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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. I have a friend who used to be into Donks, its not a new thing, this was like 10-15 years ago when he lived in Detroit, its HUGE back there. Those guys are not screwing around, as dumb as it is, most of them have over $100,000 into their rides. I just want me like an 79' Monte, Training Day style.
  2. Its the angle, it wouldnt look so gaudy I bet from the top, The light blue accentuates the chrome in a way that makes it look like too much, it probably looks fine in a normal view. I mean I dont see anything out of the ordinary here. Brake booster, valve covers, alternator, carb, air cleaner, all pretty much SOP for chroming in an engine bay.
  3. Frankly the prices on Knee mills lately are astronomical, I wouldnt pay any more than 2000, and I myself honestly wouldnt even be looking at it for that price unless it says Bridgeport on it. Auctions are your friend too with this stuff, see if you can find local equipment auctions of industrial places that are going out of business. Check all the ball screws, as Matt said test XYZ axis with indicators, check the spindle for runout, turn it on if possible, inspect the bearings (make sure they dont sound like a cement mixer)
  4. Your anti guns and anti patriot act. Wow, you must be a genius, what school did you go to? I must send my kids there.
  5. Um yeah, the liberal media and everyone else should just keep their opinions to themselves. Maybe the book is a bad idea, but now its just being used as another push for gun control by making the well armed society look crazy. #tiredofthisshit.
  6. I would like an explanation of how 15 year old cars have any effect? This would make legal a 1999 automobile. The longest lease I have ever heard of is about 2-3 years, and if your paying for a car over 10 years your not very smart or using your brain. So please elaborate on how 15 year old cars almost at the point of being an antique, (which is considered 20 years old) will have any effect on ANYTHING other than the tuning and vintage exotic market that doesnt matter to car builders or the government? And elaborate much farther than that actually. Last I checked GM is facing another downhill decline to being screwed, and America has NO investment in these companies anymore. Nor would this have any effect if it did since the general populous wants new cars, not old ones. You might want to straighten out your facts. And yes, these petitions are largely meaningless, just like our entire two party system that doesnt work anymore. But none the less I would like to hear the response, and 100k signatures gets us that at very least.
  7. We should all sign this. Its been up for 2 days and gotten over 1/3 of the way there already. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/repeal-dotepa-%E2%80%9C25-year-rule%E2%80%9D-car-import-ban-15-years-and-allow-importation-non-conforming-cars-and/PhZ4RMgz I actually want to see this considered. And if its denied, I want to hear the BS reasoning behind it since the Grey marked hasnt been taking money out of the U.S. German car dealers pockets for 25 years now. That is the reason it was started in the first place, people were importing from europe to get around taxes and fees and not pay dealer costs in the U.S. It never had anything to do with JDM cars.
  8. Sorry I missed this, nice maxima.
  9. I really dont know, I am pretty pissed about it still now too. I spent a lot of money with that company for some organic sprayed on crap that comes off in acetone and smells like spray paint. I dont know what happened and I dont understand why they are treating me like less than a person and less than a customer. They will not return my emails or phone calls now, and the one time he did return my email the operations manager admitted tha the didnt even look at the bolts when he got them and only looked at them at a glance when they were done to make sure they were black. Well they were already black when I sent them to them, I needed them to be black and corrosion resistant, not spray painted. Its really upsetting because America used to be the King of Chrome, and now in 2014 I cant even trust someone to do a really simple job of chroming some bolts.
  10. Well yeah, so all that actually happened and I am still dealing with it, and it looks like im gonna get F$%KED..... so that sucks and I am out like $400 for everything they screwed me for, including the bolts because I dont know what they actually did to them, so I cant trust them. So the new company reccomended a different plating called Black Electroless Nickel or EN plating. They can do black chrome as well, but he said that the Electroless Nickel actually looks better on socket head caps. they cahrge $175 a lot and can do the same ammount of bolts. So here we go again.
  11. Yeah, I am just confused and upset at this point. Black chrome is really hard to find, I want the look really badly on my hardware.
  12. I am working it out with them still, thats why I havent mentioned the name of the company yet. I am giving them the opportunity to make it right. Black chrome is not powdercoating, its a real chrome plating process with slightly different chemicals. They SPRAY PAINTED THEM!!, I would post pics but I need to get this worked out first, this is insanity.
  13. The chromers took my money and sent me back black spray painted bolts. I am not even kidding. I did everything over the phone with handshake deals and they only accept wire transfer, so if they decide to screw me, I have no recourse, not even BBB. This is one of the largest chrome shops in the entire country (12 foot chrome tanks), they actually invented Black Chrome. They deal with the US military as a client. I am really extremely upset right now, and dont know what to do. I have $400 into these bolts right now, and nothing done to them. And let me reiterate, Yes, black spray paint..
  14. Worthless without engine bay pic. I always assume its a fake if the hood is closed.
  15. damn thats fucked up. lol, I have been running dual HAAS horizontals on this crazy 4 axis setup for the last week, the parts run should finish up on tuesday.
  16. I just looked at one for $600, only the third max I have seen for sale in my area, I bought the first one. The interior was fairly beat, and the body could have used a paint job, mechanically and scructurally in great condition though with like 85k on the odometer. I was just not looking to restore another maxima interior, especially one of the rare station wagons that nothing is available for now.
  17. Too bad a douche bag ended up with this car, same thing happened to Chris Grays turbo, next owner painted it with a paint roller. I am not even kidding. Gray had succesfully built it for autoX with turbo and everything.
  18. I love the rusty look but what happens to the cars people do that to over the long term? Or do they paint it before it gets too bad and eats through? I think you can keep rust a long ass time here in Arizona but I always wonder this shit when I see a rust styled car.
  19. Damn that sucks, Its hit or miss here too with S chassis stuff. I have a few really good ideas for custom front tension rod setups that would be fairly cheap to produce.
  20. Damn, thats a gold plated K-series with what looks to be a $2000 Toda ITB setup. They even gold plated Brians mounts!!! lmfao. Not my flavor but wow, thats crazy.
  21. $260? Jezus............... Me and _Unkonwn dont have the rust problem, structrually, ours are perfect, mine just has no clearcoat lol. I suppose if it was a beater I was not planning on restoring I would feel different. You should restore it eventually though, their hard to find now, How bad is the rust?
  22. I am not going to rant about this, but I can assure you that if you ask any engineer, aluminum is not just aluminum, theres quite alot more to it than that, and safety issue aside I will say this: I am a machinist and I work for an American manufacturer who produces motorcycle wheels, and has their designs continuously copied by south asian companies, I can tell you honestly that every time you buy this stuff you you take money from my, and many others wallets And not being patient enough to save another $200 to buy something that will hold some semblance of value is fairly.......wtf? Once the Rays are done, I will be in them $1300(before tires), and I assure you no one else will have a set like them on planet earth, and I also assure you that If I can do it, so can everyone else, and much cheaper if you dont get 3 piece wheels.
  23. Lmfao. Nobody even said how big the motor is. Not a big fan of 3 cylinders tho.
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