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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. Why do people like Kouki over Zenki Silvias?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. captaingamez


      I do love the s13 coupe, I have never been a hatch fan though, I really love the s14 zenki though.

    3. Kirden


      BMWs and now Silvias? Where is the ratsun speak!

    4. captaingamez


      HAHA!!, I am a fan of many many cars, lots of nissans though.

  2. and Kawasaki built virtually every seagoing vessel in the Japanese Imperial Navy Kawasaki Heavy Industries, one of Japans largest corporations, then, before then , and now. they also build most of Japans Nuclear Reactors. and the dodge avenger was supposed to be used as a pace car at the indy 500 remember? but the UAW made a huge stink about it because the car was a rebranded Mitsubishi, and Mitsubishi built most of the planes for the Japanese in WWII
  3. I mean, if you want to get down to brass tacks, nissan started to get shitty about stuff when they got rid of datsun, yes, is there a corelation between the two? no. if they kept it datsun, they would have become shitty the same way, and they you would all would just sitting here complaining about how Datsun isnt what it used to be instead of saying "ever since datsun became nissan they suck" that just isnt reasonable.
  4. I honestly pretty much disagree with all of you so you go buy a Datsun bluebird sss? no you dont you buy a Datsun Skyline? no you dont you buy a Datsun fairlady z? um, no, you dont that list could go on for ever. those are all nissan products that were NOT under the datsun name, the fact is that nissan like usual, kept their best cars for the JDM (japanese domestic market) and brand named other cars that were not RHD that were less equiped Datsuns, basically so that stupid ass Americans would buy them the name is nothing more, nothing less, in fact, a datsun is just an american nissan, every supposed datsun is designed by the nissan motor corporation, not the datsun corporation whats a Fairlady z here? well its not a fairlady z, that name implied that its JDM and RHD, so that was NEVER a Datsun product, a fairlady z here is a 240/260/280z, neither was the BLUEBIRD SSS, it was a datsun 510, not available here in sss trim. the Hakosuka, has never been a Datsun, no Skyline, the brands Zenith marque, HAS EVER BEEN MARKETED UNDER THE NAME DATSUN. that in and of itself speaks volumes, they also never gave them to the United States, farther proving my point. a Datsun is a cheaper version of a Nissan, sorry to inform all of you.
  5. Should I stick with an L28ET or use an RB25DET? in my 910

  6. the chick I once knew, I like that, its very Bukowskiesque
  7. it should however be noted that the hole's presence will concordantly reduce that much air from going through the rad, and also create that much more pressure in the engine bay which could negatively effect cooling,by diverting air from coming through the radiator due to the added pressure.
  8. firstly, a lone hole still provides a place for air to channel, unless theres other holes in your fascia (yes i called the front of the car a fascia) think about it, the headlights, the grill, the bumpers, the radiator, the everything!!, its all more restrictive to air flow than the hole, so since all fluids (yes air is a fluid in this situation) find the path of least resistance, the hole WILL MOST DEFINITELY allow more air to get into the carbs, period, no ifs, ands or buts about it. and I do not say this as a matter of opinion or theory either, I have seen results on the dyno in quite a few very similar situations. there is seriously measurable results in the way of 5-10 horsepower dependent on the car and aerodynamics, this is also the reason you see ALOT of cars dyno with the hood off, a vaccuum is created in the engine bay at full rpm, assuming thats where your intake is. and this quote comes to mind "doing a dyno run with the hood on is like doing a compression test with the throttle plate closed" secondly as was said already, the stop leak stuff ONLY WORKS CORRECTLY when its used PROPPERLY. you do not just dump the stuff in and head down the road per say, draining and flushing is required, how many people actually do that?, im gonna guess %20 or less.
  9. ELECTRONIC POWER STEERING do it................

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Kirden


      I don't understand using "bimmer" or "beemer" while typing... More letters = my lazy ass would rather type BMW...

    3. captaingamez


      on the subject of bimmer vs beemer, you guys should really look up the history of the two terms before calling ME illiterate, i think you will find your misinformed.


      and on the subject of why?, its a term of endearment, a nickname, thats why.


      and no I try not to work on german cars if I can help it, however I am well aware that the e30 is easier to work on, better engineered...., well you could argue that one, all day.

    4. captaingamez


      and yes the sedans are well known to handle better than the coupes.

  11. french fried pertaters

  12. assuming all that is true and correct as you said, I am gonna lean towards the rich issue combined with possibly bad rings. Edit: also its called "Rodding the radiator"
  13. if your talking about the chinese aluminium radiators, I have had nothing but good experience with them, my buddy has been running one HARD for 2 years now, as daily driver and track car and that rad holds, hes never had an issue.
  14. I am seriously into stereo stuff, well a few years ago, this guy discovered his dads stereo store/warehouse WHICH HAD BEEN BOARDED UP SINCE 1978!!!!!!!!! there was literally over a million dollars of vintage NIB NOS UNOPENED Pioneer, Sansui, Kenwood, JBL, McIntosh, the list goes on and on. they sold it all on ebay over a period of a couple years. heres an even better one, about 6 years ago this woman's husband dies, well, when going over the will, she finds out that he had like 10 buildings in his name all around Huntington county PA, turned out that he had been hoarding motorcycles for 30+ years. these buildings were ALL abandoned looking garages and storage sheds, FILLED with motorcycles, were talking Kawasaki, Yamaha, Harley, BSA, Triumph, Ducati, Parilla, Moto Guzzi, and yes, Vincent. were talking cb750's kz1000's ducati ss's, guzzi fighters, BSA/triumph pre-units, engines upon engines, trannies upon trannies, heaven as some would say it.
  15. remove the leaky toilet and install a megasquirt, then you can tune accurately,and not with a toilet bowl
  16. step 6, bitch about others who havent posted pics
  17. first put your thermostat back in then replace your radiator. think about this, the thermostat when fully open does not make your engine overheat, theres not alot of space for water to flow when it is fully open, so for your engine to be getting hot, there is even less flow in your radiator than in a stock working thermostat, therefore, my theory is that your radiator is too clogged to be efficient anymore, if you have a known good radiator, it could be running rich or lean. check your coolant hoses but thats probably not it.,what does it do when its idling for a long period of time? to be honest, 200 degrees sounds a bit hot to me, thats usuallly the temp that I heat heads up to to extract the valve guides, its probably not hot enough to cause an issue, but it should ideally be lower.
  18. lol, unfortuntely I dont have the advantage of the overbearing "chuck-chunk" sound, mines a break action, but it looks cool when i reload!!!!, lol.
  19. SEM Color Coat vinyl paint, make sure its the right color, cause once you spray it on it dyes the plastic/rubber/vinyl/leather/olyphan, whatever, and it is NOT coming off. this stuff is a MIRACLE. it is almost impossible to overspray. and no, it wont wear off on your arms and turn them the color of the paint/dye, it is fully flexible.
  20. I dont think you were walking around the actual reactors, unless your the luckiest civilian I know, but nuclear power plants are freakin cool. I have been dying to check out the Auburn Cord Dusenburg museum for years. you should really go see that if its near you does South Bend Lathe have a museum or tour? edit: nevermind south bend doesnt make lathes there anymore, yay Taiwan
  21. its because of the unpredictable nature of neighbors and people in general like this, that I keep a 20 ga. shotgun near my door. not that I want to use it, but I wouldnt want to be the person giving me reason to use it either.
  22. who wastes their time on such things?
  23. tha fuck?, who the hell registers an account named Buffalo Bill, and says location: rapist van, and then their first comment is "sounds like a great place to find a rape victim" wtf?
  24. soooooo..... we are preparing for turbo now??, choo choo?
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