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    1984 Nissan 720
  • Interests
    Jiu Jitsu

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  1. That's the truck you've owned since 85? That's a teenagers wet dream in the northwest.
  2. I will double check all my fuses again tonight and make sure. I just left all the wires connected for now and, I think I do need to go throw the engine bay and clean up some grounds.
  3. I would greatly appreciate some pics. Is all the wiring the same for the Z20 and Z24?
  4. Should I just unplug the brownish wires? Before, the wires were all red which screwed me up, so I bought this harness from a guy in Cali.
  5. Hello everybody! Where do these 2 go? The red and green lined ones. 3rd pic, do they both go on positive terminal or black on negative terminal red on positive terminal? I've downloaded a wiring diagram and it doesn't make any sense. Just finally came around to fixing this but now I'm stuck. It will turn over but I do have to bump start it sometimes. Doesn't feel like the fuel is being shut off as it still keeps trying to run when I turn it off. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Have you looked into getting them fixed or are they just a bent mess leaning to one side? My buddy has S2000 seats in his and loves them. I had some knock of NRG seats that worked as well with the universal adapter.
  7. I'm down in the Yelm area, I am in need for some of some parts if you are open to adding another under your wing.
  8. Got her all figured out. There were a few suspicious wires that were not doing their jobs. Thank you for all the assistance. Off to my next anger induced happiness.
  9. CharlieMurphy


    I have friends who put Honda S2000, Civic, and Integra seats that bolt up.
  10. I had an 85 ST with a moon roof and no Tac as well. Post that picture!
  11. I quit buying parts. I'm done with it right now. It is bad wiring that is getting addressed. I will do the test lamp this weekend. The alternator is not reading 13.8 or 14.4. Also, the electric fuel pump relay is buzzing like crazy. Every time I engage the clutch it stops. I have moved that pressure switch back to alleviate any ass pains right now.
  12. What's going on everyone! Finally got my truck running somewhat well and the new adventure is a charging problem. I have installed a new battery and alternator but, it still seems like my truck forgets how to charge the battery. As of now, I am charging the battery every couple of days along with bump starts...gotta love parking on an incline. I will post some more pictures tomorrow to give some more insight. Thanks.
  13. Let’s see what happens. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Ratsun/permalink/2159066740817990/
  14. So, would running a line to the canister be any help at all? The truck has been dying recently and back firing. I do know that the throttle cable has been sticking wide open and I need to replace the fuel pump relay.
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