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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. why the hell is an analog fuel controller so hard to find?!

  2. for free: my gf. gret addition to a couch, doesnt do anything! FREE please take her

    1. INDY510


      Does she talk?


      Nevermind... still not worth it

    2. Guest


      Already had one of those... I put her on the curb with a free sign

    3. 69FJWagon


      pics help...LOL

  3. Ok so for that price where's the rest of the car?
  4. This is getting to be one of my favorite threads only because its so much good stuff in one spot!
  5. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/cto/1833329437.html I like the "LOOKS GOOD" part. Hell not worth 3k I think...
  6. I dunno what everyone's opinions are about them. But I went to the Dethklok and Mastodon show last november, and it was fawkin awesome.
  7. I love my shirt...but I can't wear it as much cuz I don't want it to fade away (its already starting to)
  8. Very nice. Now, you know I'd have to see this soon right Rafe?
  9. This thread has been a folly of a repost, and a consequence of my boredom. I apologize for this thread, thinking it could at least serve as some humor or a laugh. It seems not. Again, I apologize. Please delete, since I cannot.
  10. Not really, only because of the thread and because I have seriously nothing to do at work an hour before I leave on a friday before a 3-day weekend. Don't blame me, blame my boss for going to a Time Attack.
  11. really? I always thought he was a girl, like... Actually....I honestly DO see a resemblance
  12. I'm actually not really up on the "Twitter" stuff, just the fact that it took minimal effort (for me) to do and it provided fodder for my midday imaginings.
  13. So, on another such forum I happen to frequent...obviously not as much as this one.... "Justin Bieber is having a world tour, and the country that gets the most votes will have him perform in that particular country. So, I say, we all vote and send him to North Korea. Here's the link: http://tweeter.faxo....r_My_World_Tour Click the I Am Human button at the top. Type in the words they give you and the I am human button directly under it. Vote North Korea, which is currently in 4th place. You can vote every 20 mins." Finally being able to fulfil my hatred and annoyance, I've already voted a couple times. Not sure if it'll actually work, but meh, it's a fun way (for me) to make the work day that much faster. I can imagine work camp or empty concert, etc. for him. Suffice to say, I did it for the lulz.
  14. Aw man, I miss Don Herdzfeldt. The whole rejected, Billy's Baloon, La Amor.. And the count kicks ass. On a somewhat related Sesame St. (somehow Kermits in there too..dunno) Bah, not the original video but the audio is the same: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvZ4f_Pnk7M
  15. No kidding! I'm right down there too. I don't know if I'm going to register or not...it's kind of...my...first time....>cough< at jccs >cough<
  16. booo. On another note. I'll try to come again...is there anyone in LB area to caravan with? Sorry Rucky, OC is goin the opposite way for me...
  17. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/cto/1814680231.html
  18. Lol, don't scare the people away now. You. Think. You're. Tough! (sorry, always wanted to say it)
  19. Of course it's worth the extra 3k! It's like, what, +25 hp at least for each badge? :P On another note: shiny motor http://losangeles.cr...1797094208.html
  20. There's always exceptions lol. But I can say some redheads are freaks in bed.....not always the good kind of freak either....But yeah, I have to poke fun at Rafe, hes a dick :P
  21. ...Did I hear there weren't any 510s? http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/cto/1805867951.html Somehow that price scares me, even though its "clean"....actualy I'm laughing at almost ALL of these prices. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/pts/1805581773.html http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/ctd/1805101434.html http://losangeles.craigslist.org/ant/cto/1804777453.html http://losangeles.craigslist.org/ant/cto/1804441926.html ...there's tons more, but I'm done for now lol.
  22. +1 ...but if they're douchbags at least they're clean? mm...mebee not
  23. Hey hey, I don't have OC drama and tons of beetches thinking they're tough. (although its realllyyy funny when they do, and then you just stare em down, and they shut up- true story). But yeah, I don't like OC...too many gingers Edit: ^ implying OC has lots of drama blondes in beamers and benz's
  24. Wow, I guess Chrome came a long way from when I tried the beta on my vista. I didn't notice a lot of differences between firefox and chrome, so I went back to firefox. I've never had problems with firefox on vista or XP, which I have now. (Yes XP IS an upgrade from vista!) Holy night and day difference batman! -> you called? lol had to say it.
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