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Everything posted by lil89ram50

  1. is the 6th one from the bottom any good? comes with compressor and everything. model number VL-100D thanks for the help guys, i hope there is some one on here into this stuff air brush kit
  2. what is the black panel van/car in this pic? it is awesome!
  3. hey guys, my gf wants to start painting cars for fun. i do quite a bit of work on cars, and paint a few, but she wants to learn too, and i want to get a new set of guns, which i think i have sorted out, but most importantly she wants to air brush. i want to get her a quality gun for x mas. what should i look for?
  4. idk if teflon tape will hold up to the brake fluid, but it will be enough to test it to make sure thats where the leak was.but yes teflon tape was the word i was looking for. let us know if that solves the problem, then we can tell you what to do for a perminate fix if you cant figure anything out.
  5. well it depends, how do you want the finished product to be? the more you put on the more your guna have to sand off to do a good paint job, but you can do a really good rattle can, if you take your time, you can even clear it
  6. truck still looks bad ass
  7. about time! it could be the nipple where it threads in. is that what it looks like? you could try using plumbers tape the whits silicone tape shit and see if that helps
  8. haha man im just joking, dont rush this job and fuck it up (fiberglass rockers). and post pics. also did you look at the 620 to figure out the problem with the short? or bad connections?
  9. radio... y are you on the computer? that SHOULD mean that you have already bleed the master cylinder, and the brakes, and your here to tell us the out come ?
  10. haha man me and a buddy are planning this same swap in his 77!!! except with a ka24de, possibly forced induction :) take lots of pictures, we might be starting this winter.
  11. yup theres a short some where. since its charging related, i would check out the alternator and the voltage regulator first.
  12. you know, i could have done all that in about a day. clutch job, like 3 hours, lowering, like an hour at most, painting, maybe 3 hours in that, weldint the trucks together, well that took a lot of measuring, but it did only take one night to complete, about 3 or 4 hours and buying the mazda, havent done that yet. and if you wana know how there coming along, im working on getting the money for the mazda, the welded trucks are now in the junk yard cuz my motor has a hole in the front of the block due to a timing chain problem, and i cant find a block to replace it. oh and the 510, well we can pretty much say thats never guna be seen again. so no one will ever have it as a head ache every day throught the time they own it. cuz thats what it was for me.
  13. any updates radio? did you buy this thing? nad its the 521 done yet? its been how many months on just a brake job?
  14. you can make your own panels out of stronger material, that's not guna rot and deteriorate with age like the factory cardboard crap
  15. i need some coilovers for a 97 impreza for a friend, or just lowering springs.. 400 dollar budget. where can he get them? new or used, as long as they lower and stiffen, but not cut stockers

  16. look at our newest member, seems like a real bright guy huh?

  17. hey how come that sr valve cover slopes down at the back? first ive sen like that i think
  18. i'd like to see pics of this turned full lock and not rubb fenders. unless full lock is only a few degrees on this thing
  19. anyone know any good mazda forums? gettng a b series and have a few questions

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      ^thats the one!^

    3. lil89ram50
    4. Pumpkn210


      1 request, dont be a douche like "Most" Mazda b-Douches!

  20. yup i had a chevy luv, and i loved that hood! it made working on the whole motor lots easier cuz you could actually get a lot more light in there.. and it really wasnt in the way too much
  21. wel i just went back and talked to the owner of the yellow one, he wasnt home earilie, but he already sold it before i got there. some time between the first visit and the second. :( bummer cuz it had a real nice weber and a very nice header on it!
  22. i think if i did it, id do a dog house tilt front end
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