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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Also Machine Head is fuckin badass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwXwB9cY9Zo
  2. You guys like some weird metal. Or I do. idk Two of my favorite Metal bands right now... because of the kind of mood I've been in. I can relate to the lyrics.,
  3. My LZ has fully floating rods/wrist pins :ninja: Be jealous.
  4. Ever driven a car with a boxer engine? I have and can 100% guarantee you they are not shit. Shit to work on, but very good motors.
  5. Thanks guys!!! Radim, I think they'll probably be out of my budget right now, cuz I'm a cheap ass :( Unless you want to let em go for somewhere around say...$300 which I doubt lol. They would go good with this fun LZ ;) BTW Alex also took this picture! Chick has badass photo skills. Add in my awesome editing skills... Fun by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  6. Side drafts coming soon! Gotta wait it out though... bills first, toys later. After my trip to Indiana I came home from work the first day, and was replacing bolts that had fallen off the alternator. Just my luck. No biggie, I had it done in less then an hour after finding the right bolts. FINALLY got the bed pretty much sorted out and sealed with some cheap rattle can primer. Also multi functions as a guide coat to help me finish up all the little dents. Gutted the 32/36 a few nights ago because of a few stupid issues I was having. Tired of this shitty carb. I can't get this motor to run perfect on it. Too small, not even the newer 5A so it sucks to get idled perfect. Blah blah I could go on for hours... NOW got another 'assistant' on the datto, helping me get bodywork/paint done. Old high school friend that's helping me through the tough times... helping her in return. She's pretty badass, loves the truck, loves photography, loves...well everything. Pretty awesome chick. Sanded the bed today with some new tools I picked up at a good price, and tossed in some Herculiner that we had at AZ for cheap... saw it on another 620 and I really liked it so I'm gonna rock it for a while. First coat on the bed.. I'm really happy with how it goes on. Anyways I'll be back later with some badass pics me and Alex took of the truck. As well as a vid of the new exhaust. I played around with it a little bit more and I'm pretty satisfied. Just need to fix the hangers.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tdaaj


      Hear you on that^^ been looking every where, have not found it.

    3. MikeRL411


      Erich! For the 411s you need to go to Tomica Limited Vintage models.LV65B, LV82A and LV82B. The LV82B is the only R411 but just for you it's a 2 door like the unit you are trying to convert.

    4. ripetomatoes


      oh hey look! a 620 i can afford!

  7. Gutted my 32/36 tonight. Tired of having stupid carb problems so I stripped it down and cleaned every inch by hand.

    1. TENDRIL
    2. metalmonkey47


      Very soon! Just working on the money for em

  8. Why not use L28 EFI? Cut down an L28ET manifold to remove the two center cylinders, and run megasquirt. That's the down the road plan for my LZ22. 3 If you're only planning on 150 or so, that's soooo much easier and cost effective N/A. Weber 45's, big bore, ported A87 peanut, etc. Peter Brock made nearly 200 back in the day with an L(16) I think it was?
  9. Got it. Again fuckin vacuum leaks! The carb adapter slipped a thread over a hairline crack on the side and one corner won't tighten.. im gonna JB weld the stud in place tonight and put it all back together. Off at 10: gonna be pretty much tearing the whole carb to pieces little by little. I pulled an idle jet out and it had shit in it. Again. After 2 days.
  10. Yeah the crank in those LD28s is the same crank everyone uses for the 3.1 strokers. Worth their weight in gold I hear.
  11. how do the emulsion tubes come out on a 32/36?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. .sunlover
    3. Kirden


      Coat hanger is the old school method. Works and it's cheap.

    4. metalmonkey47


      Got it! I thought I'd have more trouble then that. Things popped right out with a little persuasion.

  12. Dyno will be done with new carbs! Don't want to dyno with this shitty 32/36 So I've run into a problem... The trucks been running strange the last 48 hours. a week ago I put on a new adapter to get rid of the tall home made POS that I had prior. Probably irrelevent but just putting it out there, Been running great for the last week but this morning it randomly started choking and missing. It fell flat on it's face for no reason and I don't know why. This afternoon it also did it. Now I just got home and it was at it's absolute worst. Dumped the clutch in the rain just playing with all my torque in the turn lane turning right, and when I straightened out and the tires finally grabbed it fell flat on it's face and ran out of power. Eventually it picked back up and it was okay. Turning left about 2 min later into my side street, it did it again. I can't seem to recall if when it did it the two times prior it was when cornering or not...But it seems that it's either a coincidence, or indication of the problem. I'm wondering if maybe the float is stuck and the fuel is sloshing to the side in the float bowl and it chokes? I'd love to the the regular 'ol D-mike suggestion and drive it until it has the problem, and turn it off, coast to a safe place and open the float bowl but I never seem to be in the right place for that.
  13. I used to have an old Sansui 9090DB that was the best sounding stereo head I've ever had. It was so fucking clean. I WISH I never sold that thing. Got $300 on Ebay for it. My family is pretty big around vintage audio equipment, mostly because my grandpa and dad are electronics junkies. My grandpa has a lot of audio shit left over from 70's-80's that is still in brand new condition. Some of it rare, some of it just plain fucking cool. My dad brought these back for me. Sat in my grandpa's study since the 80's. Barely ever used. Perfect shape in every way. Sony produced these quite a long time ago.. from my understanding the very first square speakers. The quality is pretty great.
  14. Dipyourcar.com Go there for supplies. Plastidip is badass stuff.
  15. Got it!! Tore the gasket putting it on and didn't notice it. Made a new one, and now it's running fine again. Back to the coolant issue. I changed the oil this morning and it was perfect. Clean, clear, no i foam, coolant, etc. Started it up and ran it for about 30 min with the cap off, put the cap back on and drove 15 min. Opened the cap and found a little foam. Fuck me right? Drove it to Lowes to get hardware, and when I got home checked again, no foam. Perfect green coolant. Haven't seen any foam in hour now for the first time, so maybe it was air lock in the pump/somewhere that was aerating in the pump. Still gonna do a leak down test. That'll tell me if the low compression on cyl 1 is rings, valves, or head gasket.
  16. I'm gonna get back to all that in a little bit ^^^^ Leakdown test Thursday maybe? Whenever I'm off. I don't have one, but I have access to a shop with one so I'll just pay the guys. I trust what they do, so I'll hand 'em my keys. Another issue that's not worth starting a thread over: Put a new carb adapter on to replace the tall, warped, home made one I had on there before that came from a JY. Got it all buttoned up and the damn thing won't run. Obviously a fuel problem. I can pump the throttle and it'll run, but otherwise it'll choke and stall. No power, running like shit. Already pulled EVERY jet out and they were all clear. Floatbowl is FULL. The truck ran fine before this adapter went on. I inspected the adapter before I put it on and it was in perfect shape. I pondered the idea of a vacuum leak, but the leak would have to be severe and obvious to stop the truck from running/idling/revving whatsoever. It smells like it's running lean too. I'm gonna blow some compressed air through the passageways really quickly and see if maybe something got lodged in there. Any thoughts on this?
  17. Not sure of the extended length on a 720.. I'll check some sites out in a second. You CAN use front modified Pinto shocks. Check the How-To's for info.
  18. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll be back in a little bit. I'm at work right now, but here's a short video of what clued me into looking into the radiator in the first place. I'm gonna drain the oil tomorrow and see how it looks. Video will be up in a few min. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkKyua49YvU&feature=youtu.be
  19. I got my new t-stat in, and its no change. No surprise. I got a new chain coming tomorrow, so maybe I'll pull the head tomorrow and check it out. How would you bleed the cooling system on these motors?? It circulates well, but I have some slight bubbling in the rad. Just small bubbles flowing along with the coolant. I'm really leaning towards the HG
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