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jefe de jefes

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Status Replies posted by jefe de jefes

  1. It's Sunday..."Are you ready for some football?" GO RAIDERS!!!

  2. Looking for the falling satalite. No sign yet...wait is that it...nope just Mayor Adams going out this evening on his broom. rim shot

  3. Looking for the falling satalite. No sign yet...wait is that it...nope just Mayor Adams going out this evening on his broom. rim shot

  4. tell me why i see 2:10 on my clock so often?

  5. I lowered my car 3 inches today..... With a screw.... Damnit my tires matched too that doesnt happen often:(

  6. I lowered my car 3 inches today..... With a screw.... Damnit my tires matched too that doesnt happen often:(

  7. ratsun has stopped sending me notifications about pm's

  8. All I want to do is ...DRAG RACE!

  9. Drove all the way out to Eagle Cliffs Park. Caught a couple rainbows. Truck did very well.

  10. fat girls in thongs

  11. wifey is going to the junkyards with me today. it'll be her first time and shes excited!!

  12. What's On Your Mind?

  13. wifey is going to the junkyards with me today. it'll be her first time and shes excited!!

  14. heh, i talked back to the boss' peta/feminist wife (also coworker) and i still have a job. win

  15. sweet...after 4 years of working here....I get a raise...a whole 2%....what a fucking bastard

  16. k the 411 is going to get a motor swap... anyone guess wat its gonna be?

  17. Stupid Question: what does GLWS stand for? LOL!

  18. now with 20% less rice!

  19. Paging Datzenmike to the Ratsun front desk please... lol

  20. i need movie sugestions

  21. San Diego Chargers.

  22. San Diego Chargers.

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