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Str8jacket last won the day on March 2 2022

Str8jacket had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Central Qld Australia
  • Cars
    Inter D1310. 1978 620 ute.
  • Interests
    Anything shed related.

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Rising Star

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  1. Hey I've got one of those! Well one of those in many pieces....
  2. When it comes to big Pharma, free market Capitalism doesn't exist. Corporate fascism may better describe it. As for socialised medicine, in Australia it seem quite good. We are running out of other people's money to run it properly though. The further down our path to UBI we go and the less people there are who actually contribute to the nation tax wise it will kind of end up being the snake eating it's own tail. Australia's fastest growing industry is public /government sector.
  3. A 9 year old learning to play saxophone. Sounds like a goose being sodomised.
  4. The ignition coil falling off the fire wall was a good one but my favourite was the fuel squirter falling out of the solex carb and getting eaten by the engine. Dual 5ft long back fire flames in my mates mums driveway as we are trying to work out wtf had happened. Never again will I own a vw 😆
  5. Thanks heaps for the feedback! I had seen a lot of the same comments on YouTube etc. My laptop has heaps more performance specs than required, but still a laptop. Might need to look at options later if it doesn't keep up. I assume that a good computer is needed for any of the scanners? Aside from one 10x the cost what other options are there?
  6. Anyone own a 3d scanner? I'm looking at one of the shining Einstar 3d's. Seems to have good reviews mostly. Good for car parts etc.
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