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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Well this has been an interesting weekend, and I'm pissing blood....sweet

    1. Pumpkn210


      I just wanna tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

    2. MicroMachinery


      Gotta stay away from those type of ladies..

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      hahahaha Micro ^^^

  2. yay being sick....when I get sick...I just GET DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS

    1. Laecaon


      no, you must RISE from the sickness! REMEMBER you must BREATHE, if you say your PRAYERs and BELIEVE you will LIBERATE yourself from the DARKNESS.

  3. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/cto/1918562786.html "It does not run. The only engine problem when turned off was a gear issue, other than that it ran fine." Um.....what? :blink:
  4. Woohoo. Whereabouts in SoCal? anywhere near LB/OC lemme know. :D
  5. Ohh daaahahaha yeah I've done that...I dunno why I had scrambled eggs stuck in my head.
  6. .....? :blink: Speaking of microwaves.....a chick got pissed off at a mircowave because she put aluminium foil in it, and said that 'the foil was fine in the oven!"
  7. HA, my boss' wife says Dieuhbeetus, and App-uh-latch-e-uh mtns.

  8. Hmm, I think I'd prefer Datsun with the stripes...but meh, Medium Datto in Gray, and Medium Splat in White.
  9. You should be able to just twist and it'll come apart. You twist the lock and...? What happens?
  10. Well....now that I know that, kinda late. lol and why is it we always end up thread jacking.....Its all your fault :fu:
  11. Why would there being girls make me want to pay money to go? ...that would be like the same as prostitution...only I wouldn't feel as good after
  12. ahhhhhhhh I just noticed the small oic of the guy looking up :rofl:
  13. Ok, I'll say it... HI and welcome to Ratsun, theres a parts for wanted section..... here
  14. WTF....when have I ever said that? come on, I used to own a rotary, which meant going hungry to pay for gas
  15. I know, but Kevin essentially gave me a ticket, so I figured why not
  16. Woooo definitely making it, then off to RPM the next day.....kinda woo? not to sure
  17. WTF already?! Holy Cheese On Rye Batman! I need to check now... ....AHHHH WACHAAAA.....Damn, I shoulda taken a pic with my rat n wrenches showing....:D
  18. and for some reason everyone says I look like fry....not sure if thats a good thing. But back on topic, a lot of car parts are interchanged between companies. So as for Mercades and Nissan...well......axis powers reunite? ahh bad jokes, I got em.
  19. girls get pissed off over nothing

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      Supposed to check with your woman 1st before you do anything, you know that! :rolleyes: Just like i need to check with Pumpkn to see if it's okay to like certain bands/women so I dont get called a poser

    3. Blitz


      haha yeah, but see, the point is, shes my ex. and apparently for good reason

    4. Pumpkn210


      Learn to take a joke Noob :rolleyes:

  20. Mmm...that's probably the only Frenchy thing I would drive..that or maybe an Alpine A610...iunno, something about it...HA and that was a Renault too, before they scrapped Alpine.
  21. Truly original? http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/cto/1880713611.html http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/cto/1881043801.html
  22. Heh, the condo building I live in is literally on the track for the Long Beach Grand Prix. Like where the gate for parking is on the street they use. So I drove onto the track, jumped out, shot the pic and ran back lol. But the best part was driving the track at like 1 am by myself. Im just hoping I can do that next year!
  23. Ha, I remember those. I think there was a whole site for that, and Mr. T. Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits. A blind man was walking down the street when he happend to bump into Chuck Norris. Offended, Chuck Norris exclaimed, "Do you know who I am? I'm Chuck Norris!" With those words, the man's blindness was cured. But the first, only, and last thing he saw was Chuck Norris' fist coming at him. Chuck Norris has actually been dead for quite some time, but Death has been too afraid to come collect him.
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