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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. The wiring isnt an issue long as you have this http://www3.telus.net/bc_triumph_registry/smoke.htm
  2. is that a vega I spy too? I'd go for the rover if its in good shape, be awesome man.
  3. that sucks, but at least they didnt take the truck...
  4. voted once.. man thats like a lot of skylines.. You'd think you'd see a 4 door one or something different.
  5. looks fun, I'm hoping to try to get the roadster into the local rallycross race they have yearly but gonna be hard to talk them into a hardtop not being a open bodied car.
  6. I found axis doesn't make any rims in our sizes, it sucks I'd think they'd sell a lot too. I might run adapters, they aren't too bad if you check up on them and also place grease between the adapter and drum/rotor. Plenty of vw'ers run them with no issues doing that.
  7. Yeah I kinda figured that on their site as very few wheel sellers show a price for all four. I'm not wanting major offset as my roadster would eat the tires on wide wheels. I'm just wanting the small offset, and will be buying used of course as my gf would kill me if I spent 4k on rims for a 400 dollar roadster. Though I'm kinda thinking of just getting some wheel adapters and taking my chances with the knock offs.
  8. Awesome I'll keep you in mind then and yeah I'm ready for it. Going to be a nice xmas gift for my roadster. :cool: Being 84,000 yen I was expecting 1,500-1600 shipped. edit: unfortunately they dont come in my cars lug patern. I might end up getting these, but honestly I like the hayashis way better. http://www.nlmotoring.com/Axis-Sakura-Wheels-15x8-Pink-p/axis-sak5804c25pnk.htm
  9. Ok seriously guys I'm looking for a set of the hayashi yayoi (most know them as the sakura rims) http://www.hayashiracing.com/yayoi/yayoi.html I know they are being reproduced but cant locate a US source for them, I really want a set for the roadster as I think they'd look good on one.
  10. was posted on 311s and I enjoyed watching it figured I'd share it here. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTU5OTU1ODE2.html (just remove it if there is any problem or its a repost.)
  11. I'd been thinking about getting AAA, I've got the crappy phone roadside and my insurance roadside, might as well just have one more so I can make it all the way home on free tows from across the country lol.
  12. bought a rebull and dr.pepper, total was 5.10 I giggled to myself about it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FoxyRoadster


      also it was a liter of dr.p

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      In Mexico that eatz Rebull's after ,,, Rebull fights !!!


      FRESH !!!



    4. Pumpkn210


      It really tied the room together!

  13. I just am holding onto them for now as they wont fit the roadster's caliper, I ordered them cheap (50 each) in gm size under the impression of outlaws website I could order a bolt kit and be able to convert them down to the roadster size.. I've yet to hear back from outlaw, and various racing sites refuse to order parts for me. I'd just go with the wilwoods of the same size, wilwood has better support and you can get them off summit or jugs who will back up them up. They are almost identical to the outlaws http://www.wilwood.com/Calipers/CaliperList.aspx?subname=Forged%20Dynalite is what I'm planning to go with, might go with their stainless just for the purdy factor.
  14. My parents bought me nothing, I paid for my first car. I guess thats why I was the only spray bomb owner I knew at the time, I drove the shit out of that firebird.
  15. back to buisness, debating on a color for my roadster thinking ferrari red

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. INDY510


      Why you we talking about Datsuns?

    3. FoxyRoadster


      cause thats how I roll

    4. kingdaddy96706


      Roadsters look really cool in primarily 3 colors: red, white or black.

  16. Man I was enjoying this thread tell you posted those, fuck man.
  17. man, this thread is 100% Special Olympics concentrate.
  18. Now now lets not let this get outta hand we dont need ratsun the center of this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19980505/
  19. Just ignore him, seriously. You guys are shitting on a good forum.
  20. wishes bitches would stfu and goto facebook or something

  21. I'll never understands people need to speed in residential areas, I am about hit daily basis on my motorcycle by jackasses who want to shave a couple of seconds off their time going to fucking McDonalds and shit.
  22. so what did ya pay for it? I think we're all curious on that. :lol:
  23. Yeah, it doesnt damage the car and is an easy fix but a pain in the ass lol
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