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jefe de jefes

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Status Updates posted by jefe de jefes

  1. Can't finish my 280zx strut swap! The threads in one of the bottom bolt holes is effed up. Messed up 2 bolts in there. I need a tap now :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      Just give it a little tappy; a little tap-tap-tap-a-roo.

    3. INDY510


      12x1.25 is for your lugnuts


      Seems a little too big for the struts

    4. jefe de jefes

      jefe de jefes

      I have some spare studs and they fit the bottom of the strut perfect.

  2. Just ordered some inserts. Now the waiting game....

  3. More rain.............

  4. Oakland ! Yeah! Lost my voice!!

    1. INDY510


      Overtime FTW!!!!



      just down load it or wait for it on net flix



      just down load it or wait for it on net flix

  5. So I got a ticket in the dime today. For what you ask? Cause I was wearing my headphones. Damn CHPig....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Logical1


      I see people cruzing around with 'Ipod' ear buds all the time up north and never heard of anyone getting a ticket. Total BS.

    3. jefe de jefes

      jefe de jefes

      I'll know what my fine is in around 3 weeks. I have a Japanese lic plate on the car but he missed that.

    4. GUS-GUS


      Ugh!! I guess it's their time of the month.. such idiots.

  6. 59-14 OAKTOWN!!

    1. INDY510


      That was the BEST game EVER!!!!

    2. BvtnDave


      Just what Raider Nation needs - a total beat-down on the Denver Chokehorses. (IN DENVER) I am lovin' it! Now, the Seattle Sewerchickens must be roasted...

  7. Brock Lesnar just got rocked!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest





      Yes he did! GOOD NIGHT!....

    4. I'm BLUE
  8. 106 degrees out and still picking up steam. :(

    1. Pumpkn210


      I just want to tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

  9. On my way to purchase derux's 510

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. INDY510
    3. metalmonkey47


      OICS OR IT DIDN't HAPPEN! lol congrats dude!!

    4. jefe de jefes

      jefe de jefes

      Pics in a bit. Still on the road.

  10. Just touched down in denver. Next stop Atlanta.

  11. Can't believe I'm in line for an iPhone. Got here at 5 and there's maybe 20-30 people in front of me!

  12. Buddy of mine told me of an old truck he saw in the weeds.I went to go look today and it turns out it's a NL320! Only saw one side but looks clean and complete.Gonna go look for the owner tomorrow!

  13. Just fixed my iPhone. Stupid home button wasn't working. I had to power off to go to my home screen.

  14. Lakers!! Nuckin Futs!!

  15. Where'd you find the synchros?It was nice meeting you. Sorry I couldn't stick around longer to chat Datsun. Had to go and pick up a windshield.

    Take care

  16. Hey Hurley. I'm not sure if i'm going to make it to the swapmeet after all. I just bought some dual mikunis with manifold so I have no more spending money:(

    I think I have an extra flywheel and pressure plate...I'll give you a call If it looks like i will go and maybe I can meet you somewhere.

  17. ha, yes the tacky lambo door kit everyone is raving about. Lol

  18. I can't remember what condition the b210 was in. I might go back this weekend. I'll take some pics for you if I make it out there.

  19. the front seats on the 1200 were torn iirc. Rear was in good shape just dusty.

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