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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. You don't have enough money my friend to make more horse power then me. Be nice it's a pissing match you won't win. My FJ came with a mega squirt,and that's the first thing I got rid of.I hope it works for you.
  2. Very true mark about family. And it still coming along real nice.
  3. Sure big boy,tell uncle what you want for your birthday.and by the way do you like gladiator movies,do you like see grown men naked.lol
  4. Very good Mike I like the last sentence the best. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  5. Sorry Smoke its not 530 but its 500 its the only picture i got. Will that do for now
  6. Very nice and looks like he is polishing it already. :thumbup:
  7. Must be a Datsun parts LLC motor.lol
  8. Dude nice truck now lose the stupid trucker chick on the grill.jeez we don't even do that here in the states.
  9. He looks like he is on Ratsun all the time.lol
  10. Happy 521 day everyone.oh wait sorry happy 510 day yea what those other guys said.
  11. So that is not true sorry,everybody is built different and peoples tolerances are not the same.I am 42 and been working out my whole life plus martial arts when I was a lot younger,I bench over 530 lbs and rep out 4 plates without batting a eye humbly speaking,The truth is when you are always humping and then just stop or slow way down is when the body wants to shut down.. Just like a guy who worked his whole life retires and then does nothing but rest all day, that's when the body says I have had enough and it's time to go.I will keep pushing to do more weight up until I hurt myself and then call it quits.. Oh and let's not forget about shoulders my other favorite work out,behind the head military press and not a smith machine almost at 4 plates.I just love it. I am eathier blessed or lucky,and strength is not everything I know I know.I just do it because I enjoy it. Yea now pump some Iron yea.
  12. You should take up drinking it seems like the best part of your life is when you had a 521 and were cool like us 521 guys.. Its ok though we all can't be like me I mean Mike.lol
  13. Wow, see spend my money but not yours I see how you are.
  14. Sounds like a good work out more muscle training and less cardio..people think cardio is the way to loose weight and there wrong,muscle training is the best hands down period. A guy like me should do cardio I can lift very heavy things but I have no cardio which of course gives more stamina and heart rate.
  15. Really,we'll if you don't know it just bumps back to the top..
  16. I tell you what, when you buy a set i will buy a set,and do the whole v8 thing just for you.I want photo's of you holding it at your house with the receipt also showing paid in full.
  17. Good call wayno I forgot about east coast,but hes right also see if you can source a ugly ass 620,good gearing and it is the same demensions and that would fix almost all your problems right there.
  18. 15x8 is hard enough without the 2" wider rear end.WHy did they swap it in the first place,only thing i can think of is higher gearing.I do know depending on offset 15x8 wheels and depending what tires you will rub the leaf spring plates or were the U bolts go in to.I would look at getting another 521 rear end.
  19. nissan jam registration is now open.

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