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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Psh, moar falcon van imo. Give us slowpokes time to catch up on the Datsun projects.
  2. I've lost multiple 10mm sockets, wrenches, a few extentions, two magnetic grab tools, one rocker cover bolt, my wallet (probably went with the ex), a palm pilot (am I that old...), and two CDs. If you count finances, I've lost $170 from getting screwed over by a ratsun member, $40 from bad parts at Rock Auto, and $80 from a shit radiator job. All of the other parts have worked (so far). On the flip side, It has also claimed many hours of my life, filling them with great memories with my son. Couldn't ask for much more than that.
  3. So, I'm eating primally, feeling better, but I'm confused about something. If our ancestors were healthier and we should live like them, does that mean I can bash my co-worker with a rock when she annoys me? #DealWithItPrimally

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kirden


      See, I like how mike thinks

    3. MicroMachinery


      Club her and take her to your cave.

    4. Kirden


      haha, perfect, but then I'd have an annoying bitch in my cave...

  4. Yea, I like the poke, but flares would be an option. Maybe not a good one, but that one 620 looks really good with flares.
  5. moar flare = less poke :devil:
  6. See, you say this, but we all know that may end up is a go cart or lawn mower and that project might be finished before chickenhawk :P EDIT: And they'd both be finished before my coupe :(
  7. Rich people use quarters? I could've swore that tanker was using a buttocks shaped diamond...
  8. That is one sexy van Tim. Oh, and the one on bags looks decent as well. Sad to see the subaru go though :( Not that this is a vote, but I like Tim's idea of the L28. Seems like it would be more unique that way, but what do I know :P
  9. Yep, just as flatcat says. I've had this happen on two vehicles now. If you look toward the top of the pedal you will see the switch, and there should be a plastic plug in place that presses the button when you let off the pedal. After forty-ish years the plastics disappears. I've fixed both vehicles by taping a penny to the pedal so that it presses the button. The coupe pedal needed to be adjusted and required 2 pennies.
  10. I agree, 40+ year old heart works well with this story imo :)
  11. I'm not sure how that block would mesh with all of the clean parts as is. I'd at least wire wheel it as farmer stated and see how it looks. I think the ratty unfinished block would go well with this, but that's just a bit too back yard :P
  12. Just read through that whole thread, 237hp at the crank seems intense, especially for a NA 2L. Thanks for sharing that. It would take bigger balls than I own (or can buy) to try something like that :P
  13. It amazes me that you guys are pulling together what looks to be a pro grade restore with minor modifications and it's going so quick. Just for restoring my 620's bed the local j-tin specialist quoted 4-6 month repair time, as well as a hefty bill, just to finish the patches, filler, and primer. This build was what inspired me to get out there and get my coupe running to "drive it to Canby" Sadly the start was a bit too late, but ya'lls work has been very inspiring. Still trying to squeeze in a ticket to fly out and see it in person, and look forward to making the drive in 2016.
  14. bah, I read that wrong I think. Read it as rear or top, not rear of top :P Stupid databases have me seeing sideways.
  15. Ah ok, which route will you be going on yours? I like the idea of the rear and a remote burp can, but haven't really looked into it that much.
  16. Nice man, that shifter is a bit too wild for me though :P As for the 195s, get in touch with MM47 if you can. He was running some wide eagles (15x9 front and 15x10 rear I think) and ended up selling me his 195s because the stretch was too extreme with his power level (high torque LZ22). I think he swapped up to 205 and 215s. I know for my 620 I ran 195 50s in the front, 215 55s in the rear for some rake, but those were on 15x6.5s
  17. Darn, I mean it's awesome to have such a unique peice, but I know your goal was to help fund the project. Hopefully more people will jump on these. I may be missing it, but did you decide to go against the vent or bung from the cover?
  18. Oh my! That looks great man. Very good work.
  19. Kirden

    Ah ok, mine was holding the filler hose together :P Have to love that redneck engineering.
  20. Ah, nice to know. The IRS swap still scares the :poop: out of me so good on anyone who can work it out. Looking forward to seeing all of the progress and seeing how you fix the alignment issue. You're a brave soul imo
  21. Nice, I'm thinking about grabbing a printer to make some custom badges then trying to mould them for better material, so still following here for more ideas :) Good luck with the new project. Will the shell be a donor or rebuilt to a runner?
  22. Ratwagon! Long time man. Glad to see you are back at it. Did that B210 badge ever work out for you? Oh, you may be happy to know that vegemite has replaced marmite in my 24 hour chili and fried egg sandwiches :P
  23. Kirden

    Duct tape? If so that's kinda scary (my 620 caught on fire cause of duct tape in the same area) This build is amazing. Just finished the last 20 pages and had no idea this was the bare metal wagon I'd been seeing pictures of. You're doing great work!
  24. Nice find! I've really started to fall for most of the datsun wagons, but only ever seen a 210 wagon in person. Just to throw my two cents in on the exhaust, if it looks new/re-done recently, there is a chance they didn't put in a new seal between the manifold and new pipe. I've had that happen on a lot of projects because exhaust shops around here would either cut off the flanges and weld the new pipe on directly or skip making a new seal and then blame it on the projects being an "old car." It seems that they use this to drum up more business in my area by half fixing the problem. When you say it ends near the rear wheel, is it under the car or facing out to the side? If the car was stationary, it would fill the car with exhaust either way as the weather seals probably need replacing. However, if it's moving and the exhaust ends before the tire while facing out towards the side, this may be ok. Eventually I would replace the pipe or add additional pipe so that the exhaust ends in the stock location just to be safe.
  25. Wait... You PNW guys have all the resources... Screw both of them and come help me DF. I'll make you a hello kitty cake and you can drool over the 4dr. :angel: Back on topic though, that diff does look really low. Is that where the stock solid axle sits? I've never been under a 510 to see the difference, but pretty sure my B210s (both stock height) are no where near that far from the body. EDIT: I'm also much closer DF... Just saying :ninja:
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