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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Whats that smell?

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      OOooOOh that shmell, cantcha shemll that shmell?

    3. 808DA6
    4. metalmonkey47


      haha I love you guys :P

  2. Nice man! Looks really well taken care of.
  3. Looks like a real fixer upper ;) I bet she's going to look beautiful when you're done!
  4. Speaking of SCCA ;) This is in the ATL woot woot!
  5. What kind of hub caps do you have?? Oops, nevermind, you don't wanna ship :P
  6. How about Datsun nut swingers of Boise?
  7. Clean the fuse holders ;) I had the same exact problem, and i was convinced that wasn't it. Turns out, they had just enough dirt and corrosion to stop me from getting a connection.
  8. Nice! Look good in there mayne I like your better
  9. Anybody got suggestions for a good cheap mechanical speedo?
  10. Best sounding L6 in history. EVER. I'm gonna guess 400+ HP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGDLttSK95w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpbasdIvytk&feature=related
  11. Too bad you're not on the east coast! I'd snatch that diff up in a hurry.
  12. Where on the east coast are you located?
  13. Nice dude! Never seen a 210 hatch interior that well kept before. Good job! Now, kill all that ugly ass emissions, throw on a Weber 32/36, paint the valve cover, and go show it off!
  14. Nice :) So where are you starting??
  15. This is more my style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9vWfkPrdjY&fmt=18
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg7O0GzrHmA&playnext_from=TL&videos=W5XzC8LPpEY Gotta be one of the best videos I've seen in a while!
  17. Shawty yo swag so stupid it retarded.

  18. Welcome to Ratsun! And welcome to another time consuming addiction we like to call "Datsuns" Skib, quit slacking. This is twice I've had to do your yob
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