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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. So I was trolling craigslist and I found these. They are vintage Recaro LX-B Idealseats. I bought them from the original owner, who purchased them for $1800 from Recaro in 1991. He used them in various cars over a 5 year period and then had them completely reupholstered. He put them in another car in 2002 and took them out in 2004 and put them in bags then pulled them out a month ago and listed them on craigslist. So the upholstery is only 1.5 years old. They are in mint condition essentially, very firm bolsters and very nice upholstery. They make the car, they change the entire way I look at my car. Best part is that they mount on the stock rails with some minor modding. I picked them up for a stupid low price. And the car today.
  2. Full tube front end conversion time. I would like to see what you come up with though for the bumper.
  3. Lol. Well, nobody else got the name "Maxima" either. But that is what is kind of awesome about these cars, they are like a custom vehicle just done for one country, the US. Which is pretty awesome.
  4. Its the same center console as a 910, along with all the interior parts. in addition to being impossible to find in other countries as well. And they are all 910 as far as I am concerned, we just got the 910 with the best options. I will not ever refer to one of these cars as an 810.
  5. Number 1 part missing in Maxima 910? Center console. You find one, reinforce that f**ker with fiber hair so it dont crack.
  6. Congrats on the new Maxima man. these cars are addicting aren't they? Great stuff. Change those small lines on the intake or remove them ASAP, thse are the worst ones. I replaced everything else and then what do you know!!Tthe first time I drive the Maxima after all the work, those little bastards blow up and I had to call my wife to stop at the autozone, grab plugs and block it off real fast.
  7. When the hell did you get a new maxima? lol
  8. I have found wheel halves for all sizes 15" and up. I will keep you guys updated once they are available. Currently they are not out yet. The wheel craze for smaller wheels is going nuts right now. Wheel companies have noticed and my manufacturer cant keep his inbox clear. I can tell you guys that within the next 6 months you will see 15" and 16" rim halves become available. You guys can check out AMCrimhalves.com for current inventory 17" and up. But keep watching that site. They will be available, the tooling is being made right now. It took me months to find this out. After doing the smaller rim halves, they are planning on making step up lips as well, 15 to 16 or 17 for example. I dont work for these guys, but thought you all might be interested to know since there has been talk of 3 piece wheel building lately.
  9. I have heard of that too, Thats an awesome way to destroy a lathe. we always use the exact same point for programming in the lathe.
  10. I had to recently setup a machine that was not setup from origin point, but ran a 4th axis, multiple offset setup. In this setup there is an offset for each angle and plane which is machined on. There were 6 offsets for op1 and 2. Six......., versus having them all done with 1 that the positions NEVER change, and can be used on every part programmed this way in this machine.
  11. When programming in multiaxis (4+) situations, it is always easier to program from a central point. Meaning, the intersecting point of all axis datums. For example, we program a setup on a 4th axis tombstone where there is only one offset, that offset is the central point of the rotary axis, the central point of the z axis and the central point of the x and y axis. Programming this way allows us to simultaniously machine 4 different parts at the same time, all with multiple compound angles that can not be done in less than 3 operations on a 3 axis. Or for example a set of parts that requires two pieces and each needs an op1 and op2, meaning 4 setups would normally be required to make them. This way, I set the machine up one time, on one offset, and it makes all 4 parts all day long until we have enough. It stops every 2 hours to allow us to remove complete parts, rotate ops1 to ops2, and put in new raw stock. All this also has to be programmed with backlash, meaning that before going to any rotary position point, the rotary axis stops, or goes to -30* prior to that position in the offset. This ensures that it goes to exact position, as opposed to just directly going to that position from any direction.
  12. That is very nicely machined! Im with Mklotz, Did you do that with 4th axis?
  13. Does anyone listen to the show "Car Talk" On NPR on the weekends?The show is hosted by two brothers, Tom and Ray. Tom passed away today. I listened to it with my dad and grandfather as a kid, and started listening to it again in the last few years, as I usually listen to NPR on weekend mornings. Its been broadcasting reruns for most of that time because of Toms alzheimers. http://www.npr.org/2014/11/03/357428287/tom-magliozzi-popular-co-host-of-nprs-car-talk-dies-at-77 R.I.P. Tom Magliozzi, you will surely be missed.
  14. I think I am just gonna powdercoat them black. We have it already to spray all the time here so its easy, their being sanded right now to prep them.
  15. I really REALLY tried to, lol, but there was that street light pilar there, and not much room. I have done it before on the drivers side though. we have this place called "Scottsdale" where all nice cars essentially park this way.
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