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Everything posted by lil89ram50

  1. haha yea i never put a napkin in there till that trip! i put it in at minot, it was driving me crazy!!! and i mean the tape adheasive on the box. a little tar and bug remover should take it right off pretty quick. i run a fire works stand, and i used that truck to haul all the fire works this year from the semi trailor to the store. countless trips in that thing loaded with explosives :). we had to put on a huge show, the datsun was used, a slight chance of rain, and we covered it with a plastic tarp thing and taped it down till we got to location. thats how the tape got there. god i miss that little guy.
  2. any one on here changed a clutch in a 89 honda prelude? i miht have to. just wonderin if its an easy one or a hard one to complete, and do i need any specialty tools besides a clutch alignment tool

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      I just wanna tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

    3. Datsunny


      one of the hardest clutches to replace ever no joke

    4. lil89ram50


      ok so are you serious about it being hard? cuz 808 just said it wasnt that bad.. i need a real answer

  3. your sure this is not an lz motor? idk, it kinda sounds like it since you said it already has the pistons, and a master link in the timink chain.....
  4. its a very addicting truck, you gust gota get that tape adheasive off there lol i for got about that shit.
    1. lil89ram50


      this look any gopod? i think i have a tranny. is this the tranny people swap into 510's? should i get a pic of the tranny i have first to make sure its the right one?

  5. pics, price? better post atleast a price up, and pics if you want to actually sell it
  6. i agree. sorry guys. i just thought general, talk about ANYTHING meant anything, not just datsun related. i agree.. who has some they wana post? lol nope, no pre runner for me. then it will never sell if i want to sell it... i agree! you do the swap for me. and pay for it.
  7. 3.5 gallons huh? lol sorry just had to point that out for ya....
  8. how do you like that motor? i hear there pretty weak. i have driven the one im guna get once, but it wasnt running quite right, it needs a tune up. hows the gas milage? how many miles you got? the one im getting has 250,000 i believe! haha its crazy, but i just need to get through the winter then hopefully paint, rims, couple little things then sell, or do the paint and stuff and a new motor and keep it
  9. getting a red extended cab b series in 2 weeks guys! i want to go kinda old school with it, full moon hub caps. not sure what i want to do body wise for paint tho. got any ideas? base coat will be the factory bright red. its lowered in the back, not yet in the front, but i will get the lowered i beams. so i need some ideas... maybe a rendering? hope i dont get flamed again
  10. its a very nice wagon, almost to nice to sell. you'll prolly never get what its worth TO YOU. the only way i would sell if it was to a member that would treat it right. i have no idea what to ask for it, but it shouldn't go cheap.
  11. actually, you couldnt tell it was part datsun at all, it was only the rear end, no body panels what so ever. and it wasnt hacked, it was quality work. your no one to talk about hack jobs. lol i kid, i kid :P i think it might look better once they finish the body on it.
  12. this car looks ugly, like a bunch of cars hacked together....
  13. wow goki, that actually doesnt look too bad!
  14. looks worth it, and looks like a very nice seat to boot!
  15. congrats on the new truck :) now lets see some more pics of it! and the other cars, we love any thing, well almost. welcome to ratsun
  16. so how about the kit in the bottom of that page?
  17. looking at these 2, but i need opinions on which is better? My link or My link im assuming the first one, but i need opinions, any other ones i should consider?
  18. i have a bunch of friends that love iwata brand, but there not into air brushing so there not sure how that live of stuff is. im sure its great just like the larger guns tho! that is exactly what im looking for! and its a good price too if its any good! i know i said 500 was my budget, but that was just a rough idea guys
  19. also i have a budget of about 5 or 6 hundred bux. hapefully that will get me a full starters kit
  20. ok so i cant really find any thing on that brand? there are some ppl saying they are out of biz.? got any good links? looking for like a full starters kit with the the compressor and a gun and maybe a couple needles and tips and some paint? not looking to get her anything shitty, but it does have to be fairly user friendly
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