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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. additionally, i might add that ICs were put into use almost the instant they were invented, they were invented, experimented on to get them right and relible, and then they were used. its the same for EVERY technology. it became a troll thread when you all couldnt just let your carbs die like they are anyway.
  2. first of all stop accusing me of reading everything from wikipedia just because I am right., I happen to have an extensive knowledge on the subjects that I blabber on about, otherwise my mouth stays closed. and you just said that eproms did replace ICs (which they did) right after you said they didnt!! you said the ecus in the 70's didnt use ICs, and the ones in the 80's used Eproms with ICs (duh, you kind of have to) therefore if they used just ICs and then went to using ICs and Eproms, then yes, the Eprom did replace the IC as far as engine control goes, and yes the 64 bit ecu did eventually replace Eproms, thats why we dont use them now. and just because computers still use the cmos bios chip, ITS NOT AN EPROM, eproms are all UV eraseable. and according to you the ecus of the 70's arent computers, well your not gonna get alot of argument from me there, but are you logically trying to say that ecus were more reliable without being an actual computer? because that is the opposite of the truth. everytime they have made ECUs more computerized they have become more reliable, not less, as I said. additionally you would have to argue that the computers that were doing calculations in the 60's werent computers either. but they were.
  3. I thought this was going to be a thread about the other kind of football. (backs out slowly) OAKLAND RAIDERS FTW
  4. can you do a 910 coupe or pillarless hardtop?
  5. additionally I dont understand where this argument of "a computer wont last 50 years" electronic coponents have already proven themselves, their not gonna die unless their recycled, beaten, thrown out, or destroyed.
  6. First of all I keep chiming in because I have to make corrections to the statements made here. if you all did your research here and knew everything you were saying I wouldnt even be on this thread. they absolutely did have chips back in the 60's, the integrated circuit was invented in the 40's, and no, most of these QUAD decks got left sitting outside and in storage unite for over 30 years unused and abused, and you know how non use can destroy things, and they still have their original IC's in them. additionally, so does all my audio equipment from the late 60's and early 70's. theres nothing wrong with IC's, they do last almost indefinitely. in the 70's EFI systems used IC's, in the late 80's they switched to eproms, and then in the 90's they switched to 64 bit chips. each time they switched, they got more reliable and resilient, not less. no it doesnt necessarily mean "computerized", but the computerization makes them better and more reliable, again, not less. I will stop posting here the second you guys stop misinforming and I have to correct your misinformation.
  7. the oldest nissan ecu would be a 1975, and those actually dont exhibit many problems, their fairly simple, just old Bosche L-jetronic, invented in the early 70's they were not eprom systems(unfortunately), and the injectors are super cheap. I installed a 1977 EFI system in a 280z from scratch and it had no issues, after having ripped it out of a junkyard from a car that had not been running in ten years. the first electronic fuel injection system was installed in 1940 FYI, and it was mass produced by GM in 1957, which makes EFI 73 years old, and means it had been on production vehicles for 56 years. Eproms are light sensative, but that is why they are in a box with a light foil sticker on the erasure window. also they have not been shown to lose their programming so far, after 35 years. although they are designed to only last 10-15. but those are all the reasons they dont use them anymore as well. and ECUs are $38.99 where I live, just saying. I dont know where you are coming up with the "it wont last 50 years" thing, I mean theres QUAD video decks from 1962 still running with their original microchips and circuitry, and they havent failed yet, they have thousands upon thousands of these chips per machine and they are all still running in alot of these machines. .
  8. you cant really over cool you engine, but lets say your running a 165 degree thermostat and your ideal coolant temp is 185-190, then you could be running a good 20 degrees out of the most efficient temperature range if you left the fan in the ob position at all times. it probably wont cause any real issues, but the car was designed to try to stay at a consistent temp for fuel burn efficiency. remember the coolant temperature is a direct correlation to the cylinder outer wall temperature, so keeping that temperature more steady is keeping your cylinder wall temps more steady, which results in a better running engine with more power (in theory) I just really never liked having a switch that I have to control under the dash for a fan, It is inarguable that its done more accurately by a temp switch, just a piece of mind thing I suppose, you hear the fans when they come on so its not like you have no idea if their working, the things arent quiet thats for damn sure. the ability to stop them is also nice so you can listen for other things, the original clutch fan is loud as hell, all the time.
  9. YES!, nice job saving her. that tranny is actually awseome. its called an L4N71B, In addition to the 4th gear overdrive, it also has a locking torque converter, which Is why it doesnt feel like quite as much of a slush box. do you have a one piece drive shaft in it too? I assume all the 4 speed autos came with one pieces, but im not sure. anyway, the 4 speed auto is actually the one you want if you are trying to go for bigger power or a better tranny in the future, reason being? well, to accomodate for the L4N71B tranny, in late 83-84 they had to widen the entire tranny tunnel by 3 inches per side, so the tunnel is 6 inches wider than in the manual tranny, and 3 speed auto models. problem is when you go to convert to manual, (like I did) youhave to cut and weld a plate to the automatic tranny mount to fit the 5 speed manual on the crossmember. its not very hard and I have fairly detailed plans in my build thread if you decide to do that. but good luck, as you can tell I have a soft spot for the 910, as we barely even got it over here.
  10. http://phoenix.craigslist.org/cph/cto/3897981683.html can somebody please lend me 9 grand, I dont even want a GTR of any sort, I want this.
  11. much better, haha hollow earth theory?, dont get me started, Phil Schneider and all what have you. theres something creepy going on under our noses, but I dont know if i wanna know what it is.
  12. dammit you linked to a mobil version!!!! Edit: me no work with techmology
  13. processed? watermarked? whats all this hubajoo you speak of?
  14. i was kidding for the most part, your point was not lost on me, I totally agree.
  15. no shit , I believe it . at least with a swap though you can go full standalone, or carburetors if you really so desire......, sorry had to say it.
  16. haha, im just saying, what if everyone refered to every shit box on the road to being a member of "the datsun crowd" (crap, thats almost true)
  18. I know people who bought a 92 civic around 04 with 200,000 miles on it, and only put tabout that much maintainence into it, so whats your point?, they didnt need an engine, car is well past 400k now......
  19. right but an f250 was NOT 1000 in 1966 and yes I do like hondas, I like most japanese cars, I just used Hondas as an example because I have been inside more newer ones than any other car. Please dont take that as bias, because I can complain about Honda Motor Co. all day long too.
  20. and i am sharing with you the opinion that you and joe blow could work on any EFI system, if you laid your ignorance on the subject to rest by reading about it, as I said you might just "fall in love with its simplicity" the same way you did with carbs. but not if you dont know anything about them.
  21. well, remember it is the internet the entire point is to tell other people your opinion. personally I dont understand people going backwards in technology, and I find the reason to be generally because they are very ignorant about the technology they are avoiding. I have very little tollerance for ignorance, especially when it results in less performance. If you asked me how to do something, I would still tell you how to do it, but I would also tell you the right way, which is not to do that. the carb thing is overblown cause most people are not running triple webers or side drafts, which can be tuned pretty well and still not as well as EFI. their running toilet bowls, which are the bottom level of performance you can get for fuel delivery. and its also overblown because people install toilet bowls in 2013 while they are slowly dying. I honestly think that if any of you carb guys ran a Kpro/proefi/haltech/ect system on a dyno for 2 hours you would never even look at a carb again. ya'll might even look back at the good ol days of carbs like I have and say "haha, good thing thats over"
  22. i guess not if you cant read or consider my point additionally your truck cost closer to like 33k in todays money back in 1966, can you buy a civic for that? Edit: you know I understand the thought process "older is better" that just doesnt make it correct for EVERYTHING.
  23. but you cant do that with your truck either, so what is your point? even if the truck was 1000$ in 1966, calculate for inflation, and you will still find the truck is more expensive. In japan Hondas are highly regarded by tuners and others alike, anything to the contrary is false info. you seriously have no idea what your talking about just "gutting a civic and racing at firebird cause anyone can do that" you really have no idea, not anyone can beat corvettes in a 2008 civic braniac. and I only mentioned him because he happens to be a VERY credible source, who actually revolutionized an entire industry, show some respect, you havent done that. you havent even succeeded in making your point. and I dont know what you did t o you honda clutches, but the one in my accord went for 274k, and my civic went to 250k, so again, whats your point? your truck is not cheaper to own man, im sorry that is just not true. and if that is what you think about Kaizen and Lean process, you apparently havent studied them enough, additionally, using an american company you work for is a bad example when the americans have struggled with both concepts for years now and arent getting much better.
  24. hahaha, thats a good point mike, I personally love the VQ swap, I have seen a VG swap too, but I dont think that would be as fun, unless it was a VG30DETT. whats the difference in swapping a VQ or VG? weight wise and dificulty wise.
  25. "does that there jap car have one of thems turbo whistlers on her?" edit: whistlers is pronounced in this situstion with the full monty h sound.
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