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Everything posted by Stupid_fast

  1. Oh, I thought it was a check engine light... Not going to put most of those on my datsun anyway, was mostly for the sarcasm factor. The only stickers I'm going to put on it are probably going to be just ratsun and JNC.
  2. Figured I'd update this, thanks to hainz, datzenmike, and whoever else posted in my help threads I got it running!! Honestly I dunno why people where saying I would not like an 11lb flywheel... Its extremely easy to drive after learning on an S2000 and 350z. Oh- and, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2S6sK7y_NY
  3. You know he is a bad driver, when he cannot full throttle in a straight line.
  4. ^Yeah, wagons have different spline count. I wonder how hard it would be to get this LSD working in a goon rear end.
  5. My coworker emailed me this over the weekend... In berkely, ca i think. OMG JNC STICKER!!!
  6. I was using it on a dual points dizzy... the pickup was like 4mm away from the madnet, and the magnet was sitting loosely on the shaft... :S Anyway, whiped off the shaft and used some tightly wound electrical tape for the shaft, so the magenet is SNUG on there. Then I drilled the pertronix mounting plate and got it under 2mm from the pickup... so all is good. Dunno why it only fired from two, it was really bizarre. I gotta go buy a timing light... edit, pics are always nice!! where I pulled over after it started heating up on the first run... Finally a picture out of the garage. And of course, with the hood open as always.
  7. It was wonderful. Except when it started overheating on the first run... Too rich I think? Ran a lot better after I tuned it. Second time driving a Datsun, first time driving a 510. oil pressure is good, everything seems good so far. I will update on tuesday when I take it out again, probably tune it nice and first oil change. Maybe even take it to an exhaust shop if I can. Handled great even cornering @ 40-50mph pushed it a little but nothing major. Handles like a big go-cart!! The 13x5.5's give a good amount of traction for this car.
  8. I did, drove it for quite a bit today. That vid was the tuning after the first drive. Surprisingly less bitchy to drive with the 11lb flywheel and roadster clutch than I was lead to believe, easier to drive than a 350z or S2000. Smoooth clutch engagement and nice shifting.
  9. YEEEAAAHhh- Thanks guys for all the awesome help!! seems the problem was only my lack of knowledge. I MacGyvered up the pertronix in the dual point dizzy and had it running by 5:10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2S6sK7y_NY
  10. OK well runs OK, suspension brakes, clutch, trans all good. 3 miles down the road heat started going up!! I turned around pulled over to let it cool off for 4 min, took it down the road a bit until I saw a guy watering his plants, asked him for some water(silly when you pull up in a exhaust-less car asking for water), filled up the rad and went home... no leaks, the hommade overflow can for the rad does not really work well.(soda bottle...) Its home good, throttle had some hesistation ... cant tell how its running really. Power was good, ran pretty strong, I gave it a bit of throttle and engine braking in the turns to get those rings to seal.
  11. First time driving a Datsun 510!! :D :D :D

    1. Stupid_fast


      ...buut it nearly overheated 3 miles down the road

    2. .sunlover


      just working the air out of the coolant system, top it off, and keep going with a watchfull eye on the temp gauge. old radiator could be a bit plugged, or it'll go away fast.

  12. Nevermind, its the ignition. only firing on 1 and 3. Stupid pertronix thing is wrong... Gonna figure this out. Well FML, I have a dual points dizzy..
  13. I see. Makes sense. As for the idle jet... I have no idea where it is, or how to remove it. Is there any guide on this? I looked an an exploded view of a 32/36 and looks like I have to remove the carb to get at it? edit, wow my knowledge and understanding of this carburetor has been completely smashed... lol 2ndary idle jet is a 50..
  14. Yeah I probably could, maybe even 600rpm's. I just didn't think of trying. I will try to get it lower next time I test fire it.\ At the end of the vid where I pulsed the throttle, it was running at pretty low RPM's.
  15. I'm gonna clean the jet, and I'll be back soon with that number.. Makes sense, well now they are set to cold specs so it should be ok. Yeah, its a new 32/36 I got from the p/o ... genuine weber. Thats how it ran after advancing the timing and messing with the mixture, ect... Does it sound normal when I was holding the throttle? I've only heard an L series run a few times.
  16. Here we go!! VIDEO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNFhBrsSIiI was holding on the throttle for the vid pumped it twice at the end, where it fires 4 times then dies is where I completely took my foot off the throttle.
  17. I will check it. The idle solenoid seems fine, I hooked back up to 12v with the little cover off and the needle is moving correctly with power applied...
  18. Its a new good quality intake adapter, I did not tighten it down more than "snug", and used gasket sealer on the whole thing as the instructions said! Yeah after a few adjustments it ran much better holding the throttle, but no idle. Its new... I have it out, its completely clean. Carb is new, everything is new! Yeah, 12v going in it from IGN coil +, daisy chained with the choke. measured and verified with multimeter. Damn.. I don't have the correct conversion software to get it to upload to youtube correctly...
  19. I've got an idea, may the idle cutoff solenoid is not working right. AFAIK I just have to hook up 12v to it to jump it ON, but I removed and tested it this morning w/ 12v and it spectacularly did nothing. ^That facebook ,link in my last post is a video, BTW!!
  20. I timed engine correctly, tripple checked it at TDC!!! I checked the dizzy shaft many, many times!! 11:28's all the way! I'm using an l16 distributor ... so #1 cyl is at like 9:00 ... dizzy is timed to TDC. #1 cyl is at top of compression stroke... Runs rough but OK while holding throttle down, so its an idle problem. Carburetor is NEW, never ran in anything else! http://www.davidcmur...tech/620L20.htm I talk metric!! 0.25mm, 0.20mm i meant! wow youtube completely messed up the audio.. Does this work? http://www.facebook....161102093967713 ^anyone got any ideas?!
  21. I messed around with the idle speed for 2 start-up tries, idled ~3 seconds w/ my foot on gas @1000rpm then took my foot off... It will at least try to idle now, but it sputters and dies. Sometimes it will backfire... Idle mixture is set in all the way, pulled out 2 turns. Tried 3 turns, didnt help. speed screw was set until touching linkage, then 1-1/4 turns more, didnt help, tried even more and didn't help. I richened up the main mixture and advanced the dizzy a bit and it ran better w/ holding throttle - but still didn't idle. Well, valves are set cold @ 25 exhaust 20 intake as said spec on olddatsuns. Should run OK, I'll check valve when its HOT and set to 30 exhaust/25 intake, then take it out for a run. Its too late today to run it, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to fix it. I got a quick video of it running then dying i'll post in in a min.
  22. K so runs OK, but really rough and wont idle if I take my foot of the pedal...

    1. Stupid_fast


      Come on!! I'm now racing my brother to see who can get their datsun running first!! I need this going !! :(

  23. Awesome, sounds good. Now about getting it to idle long enough to warm it up... its REALLY rough, I'm sure Its something small and stupid I'm doing wrong. Thanks for the help. I can get it to start maybe for a few seconds with foot on throttle, when I take my foot off it will try to idle, fire 3-4 times then backfire and die...
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