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Everything posted by ruckycharms

  1. if anyone is on facebook you can find my coverage under ratsun. I posted over 50 photos there. special thanks to Hugh for bringing my parts all the way from Carlsbad. Was especially nice to meet Dana Coon, brother of ChopDerek and his white fontana swag 620. Was awesome to see all of the Arizona crew out here.
  2. f...ing dickhead KUMAR rented my room at the wigwam without any prior notice. so I guess I won't see you guys at the wigwam tonight. f..k you Kumar.
  3. Well I'm in for sure, and i will bring as much food as I can. Not staying at that shit motel though. If that Kumar idiot wants anyone's business then he needs to learn how to speak to his customers. end of rant.
  4. the kid on the phone was a rude little fucker. not sure about giving them my business anymore. plus they want $75 a night. I could stay at the Marriott for that.
  5. I am officially and old man in this Datsun scene. The new generation of Datsun guys are annoying the shit out of me.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MikeRL411


      Easy! They were "Educated" under the wishful thinking nerds so don't have any grounding in "Right" or "Wrong" just "Institutional Ethics" which means "whatever you can get away with" right now!

    3. Seeker > 620 KC
    4. DatMo


      I think im an old datsun too even though im noob as fuck

  6. Who's gonna pay for the " Badass Restored " vehicle, you? Do you even know who the organizers of JCCS are? If you don't then you should not say negative things anymore because you are starting to sound very foolish. Anyone who has ever met Koji or Terry knows that they are two of the nicest people in the Japanese Classic car community you'll ever hope to meet. Their contributions to this culture far outweigh anything you'll hope to do in your lifetime sir. There are plenty of things that could be improved about any venue, but nobody is perfect. These shows are expensive and ridiculously troublesome to put on. And Koji and his team are about as grass-roots of a movement as you can get. Instead of complaining here, I suggest writing them an email and make some suggestions about they might improve the venue.
  7. will most of the Datsun guys be staying at the wigwam the night of the 21st or the 22nd? I'm booking a room this year..
  8. If, it is original Flex Thru window, the " Plexi-glass " is actually tempered flexible glass.
  9. Funny how we never heard from the thread starter again. Whether he sold it, burned it or installed it we may never know..
  10. I PM'd you. The latch is not broken at all. HOwever some of the retaining clips that turn in order to dismount the glass assembly seem somewhat brittle. I am afraid to move them too much for fear of breakage.
  11. Oh man, I was hoping I would never have to look at this pile of shit ever again- BUT I have to say it goes to show you that some people's stupidity knows no limits. Looking at this thing is like setting your own penis on fire. It just fucking hurts... :poop: :confused:
  12. That's pretty much it. I dunno if I would say these are worth as much as people are paying, but I scored this one at a fair price. I would say the coolest feature is that you can unlatch the window completely and slide it out to go windowless. Great for a hot day, but I would imagine it'd be a high risk of breaking the tempered glass.
  13. These were made for a short while in the 80's. They made them for almost all mini trucks.
  14. No one has remade these. But a lot of dreamers have claimed that they were going to. They have sold for as low as $250 all the way up to $1000.
  15. What ended up happening here Carlos? Obviously I am curious about the outcome.. lol
  16. The best one is drilling holes in the fucking fenders to install shitty aftermarket $20 fender mirrors- lmao If you're going to hack your car or truck to do this, at least have the decency to buy the real ones. I'm happy to say I've committed none of these sins, but I was dumb enough to buy a few datsuns that had some of these things done to them. Lol
  17. Price lowered on my 720. check it our in classifieds. Great deal for a clean 720!

    1. mrbigtanker


      Wow 1000.00 thats a great deal.

    2. Burabuda


      comes with free massage?

  18. Price lowered again.. I will burn in hell for this...

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