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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. This guy, lmfao, calls me argumentative and then attempts to insult me, hilarious. I hate hondatech, but theres some smaller more specific forums that arent too bad. Also married with kids, hard to be lonely, I have to envy other peoples loneliness :w00t:
  2. Proof?show me where Merriam Webster says it does!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Have fun with that opinion. We all have them, their like assholes. Doesnt make YOUR OPINION any more correct than mine. But Its making me laugh so hard Im about to shoot milk out my nose. And last I checked if you actually READ the definition that YOU posted, you would find that being an enthusiast requires a little more than " Liking" something. I like air, so I am an air enthusiast? I definitely like computers, definitely not a computer enthusiast.
  4. Its all wrong!! You know it I know it The Murican people know it.
  5. People can argue with me all they want, not really my problem considering the amusement I get from it. I mean I just sit here and lulz. I never insisted that my opinion is the only way it can be, I am getting alot of "your opinion can not be correct and you are wrong" from the other side here though, lmfao.
  6. People seem to like me because Im polite and rarely late.
  7. I didnt intend on writing a thesis on this but some of you need to be educated on how the english language works. Enthusiast : a person filled with enthusiasm: as a : one who is ardently attached to a cause, object, or pursuit <a sports car enthusiast> b : one who tends to become ardently absorbed in an interest So It can most definitely be my opinion, regardless of that opinion being bias or subjective, that you can not be "ardently absorbed in an interest" that interest being cars, without driving one on a track. It can also be my opinion that you can not be "ardently attached to a cause, object, or pursuit" if that cause, object, or pursuit is cars and you have not driven on the track. English/ Language interpretation lesson over. Would you like a lesson on the word Ardently? I have one prepared......
  8. Or you can please direct me to the official Merriam Webster list of officially Webster accepted things that a defined enthusiast does.
  9. That is a dumb statement, there are diffferent interpretations of words and their meaning beyond the dictionary. Good starting point though. Or we can continue this pissing match which I have grown quite tired of. Kind of my point exactly......
  10. I never saw a requirement in the ratsun rules that you have to agree with my opinion which I stated was subjective and bias. For that reason, Mr. Webster has no place here, but thanks anyway. And one could go on back and forth all day about where money is best spent, again an opinion. Since when is this an eliteist attitude? this is not something that I can do and you cant, everyone here is capable of track time and I invite you all to try it. Hardly an eliteist mindset.

    1. bananahamuck


      Sometimes it's the only thing separating a good morning from a crappy one for sure.

  12. At my heaven order desk I would ask for two MC3500, a Studer A820, and a set of Infiniti IRS-V.
  13. My next one will be a 1250, I would love a 1980, but the XX80 series tend to be more problematic, finding a working 1980 is very very hard. I love Pioneer, they made some incredible equipment, especially in the tape recording realm, which is my main audio hobby as you can probably tell. I LOVE my CT-F1000, RT-707 and RT-2022
  14. I bid you luck man, I have only ever seen one of them, and it was the 33,000, and it didnt work unfortunately, but god damn was it beautiful, the knobs are as big as my whole palm. If you really want to get big and bad you gotta get the CA-3000 and BA-3000, they are masterpieces. Allegedly the Technics SA-1000 was the biggest and baddest though as far as wattage, nothing compares to a XX,000 series for shelf space though. The SX-1050, I almost hate telling this story, but I literally walked outside my house and across the street to the neighbors yard sale and it was sitting there. $10. I walked it back home and came in and nearly broke out in a fit of laughter, my wife saw the receiver and immediately knew what happened, lolol.
  15. I am diggin the Sansui stuff, I am a Pioneer guy myself, Sansuis always seem so hard to find. Nice stuff guys. We did have a thread for audio stuff a while back.....
  16. Thanks man, and yes, and its a 1050
  17. 670ZX, of the whole rack you picked out the most awesome gem there. I love that deck, the sound is incredible.
  18. How did this turn into an audio thread? I must contribute
  19. How do you guys feel about the Beretta M92 and its variants? I am considering purchasing one.
  20. TWIN PEAKS IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Del Sols are pimp as fuck. Tiny little bastards, but I am 6' 1" and I am not uncomfortable inside the Del Sol. Except when theres two ppl in there, hahahahaha. Their not really supposed to be fast, but My friend just sold one with 276 hp NA, it was quite nasty, K swapped and everything.. They look wierd but I have always loved Del Sols.
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