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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. :blink: that looks to be pretty impressive
  2. "hey, youre gonna have to find a new place to live" ....well, its a unique bday present I suppose?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blitz


      ^ lol no, Itskind of a long story...but I dont really feel like making a whole thread for it...

    3. MicroMachinery
    4. Blitz
  3. I can't begin to comprehend that.....can someone enlighten? 1st....1st and a half? lol
  4. whew back from TN the land of the wal-martians

  5. I would take a guess and say most of you guys have seen this? Well, either way I just saw it and figured might as well... Its pretty long (26min) but meh, it passed the time at work :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5XAP4pCRps&feature=player_embedded
  6. I do like 620's, and cheap! http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lgb/cto/2363501394.html
  7. Blitz

    A bit tight

    Just seeing the title..... thats what she said
  8. hooray for buying new rods and more!

  9. Ah believe ah needs a moturrr

  10. cool, i think my motor siezed...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jennifer
    3. Jayden71


      its early gimme a break!!!

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      break me off a piece of that kit-kat-bar ,,,



  11. lol 8 different guys came in asking to refill their nos bottle...and the bottle was the same. come on, at least take off a sticker or 2 to make it less obvious...

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      are you sure it wasn't the same guy ,,,




      in 8 different masks ???



    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      eight guys came in ,,, asking to refill their nos bottle ,,, makes sense to me ,,,



      takes 8 people to grocery shopping ,,,



      8 people to screw in a light bulb ,,,






    3. Laecaon


      Are you not allowed to refill more than once a day?

  12. Fucking christ. And I'm supposed to go to TN next week...wonder if itll all be over by then
  13. anybody know if nissan hq in TN is open to public?

    1. gcmustang


      I can find out if you want. We are Nissan's main tool supplier

    2. Blitz


      sweet, its not a huge deal, I'm visiting folks there next week and i wouldve just stopped by to see it

  14. woke up to the sound of ALMS outside my window....not much better sounds than that

    1. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      lucky. alms used to come to PIR but the city chased them away :(

    2. Blitz


      I'm sure itll happen to Long Beach soon enough...

  15. ^ lol at the 5 lug 510 (ive noticed that for almost every car, even my miata). and forza waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than GT5. bought gt5, played for about a week ...back to farza :D
  16. lol nice. I believe it though, I have about 7 or so 510s and about 4 Z's...
  17. ^ wow, +1 to that...so true. The sad/funny/more sad part of it is. You have all these people saying more or less the same thing, of overhaul the gov't, reform congress, etc. I mean, the vast majority of the people say the same thing, but it doesn't change. Only because the people in power, stay in power. That's why you see congress sitting pretty with nice retirements and benefits. I've heard the classic "no one is above the law" sure...except for the people that make the law. And that's (imo) pretty much why nothing will change, becasue they'll keep shafting the little man while excluding themselves from any "drawbacks" (for lack of a better word). Sure, they say that a "systems of checks and balances was implemented to make sure this didn't happen" and that probably worked....in the few years after it was introduced. ....Damn, I'm usually middle of the road with politics and whatnot :lol: . Just shows how bad it is nowadays, for me to get involved (which I always don't)
  18. Ok....the original fuse box was blown, so instead of getting a new one, lets mount new glass tube fuses to the firewall, behind the battery...which is tied down with speaker wire, with a bow. Having wipers are an option, so just push in the fuse when you need them to run, and pull out the fuse when you want to turn them off. ....Huh, I guess mine wasn't too bad...:lol:
  19. Woke up to revving and tires screeching...yup, Formula D right outside my window

    1. Laecaon
    2. Aaron Datsun
    3. Blitz


      dont worry, oics and possibly video to follow tmro

  20. lol rx7club. since its a gsl-se it is efi or was it retro'd to carb? Also, I had customers come in with over 200k on the clock, the highest I've seen was a 1st gen, original owner with 280k!!! But it was a 71 so it had a 12A which you can't get parts for anymore.
  21. My work happend to be lucky that our pallet of parts shipped out from Mazda before the first quake (and just got here yesterday).
  22. meh, thats what I get for skimming :P
  23. WTF SERIOUSLY?! damn man.....So basically this is totally separate, i.e. not another aftershock?
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