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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Id rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal lobotomy!

    1. south of reno

      south of reno

      lol that's petty good.

    2. MicroMachinery


      "Join us father..."

      "It's bliiiiissssss...."

  2. Its like she just guessed... was DEFINITELY the wrong number! <_<
  3. Ifn they dont come... Moare Fore Meeeeeeee!
  4. Strippers are stupid though, cant even remember their own phone number! :rolleyes:
  5. Cant wait for the New Season!

  6. Dinner at Zacks Slab tonight! MMMMMmmmmmmmm

    1. wildmaninid


      i can haz free dinner?

    2. Pumpkn210


      Yes You Can Hazzzzz!


      And seconds of Fuckery!

  7. I used to drive 280mi round trip twice a month to go to the Tuesday Nights Meet in Vancouver WA... ;)
  8. There is like NO fukin Crash Test Dummies on the Pandora station, WTF?

    1. H5WAGON


      Some dummy crashed into Pandora.....What?

    2. DAT510




    3. nismo dr

      nismo dr


  9. Thumbs Up to you friend, Brazing is the SHIT! :cool:
  10. Cruzed the Alki Beach waterfront today in the mid afternoon. At the end there was stop and go traffic FOREVER! Had a decent gap between me and the car infront of me. Noticed in my rear view that a group of street bikes were going around everyone in the Bicycle lane on my right. Traffic was moving slow and steady at this time so I... 1) Full Throttle... 2) At high RPM Drop Clutch in 1st Gear, 3) Immediately move left foot to brake and push enough to keep from hitting the car ahead... 4) Continue to smoke tire as long as possible for the Bikes to Enjoy! I could tell they were happy from the way they hit their rev limiters as they rode thru the cloud! The best part was that it was a concrete area so the tire Screamed like Crazy!
  11. Tyler 78B210GTX my homie has those stickers! Sells em and everything!
  12. But she was like No, No, No..... :lol:
  13. I would drive that ^^^^^ All Over The Place Total Cereal!
  14. Doin smoke shows in stop and go traffic, Like A BAWSEEEE!!!!one!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      The street bikes that were ridin by in the bicycle lane prolly got some.....

    3. H5WAGON


      If traffic was moving, you would have been home by now!!

    4. Pumpkn210
  15. Gots my steam engine! Fillin er up... Bout am Hour on the Videoooooooooooo!
  16. My Steam Engine is BAWSE!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      ^^^^Oics up in the mullet thread!

    3. Pumpkn210


      Video Meow Tooooooooooooo

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Can you put Squirrel Conductors on that bad-ass Steam machine ,,, ???



  17. Goin to get my Steam Engine today! WooooooooT WooooooT!

    1. DatWifey


      so you're cumming by for a quicky, huh?

    2. MicroMachinery
    3. Logical1


      You Motor Boating SOB!

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