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Everything posted by Braden

  1. looking sweet main!! so round the edges off the box? bevel the intake holes??? lookign swell though, tell us about wiring and ecu!!
  2. Braden

    New to Ratsun

    huh now the pic is there
  3. Braden

    New to Ratsun

    pretty much all universal blocks fit it, is there pics? i cant see them
  4. dude dont sell your truck!!!! these engines are the worlds easiest to work on, it would be a good learning lesson and you would feel alto better abotu it in the end. it would be a good chance for you to experience working inside an engine and it would be a great experience for a father son re build!!!!! dotn sell it, build it!! trust me its worth it.
  5. gosh, right in the snow and salt!!!!! that breaks my heart!!!!!! son of a gun, they will all rust away. if i was a billionare i would restart production.
  6. who loves orange soda?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Im gonna Grape You In The Mouth Kawasaki620!

    3. Pumpkn210
    4. Pumpkn210


      Do you like gladiator movies?

  7. dont buy shit from oreillys, they are a bunch of lying, stealing cheating bastards, i worked at one for 9 months an d i got to knwo alot about their company. go to napa or somewhere like that
  8. walked by my truck in the garage, wondered why someone stacked boxes on it.
  9. wiked awesome, keep that engine, freshen it up, throw on some 40's and refresh that awesome paint scheme!! whe you gonna pressure wash it so we can see what color it is under there?
  10. i have a trunk monkey with an 870 for backup. or i could just tturn my wife loose.
  11. ha ha yeah right on mike, lol no normally its just the .45 in-between the seat condition a1, actually though an m4, sks, or ak hanging in the back window normally eliminates most problems/road rage before it even happens.
  12. ok cool, if ya need anything let me know!
  13. Braden

    my 71 dime

    sweet man!!! good job on the manifold, thats the best home built mani ive ever seen, ive seen soem pretty lame attempts before, somone must know how to tig weld pretty decent!
  14. yeah man thanks for trying to speak english the best you can, but hey about you gettign jumped, buy a pistol, or make one. next time you get jumped by 4 guys, blow one of their heads off, they ownt beat up anybody anymore i guarantee you that. sometimes the only way to defend yourself is with deadly force. i knwo if i got jumped by 4 guys i could get atleast 2 of them with my .45. i learned a long time ago that fighting is useless, if someone really really wants to beat your ass then more than likely they really really want to either fuck you up bad or kill you. i dont waste my time with fighting anymore, i havent had any situations yet, but i could imagine that the person who is trying to harm you sees the end of a .45 gun barrel they realize that what they want to do isnt such a good idea anymore. get you a pocket .38 with the internal hammer so you can carry it in your pocket safely, double action. stick up to their stomach and pull away! i hoep you ok man, just watch your back!
  15. nice man!!! before you daily drive it you had better get to work under the hood, trust me from experience these old things can run great one day and nto run at all the next. it would be in your best interest to replace the points, condensor, wire, cap, rotor, oil, oil filter, fuel filter, also flush and replace all brake fluid, and gear lube, and coolant, dont forget the thermostat. i hope you have an air cleaner for the carb. then time it, clean and check all electrical connectors, and give her a hood overall scrubdown in the engine bay. a vlave adjustment may also be in order, and possibly some valve stem seals. looking forward to seeing this build!!!! looks like you have already got started with the tune up, i would recommend ngk plugs instead of the champions though! good potential here, how abotu the interior?
  16. http://www.the510realm.com/search.php?keywords=mikuni&terms=all&author=&fid%5B%5D=10&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search there ya go!!!
  17. how much better did the brakes work for you percentage wis?e ex. they worked 50% better or 110% better. im so sick of drums, disc is a dream of mine.
  18. carlos did you ever check on the realm? there was an oem set of mikuni stacks that were polished out nice for like 75 bucks, didnt i tell you about those?
  19. Carlos finally got himself a dual side draft manifold, letg give this kid a hand he has been searching and saving for the right one for over a year now!!!

  20. with all of the already available ones around you wouldnt have much luck selling them, unless they were dirt cheap. even in the 60's and 70's they did engineer stuff pretty good. woul dyou be casting these out of aluminum? you will need to get one to make a mold from.
  21. i use kendall oil myself, but i talked to brad penn and their formula is not kendals formula, they are in no way affiliated with kendal, brad penn simply took up the green oil because kendal was having a problem transporting the dyed oil in takers that were used for other oils. the green is just dye used to get you to buy it, not saying its bad oil. im having trouble getting either one here in my shithole town.
  22. throw it in the gutter, go buy some dual mikunis, ask hainz how to tune them, then your set!!!
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