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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. How much shipped to Queensland Australia??? lollzzz I kid :rofl: You should just go build a big ass open wheeled roadster or go cart!
  2. I'm very proud of him. He's easily offended. Stupid ass guy doesn't realize that when he returned some parts, that he gave us his drivers license number (for a no receipt return) and phone number. Jackass. Whatcha gonna do though these days? People are fucking incompetent morons, and at Autozone, theres no escaping them.
  3. You know you just discribed a problem I've been playing with on my car for over 6 months and still haven't solved? lol
  4. So tonight I went out with all my camera gear loaded for bear, going to take some epic oics of my car and get some practice in. (More on that later) About 2 hours later, I decide to go head up to my Autozone a few minuets down the road to check in and grab my intake manifold gasket I had ordered a few days back. When I got there, I pulled in as some hispanic dude and a mechanic looking black dude are walking out the door pissed off yelling about something to my friend Joe (drives 350z) and Dwayne (drives Silverado.) Little did I know, prior to that, a HUGE argument had broken out between the Hispanic guy and Dwayne, because the hispanic guy wanted to tear open a box for a $40 R134a retrofit kit, and Dwayne told him before he opened it that he had to pay for it. The customer ended up arguing with Dwayne, yelling at him telling him he was a fag, dick, and a lot of very vile things I won't repeat. Dwayne kept his cool until the guy called him a fat ni**er (sorry if that offends anyone here) and at that moment, blew his top in front of all the customers and told the guy to get out of our store and not come back, or we were calling the cops. Thats the basic story as I understood it a minuet prior to me walking in. I got there and stopped to speak to Joe about something, and another customer about his neat little 13B corolla, and as we were talking, Joe answered a call on the store phone that went something to this extent: Joe: Thanks for calling Autozone, this is Joe, how can I help you? Customer: Is this the Autozone across from Merlins auto? Joe: Yes sir, can I help you with something? Customer: YOU AND YOUR HOME BOY BETTER WATCH YOUR ASSES, I'M COMING UP THERE AT CLOSING, AND WERE GONNA SHOOT YOUR ASSES lhbdglbe **legilbd389ryhbaegb and a few other un-audible words. Joe: Uhhhh okay dude? *Click* At this point, we had a store full of customers and Joe called our district manager to inform him, as the customers muttered to each other about how they couldn't believe what happened, and how well Dwayne handled it. We ended up calling the police who came in force to our store. Filed a report and did the normal. As the spoke to Joe and Dwayne, I kinda fiddled around a bit and ended up clocking in to help rap up for truck and close the store. The cops go outside to do some paperwork and fill out some stuff, and eventually come back inside looking for Dwayne. Welllllll, to add shit to the night, he had unknowingly to him, a warrant out for his arrest from 2007 in another county, because of something stupid. According to his wife they were supposed to re-schedule his court date, but they were still awaiting paperwork on the matter. He never received it, and instead the court put out a low-level warrant. Now the cops take him and leave and were stuck with our thumbs up our asses trying to figure out what to do. We ended up taking his wife the keys to his truck because she had to be at work in the morning. The store looks like shit because we had no closing crew, and the shit of it is, tomorrow morning we the regional manager coming.
  5. Sketchy. hmmmmmmm...............
  6. WTF call the copyright people? Sick em Indy!! ollz seriously though, no offense, but I like their video more Even though your car is moar lower.
  7. http://vimeo.com/25800809 Not the first one. This one is new, and as good as ever!
  8. lol good, you can get air shocks relatively cheap through autozone. I'll get you a part number if you're interested. I think they were $65 for a set of 2 that comes with the air lines etc.
  9. In my experience, there is no substitute for a good paint prep. Remember, you pay for what you get. I payed $30 for some Sherwin Williams paint prep stuff, and it's quite amazing. I've got 3/4 of a bottle still and I've done quite a bit of painting.
  10. gawddamnn... Thats why I ALWAYS wear safety glasses no matter what I do. Hope you have a painless easy recovery
  11. As of today, she's back on the road and ready for long drives!
  12. Use the force monkeygirl!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      Beware the Dark Side.. they'll steal your carbs.

    3. RedBanner


      Im laughfing

      I feal bad

      But Im laughfing

    4. Monkeygirl47
  13. Holy crap, thats gonna leak some compression
  14. Dear Haksuka, please park in my garage and leave your keys on the table. Love, MM47

  15. Topher, you are a natural! What you do need to invest in though, is a skylight filter for day and night shooting, to help boost the contrast. Helps keep the colors sharp and requires less overall editing
  16. Indy, is it weird that we try so hard with some stupid expensive gear, and here he comes with his dads camera and out does us? I'm impressed!
  17. Nice job man! any editing? You used a good camera
  18. Is that the F&F tuning session before the movies?
  19. See this guy from time to time pass by work. Went with a friend in his Z33 to look at a bike, and happened to find the thing in an apartment complex.
  20. Gorgeous car! left you a comment ;)
  21. I swear the guy was inadvertently being a hilarious jackass. Stupidity is the funniest thing you can catch on film :rofl: Lucky no one was killed.
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