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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. It should bolt straight in. You have a 63 series and the one you're probably looking at is a 60. Note that 60-series gearboxes may be available for other engine types, so make sure you get one to match the A-series engine. 63 on top, 60 on bottom.
  2. Putting a new one on next week ;) Then FINALLY going for the header/ITB setup It's warm enough now. +1 for that :rofl:
  3. That hood is badass!!! It looks kinda woodgrained!
  4. I love watching videos of SCCA Corvettes from the inside view.

  5. The advance plate it stuck, and I have a leaky diaphrahgm, so I need to put a new unit on it.
  6. Think I'll go have a Dr. pepper nao I have no timing advance. I gotta order a reman distributor from R/A. I haven't decided it it's justifiable though since I'm just going to build a new motor soon.
  7. Well my dad just felt really stupid :rofl: I went out, changed the filter, set the idle adjustment back to the base adjustment. My dad came out and looked at my car and we were talking about re-jetting and shit and he starting acting like an old guy telling me about his old Celica, blah blah small 4 cylinder blah blah. He takes one look at my carb and asks me where the one vac line runs to. It's the only one on the engine. It used to be on the vac advance, but when I was having ignition problems we were out driving around and discovered that the problem was on the vac advance and we took off the line from the advance and ran it to the manifold temporarily and found it ran much better. Long story short, we forgot that was there. It was feeding manifold vacuum to the carb at idle. We took it off and capped it all. I took it out and drove it and it noticeably ran better. It seemed to have a noticeable increase in power. Guess I'll have to wait a few days or so before I can re-calculate gas mileage.
  8. How do you tune off a vacuum gauge? Where are the carb adjustments on the DGV? I might go try my hand at this right now I'm gonna go change my fuel filter in a moment as well. I got one already (NOT Fram!) just never put it on. What jets would you recommend? I'll have to go reference the Weber tuning guide in a moment. It doesn't appear to be. Theres no hint of fuel smell in the gas. I think I'm going to see where I can send a sample to locally for analysis. It's burning MUCH less smoke now with the Castrol in it.
  9. Okay, here we go. I drive very calmly and carefully. I coast as much as possible, as easy on the brakes as possible, and approach red lights braking super early anticipating a turn to green to use the vehicles momentum to keep rolling so I don't have to start from a dead stop. The car is stripped of all weight. No A/C, no back seat, no jacks, no spare tire, two small speaking in boxes, small fire extinguisher, no dash frame with Aluminum dash board and that's about it. The trans and diff fluid haven't been changed recently to my knowledge. I haven't done it since I got the car and the previous owners didn't seem to care for the car much. The heads rebuilt, got brand new plugs/wires/cap/rotor etc. Also has an MSD ignition. The plugs are black, but keep in mind it has a good deal of blow by. I changed the oil now and put some 20W50 in it to see what difference it makes. It does have better oil pressure though ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE8bX6WtgLY I suppose I need to look at rejetting the carb maybe?
  10. Haven't changed the fuel filter, but I need to! The one that the PO put in it backwards Haven't tuned the carb but it may need to be checked. I need a wideband 02 sensor and gauge! Tire pressure it perfect. Carb is like NEW inside. Valves were adjusted a few months back when the head was slapped back on. I put 89 octane in everytime I fill up. My driving is all around town and not light to light runs. I'm always cruising at a constant speed. This is the only time I've calculated MPG, but it seems pretty low for a 210
  11. OOPS... It's got a Weber on it, compression was about 125 per cylinder at the last test, it's on P215/60R14 on rear and P195/60R14 on front. It's really lacking in power too. I have virtually no power out of 1st gear. I can put my foot on the floor and still be going as slow as when I'm at half throttle.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YuV1hHzISI&feature=player_embedded I'm only getting about 22MPG driving on a light foot i don't expect 40MPG, but 22 is really poor.
  13. Check the grommets on the firewall where the wire harness comes through. You can always hose the car down with water and trace the leaks to the highest point.
  14. Why hello there! Whale cum to Ratsun. Nao post your pics of the Datsun!
  15. 177 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Wheres all the posts?

    1. INDY510


      They are all trying to SEARCH NOOB!!!

    2. Laecaon


      181! can we ever break the 209 record of 09?

  16. What head is on the engine? Round or oval port?
  17. Got $2 grand? I fear any horse is gonna do that at some point. Most do.
  18. She does seem to ride him pretty hard. She always complains that he stretches her out when she rides him.
  19. Don't say that!! She's actually on Ratsun! My posting of boobs everywhere scared her off, but you never know when she might come back
  20. Video update! Changed the oil after it lost oil pressure a few nights ago. This is the result. Watch it in HD! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE8bX6WtgLY She really loves the new thick oil I put in there! My oil pressure is MUCH better now. I also noticed right after changing the oil there was a significant amount less smoke billowing out of the exhaust. In fact, there was none! I didn't run it for long though, so I'm not sure what she's gonna do. I'm way happier with it now.
  21. Thanks boss The block has been stripped and sits in pieces, so I imaging finding the casting won't be difficult once we drag it out of the pile. Gotta check for sure though before giving him any money.
  22. This is kind of a long story that I'll try to make brief. Read it all before posting. Here's just a little background. My girlfriend has a deep passion for horses and has been training them since LONG before I ever knew her. She's been working with them recently for a friend and I've been taking her over there a lot lately because seeing them and getting to train them makes her happier then anything I've ever seen, and I will do anything to make her happy. Seeing her around the horses is amazing because she's so different. She's concentrated and so much different around them. And you can tell they love her. The last few times I was there with her, the one horse that she works with the most, Calvin, has been acting kind of strange. They aren't sure why yet, but they think some kids might be messing with them at night. A week or so ago, I was walking the other horse Sophie, and she had Calvin to the side just behind me. She was on Calvin stretching his neck and he reared up and threw her off. This scared Sophie and she kicked her in the knee while she was in mid air. Long story short, HUGE nearly 1 ton horse kicked her ass. He knee was swollen pretty bad and hurt her back a little, but didn't damage her too bad. Just her ego. LOL A few days ago when we were back over there, she got on him and he took off running out of control and threw her off onto the ground nearly stepping on her when he did. (He let a big ass fart out when he did. Funny as HELL!) She got up bloody and bruised and holding her bum knee but altogether not in too bad of shape. Really scared the shit out of me. We ended up tying Calvin to a tree and leaving him for an hour as punishment while we tended to her wounds. She went back out there again the other day when I wasn't there and ended up calling me it happened again. This time no more serious then the last. Seeing stuff like this happen to her really kind of worries me. I know horse injuries can become VERY serious or deadly. Theres a lot of people that have been paralyzed by horse injuries related to falls or getting stepped on. And seeing her come so close to this really scares the living shit out of me. I know that falling is part of training but It seems like every time I get more worried that it might be the last time it happens. I don't want to ask her to stop doing what she loves, but I don't want to see her get seriously hurt from it. She's still pretty busted up about her knee and has trouble walking on it. I need your advice Ratsun. You guys seem pretty good at it Random horse oics...
  23. That caught me by surprise :rofl: Ummm... no moar boobs in this thread. i'm scared. LOL
  24. I tend to skip right to the point were boobs are involved. :rofl: It's usually the best part.
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