wont idle. .. Am i not holding on the throttle long enough for it to idle?(the choke is pretty much just OPEN) I need pointers I dun wanna screw this up.... BRB, gonna go get some earplugs LOOOL!!
  12. Naw, I checked it... that was a typo as I thought. Its correct 1-3-4-2! :(
  13. OK Its turning over !! I can get it to start for a second at full throttle, but it seems to be missing.. running really rough... what am I doing wrong? Firing order is correct, 1-4-3-2, tripple checked, its firing, I turned dizzy ignition and it started a little better then died, tuned fuel/idle screws and started a little better, but it still wont idle @ full throttle...
  14. ITS DONNNEEE!! I just have to pick up coolant at the store...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stupid_fast


      Oh, good point. Thanks!!

    3. Stupid_fast


      Got my datsun shirt on, all ready to go. :D

    4. .sunlover


      May the datsun gods watch over you and invoke the raging spirit of kickass into your ride :)

  15. Well, there was a short on the alternator ground wire. So I eliminated that, then it was showing some resistance from NEG batt connection to posi, but it was a ridiculous amount of resistance which means not a problem. Since it was showing resistance I thought there was a short. edit, Hey I got another question. I've been searching it but with little luck. When I had the battery in before testing the lights, ect the emergency flashers worked but not the turn signals... They are just solid lights no flashing. Whats the best way to fix that? edit, OK everythings hooked up and good. Plugged in battery, all good!! only thing left is to fill up coolant and prime fuel... so I filled up coolant and... water pump is leaking.... BAD.
  16. OK I see, I read your post wrong. edit, OK I followed the DQ article... Jumped white/red to white/black, and white to yellow. The white to yellow connection shorts the distributor ground!! What am I doing wrong?! I'm testing it with a multimeter right now. edit, more troubleshooting... the yellow wire from the external regulator harness is shorted to ground! Help?! edit, OK, white blue, black, and yellow are all shorted to ground. I'm assuming this is just a fucked harness, and I do not want to rewire my whole car right now. What should I do ?! Thanks.. edit, fixed it. I removed/capped off the existing alternator ground wire and everything is connected OK now.. I'm pretty sure some stuff got melted when the fusible blew. :( Edit, OK lack of electrical knowledge was tricking me. My dad came in and helped me everything looks good now.
  17. I was wondering what that blue wire was!! I am decent at tucking wires to make them look good, so I think I can hook something up nicely. Yes, it had an automatic choke relay... behind the battery. Wont that drain the battery if I leave it in stock configuration??
  18. OK, I'll see what I can do with that. Thanks!! It seems my 32/36 has an idle cut solenoid ... I have to power that also? Same just hook it up to +12v to have it open ?
  19. Whats the work-around for the relay? on DQ said to use a 12v unit? A generic or actual datsun? I'm searching this stuff now. For this weekend, can I just hook it up to the IGN coil + ? I'm using a pertronix coil remember. I really really want to get it running this weekend so I can work out all the problems in the next few weeks.
  20. ^@71dimer, Thanks for the info. edit, nvm... 71dimer says he will bring me one of yours instead of having to ship it!
  21. If you still have one in a week or so I will be interested. Thats a really great price! edit, Are these for 510's?!
  22. That's awesome, but you know the rules. Pics or it didn't happen.
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