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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. OH MY GOD YOUR KIDDING ME. IS THAT BOTH PAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT: it doesnt say DC5 though they might be for DC2, I just texted him.
  2. haha, I was only being a dick because I think the "im not telling" was stupid. actually all motorex cars are legal, except two that the justice department never found. those are the only 2 Motorex cars that are illegal, and can be confiscated, and most skyline people say that they got exported to canada or south america somewhere. so either you know of the 2 stolen ones, and one is actually legal. or all three are legal and the owners dont realize it, or only one of them is illegal. but wetween R32, R33 and R34 Motorex got around 100 cars in. 30ish 32s and 12ish 34s the rest were 33s but theres actually quite a few more 33s here. also you can legally have an RI (registered importer) import you an R33 right now, no wait.
  3. yea you could even just plug the whole vent hole, as long as you weld another bung around that general area. it needs the vent at high rpm.
  4. they didnt have what I needed, well they had it, but they couldnt vulcanize a corner into it cause they didnt have the mold. did you find an actual seal for that specific car?, I asume you mean the 810 right?
  5. man you should post some pics of her on here, I am building one like that as we speak. edit: did you not sell it?
  6. well true iim just saying....., I would take %20 any day of the week!.
  7. well it has been a few years but I was a Yamaha tech, just before the R1 went to the crazy big bang crank, so around 2008 to be honest, it might lean the low end a bit, it might not. I used to do this in very incremental steps, only enlarging the hole ever so slightly, then driving for a baseline and seeing where it is. sometimes I had to ride a bike 10-15 times before it was exact and its a lot less fun when you have to remove plastics, a tank an air box then the carbs, then make adjustments, then re-install. the best way to do it is always on a dyno but obviously most of us dont have that convenience. you have to physically change some parts of the carb to make it ideal though, and that is while the carburetor is on a Yamaha R1 still, big exhaust, and then big horns on the carbs mean big jet tuning. I can only imagine it would be the same putting them on a car engine. we used to buy DynoJet jet kits for the liter and 600cc bikes and they usually included a drill bit to drill the hole, different needles, different pilot and main jet, and lighter slide springs to make the slide raise faster.
  8. oh you have a hx351ve?, sweet. and your using a waste gate actuator to change the veins?, great minds think alike. at full boost on that turbo the SR would be fine........ with ARP head studs, and connecting rod bolts, main bolts, a stand alone, a little head work, big injectors and a good dyno tune with dual knock sensors and wideband. in other words over kill. careful. and on that T fitting you should be able to just put a pair of vice grips on it and twist. but remember you need to replace it or move it somewhere else, the other one is not enough, you need both.
  9. Im not from Utah, but have you guys ever checked out JDM Legends? http://www.jdmlegends.com/
  10. they are making a killing off of you giving you that %20. example: I worked at the yamaha dealer, in the service department. I needed new carburetor boots for my Seca 2, they were $28.75 per boot and you need 4. with my discount which was dealer cost plus an additional %15, each boot came out to just over $5.00. I dont get this either, I have a 2002 Honda , and I had to order parts for it from the dealer in 2009, they already didnt have the parts there anymore. as I said, it seems alot of this stuff is available in europe, the middle east, and Japan, If you go into Ford, and ask for parts for your 1971 mustang, theres a high probability you can still get them, or they will at least be willing to help you try to find them. do americans not care enough about Japanese cars so the Japanese dont care about us?
  11. the r1 is only 1000cc, but it revs all the way to almost 12,000 rpm, the intake volume flowing at that engine speed is tremendous, I dont have any figures on hand, but I would bet that it is close to a stock l16 or l20 at top whack. so for that reason it has large carburetors. anything with similarly sized carbs will be pretty close to the same. Yamaha doesnt even make the carburetors, they are made by Mikuni, and Mikuni makes carbs for everyone that Keihin doesnt make them for, so like half and half. I havent seen somebody try fixed slide carbs, but I dont see why the wouldnt work, problem is that most fixed slide carbs are a bit smaller so probably not ideal. I would look for early 2000s and mid 90's liter bike carburetors. Liter bike doesnt just mean 1000cc, it means 1000cc sports/racing bike (crotch rocket) a Honda cb900 cruiser likely wont be big enough
  12. maybe I will just paint it on then, not like its gonna be seen by anyone anyway.
  13. I am actually a yamaha certified technician so I can say that on the R1, I would drill out the hole on the slide. that will make it pull from the emulsion tube faster, thus giving you fuel quicker. then tune your needle accordingly. you can try needles from different carbs to, but I would start with slightly enlarging hole, you can always seal it with epoxy and start over. another fine tuning we would do is cutting the springs down a bit. we used to do this alot when tuning carbs, at the dealership, and on the track. personally I always liked the old fixed slide carbs from the 70's but I digress.
  14. my name?, I havent the foggiest of ideas............ no really I have no idea, I have been using it that long
  15. alrighty then, POR it is. since its not really a paint do you think there would be a problem using it in an aerosol can?
  16. also if you even try this before that exact month of car is legal, well they will take it at the customs station from you, then it will be crushed. please be patient, theres been over 300-500 skylines crushed in this country because of stupid Americans trying to bring them over, and customs siezing them, and dont even get me started on Motorex.....If I ever see Hiro in the street.....its going down!!!!
  17. dude you just gave it, up and your not original "not saying what car it is" grow up we all know its a skyline, and your welcomce for the info I gave you that will be very helpful, were not gonna steal ur skyline man jeez. that was Sean Morris, he used to work for Motorex, and it was 21 years for epa restrictions they had to get by. not 15. just wait til next year, their about 8k in japan and a shipping container is around $3600, the paperwork will add another grand or so., better learn to speak japanese or call JDM legends in Utah though. also if you dont get a february car when you do this, your gonna get denied, you would be better to wait til 2015 when ALL 1989 cars are available.
  18. PCV should come off the valve cover You can try a t3/t4 flange spacer, or make one like an inch tall and angle it toward the engine. and also HOLSET FTW!!!!!!!!!! is that an HX35 or an HX40? or is it an HY
  19. true!!!, perfect example of the conversive. idk what Shelby had to do originally to fit that massive engine in the little AC, but somehow he ended up with 48/52 weight distribution and handed everyone their asses at the raceway. but, its a bit harder with the way cars are designed these days, not impossible, just harder. but lately, people are just putting big motors in small cars without actually making them go fast, what the hell?
  20. the "leather" that covers the rear is not leather its plastic/vinyl do do a leather dash correctly you will need an industrial sewing machine. the dash will have to be molded and sewn together, then you will have to fill the cracks on your dash, so that the leather lays propperly on your dashboard. Leather dashes are A whole lot of work. but they look amazing. all the R34 GTRs sold in the UK got a full on Leather clad stitched dashboard, it added a few grand to the price tag.
  21. hey mike thanks for the info, and HAHA, no i didnt think it drained onto my carpet lol. I wsnt sure if the tube went all the way to the bottom though or if it emptied into some type of common channel that the other one went to in either the front or back (sometimes my mind over complicates things) I am torn over wether to use POR or an epoxy based paint on the tub.
  22. cause some people want to go in one direction fast and put a non manufacturer motor in their vehicles. the FE is a great engine, is it a great engine to put in a sports car? hell no. to each their own I guess, But I can say this. we have a fully built V8 drag 1st gen RX7 out here that goes to the illegals. and he gets smoked by a single cab duramax. now granted the duramax has almost 1000 ft/lb of torque, but I am talking all the way down the quarter, the RX7 is trying to get more and just isnt getting anything. they cant develop traction with that type of torque cause theirs no weight. just like the full on drag race trailored Datsun 510 with the big block in it, and wheelie bar, yeah its kind of cool, but the R35 absolutely destroys it all day long without even trying out of the box. I have videos of both of the events happening too, so to that argument there is little point to put a big ass motor in a small ass car.
  23. yeah if your driving your car here from canada its different than if your driving your car here and selling it from canada. I am not sure how different but it would have to go through customs and a bunch of other crap. this is how people are getting all the Skylines into the US. drive them through Canada since their legal after 15 years up there, doesnt mean that their legal here once you drive them over, but people are doing it anyway. thats why I asked what kind of car and how old it is, if its over 25 years, it doesnt matter, you can import whatever you want. BUT if its under 25 years you will hate your life to the extreme, even if its a car that is already here and you want a better or different version they offer only in another country, unless that country is Canada and the car is the same there as it is here, then its just some minor paperwork. and also, that 25 year thing is exactly to the date from what I read. In other words, If I wanted to import a car right now, It had to be sold in this month of 25 years ago or prior. our import restrictions are a bad joke to car enthusiasts, they are actually the most strict for cars in the entire world. except the Philippines where its illegal to drive a RHD car. but you can import them when they are brand new.
  24. not gonna lie, I dont hate it, and that is some original 70's stuff right there, I would never paint it. reminds me of the old Tracy and The Fiberglass Works bodies for cafe racers back in the 70's
  25. joseph and the technicolor dream car!!!! my woman loves that.
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