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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. Well, I'm real drunk, recently single, got my shit packed for Canby. Listening to some depressing ass music. I just can't wait till I'm helpin someone with their tranny, and the sun is beating me in the face. Because I want to look like a native american. I'm bringing buckskin custom clothes to Canby 2014 cuz I won't have no lectricity.
  2. I couldn't believe it. She was a maintenance freak, in to the dealership at least every 6 months according to the records in the glove box. Been busy getting stuff cut for Canby, and preparing for a road trip after, haven't kept this thread current. Well, got the tank out only snapped one bolt. The fill tube looks goods, so that's nice. The tank is fucked. I've got a new one headed here soon, as well as a weber. No complaints so far from the neighbors, if the wind kicks up just right you notice a REAL strong smell comin from that tank sitting under the car. Soon as I sort the fuel system, it'll be time to crank the engine for the first time in 20 years! I think it'll do fine. Then once we get it movin, gotta figure out how to make it stop. Should be alright. Should have her runnin before my Bday. I'll put some more pics up after CANBY!!!!!
  3. You could feed a small Datsun army with all that!!!!
  4. Got this one cut and ready for you my friend. Find me at the show. And I'm not sure I follow you Raggleflaggle... Care to expound?
  5. I camilot last year. So many beautiful (even ugly) Dattos in such a small town. I'll never miss a year of Canby if there's no emergency in my life to stop me from going.
  6. Oh sheet!!! And he did it! Good work Tristin, love the new shirts you're pumpin out, keep 'em comin. It's very cool to see Dimer's constructive critisizm, Tristin's pledge to make it work, and then fruits on the tree. Never too many chefs in the kitchen bro, just lotsa different styles to choose from :D Shit, I even make a shirt for the ladies with a RatnWrenches modified with a bow in it's ear. Ratsun girls seem to love it so far. Can never have too many options. Unless you like to wear the same shirt ery day.
  7. I only made 6 1/2 of the E for everyone ones... I wonder if that'll be enough. I have 6 more cut on the table, just haven't weeded them. Oh, and I have white AND also blue "your mom likes this" this year :D Variety is the spice of your wife.
  8. Sounds hot... I suppose. Listen, I hear the Canadians approaching! Some of them may be here already! PARTY!!!!!!
  9. Woot it's Friday in fawking 45 minutes. Then all we gotta do is wait till that one guy gets there and lets us in :D
  10. I'm gonna live in my Datsun for a month or two after Canby. It's the last thing holding me from driving balls to the walls towards Canada. Well that, and my car doesn't run.

    1. crackerjack69
    2. laotsu


      Canada turned me away... and stole my weed. Fuck you, you fucking canucks. I didn't want to go to BC anyhow.


    3. crackerjack69


      I'm not goin in Canada, just by it. And I'll be growing me my legal limit.


  11. You've got an L20B head gasket sticking out of your neck!!!! I'm bringing a buncha those decals. I've got one day left to cut decals before Kazi picks me up, so if you guys want specific colors lemme know.
  12. I'm down for being swooped as soon as anyone is able. If there's room for my table and a passenger, great! If not, fuck it. I'll sit on the ground and sell some stickers dgaf. Janksun, Izzo, lmk. Once I sell some stickers I'll pick up some beverages, and I already have smokables.
  13. Looks like my ride crapped out last minute style. If I can't sort out a new ride for myself , one passenger, and some camping gear, and not to push my luck but hopefully my 6ft table, looks like I'll be at home sitting on $800 dollars worth of decals :(
  14. I've got 87 RatnWrenches decals cut in various colors. Along with a bunch of other designs I'll be trying out this year including a dual color "ratsmo" one I made last night. I already paid my bro to work the table, so I can just kick back and get my Datsun fix :D Doesn't look like my new goon is gonna make it. Still waiting on fuel tank and carb before I can try to start it, then need to sort the brakes out. Looks like I'm hitchin a ride with DattoChinook. Hope I sell some decals qwick or ya'll are bringing tons of food, cuz I don't have 2 pennies to rub together, lulz.
  15. Working my plotter like a mule today, rushing to get all the decals made for Canby! No clothing for sale this year :/

    1. laotsu



    2. jon521


      haha hell ya


    3. TENDRIL
  16. Eyes peeled for a year or more, search ratsun and CL. It took me that long for all my dattos, and I live somewhere they are fairly plentiful. People don't usually wanna get rid of them cuz they kick ass, but you can get lucky and find someone going through hard times, or someone who has no idea what they have. The goon I just bought last week, guy couldn't believe I'd pay $700 sight-unseen for it. He wasn't a Datsun guy.
  17. The girl I've been seeing is pissed at me. She cut up all the ratsun girl shirts and panties we made for the show, and strew them about my work table. Looks like I'm goin solo for the show. Some women, I just don't understand. See ya'll at Canby :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DatMo


      micro. lolol

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Well that was a childish maneuver. Not all us women are like that. Some of us are actually grown ups. Too bad but you're better off without a twit like that.

    4. crackerjack69


      Happier already, and have most of my products ready for Canby!

  18. Well I'll sure miss that guy, whoever he was. And back to the subject, I don't think Mike has time for FB. He's too busy baby-sitting all these ratsun crybabies :D
  19. Oregon DEQ is pre 75. We don't have the rolling DEQ which sucks. Pretty sure you can get a 620 to pass deq without the smog equipment. All else fails, you can get a waiver if you spend $200 at a legit shop trying to fix the problem.
  20. De-smogging a 620 makes it far easier to work on, and eliminates tons of failure points.
  21. Whatever J, come over and let's de-smog the mofo. Yeah, gonna be a bitch pulling the married intake/exhaust, but can be done. Bring over some beerz and gaskets for both manifolds, we can sort it out. I still say de-smog though, eliminates a lot of potential leaks, makes the motor way easier to work on for future repairs. But if you're pullin the exhaust, your pullin the intake on this one buddy. I'll help you for free no matter which way you decide to go. "Cho ass over here and let's fix it yo!
  22. Aint found a way to kill me yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crackerjack69


      Another badass in the dirt :(

    3. Guest_kamakazi620


      They come to snuff the rooster......cuz alarm clocks replaced you der der

    4. crackerjack69


      Fuck alarm clocks. I sleep till I feel like getting up. One of the perks of being self-employed.

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