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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Yea! this guy is a jerk! Lets keep being dicks and talking bad about his truck! I alwayse like it when ppl talk Shiv about the car that I put my Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Cash into. :poke: And Love Ya Skib but I was under the impression that meaningless posts about nothing for no reason was a hobby of yours, no? Seems you new found Moderator Status may have gone to your head, and I think thats sweet! :fu:
  2. You comin to Canby? I got one that needs the top tank repaired. Its got a Decent Crack about 6-10in across the back of the top tank.
  3. Found out today after double checking some second hand info that my licence is suspended again. Why can I not just read my mail like a regular american human? Instead I rely on asking the collection place when I make my payment. Worked fine till recently when they said everything was fine, when it wasnt. So I get a coworker from the job Im laid off from tellin me that Boss Man say its suspended. Son Of A Bitch! :mad: Is it just me or are some of you idiots too?
  4. I miss driving the Pumpkn! The Goon cant even get out of its own way, let alone pass anything. I Miss My Fast Car!
  5. I like him better as a rouge anyway! It would prolly be better if he didnt try to fit in with too much, specially with US!
  6. Any south sounders rollin up there? maby party train?
  7. I drink and go to rat meat! schwat you doing?
  8. Why dont you guys just not come? I will be there with the GOON! And maby the tall bike...
  9. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    You guys have NO IDEA what I have instore for this next Canby Datsun Show!:cool: I guess you could say that I will be taking it back too the old school, cause Im an old fool, who is soo cool! Let me clear my throat with two D's, for a double-dose of Happy Fun Times! Sorry if thats too wired...Ive been Smokin:p
  10. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :cool: RIDE THE BIKE P#$$Y$! Its easier than the moon-walk!:fu: Where are the posts of the ppl that had fun on it and rode it with no problems??? I did learn last year that I gotta put it away after a pre-determined amount of consumption:p Its a shame when a couple of very extremely average wierd datsun drinkers*cough/noob/cough* ruin it for the rest of you. I promise to put the dangerous toys away at that pre-determined amount. And I also promise to NOT Drift in the grass, no matter how much fun it is!:D
  11. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    You know it! Gonna hafta get a driver cause I cant tow both 210s:D
  12. Do you have the base plates too? And are they good for 8000rpm?
  13. Cant believe this is still going on! You guys realize that this is getting verry close to winning at the special olympics! Just Sayin.
  14. I am looking for dual valve springs for the piumpkn car. I am building a motor for it. I have looked around on here and on the 1200club and have not been able to find them new or what other springs will work. Any help, direction or anything would help
  15. Wow! Just gotta say that I am Extremely Dissapointed in Obamas Complete Lack of Doing ANYTHING! Do not talk about Palin when there is probibly something constructive you could be doing to help your country or your Bleeding Heart Liberal Party! Nobel Peace THIS! Me too! Make sure to read all the threads that you hate! Idiot! For the record: I love the posts that bring out the best in all of us, and this is one of them! Look into your hearts and Pull the Trigger, Ni&&er!
  16. Pumpkn210

    canby 2010

    I will be back again this year for canby and will be bringing BOTH of my 79 210s and the bike! plan on gettin in early the 12 as to make the auto-x, definately mished out on that at the last canby. Look forward to seein all you wierdos again!:cool:
  17. good got the crusty goon back. 253 224-1139

  18. the thing you need to learn from this is that it ultimately just makes your car hobby way more expensive, therefore keeping your car/cars crappy. paying for the ins/tags ect is much cheaper that payin a couple hundred bucks a month for the rest of your life on top of that. there is a thread on here somewhere of me bitchin and moanin about the cops. but that time was different:D Keep your stick on the ice!
  19. Pumpkn210

    Canby 2009

    I would probibly get a camp site off grounds for the motorhome. I hope it doesnt come to that. I had the time of my month at Canby this year and would like to see it continue in this manner.
  20. Pumpkn210

    Canby 2009

    Im sorry, I forgot the light bar. It will not happen again:D He didnt make it seem that there was gonna be Police per say. It was more of a guy that is fairly strict. I also voiced my concerns about makin it too stuffy, and no-fun to camp there. I was kinda roudy and I admit that. But I will have a hard time returning to a all weekend camping event if we arent alloud to party. My name is Dave, and I like to Party!
  21. Pumpkn210

    Canby 2009

    I was "Talked To" by the datsunsNW guys today for my lack of forethought in my driving around in the back field at night. He said that he heard about it from some lady. He said they arent pissed or nuthin but it will not be tollerated at future events. There is plenty of roads around there for ppl like me to go screw around on. I plan on racing in the autoX next year and dont forsee it being a problem again for me. Next year some strict guy is gonna be running the camping and I was warned about that aswell. "They will kick people out" Again they arent pissed or nuthin, just a friendly WARNING!
  22. PANSY! The sun doesnt make rust grow! My 210 has had a hot-wired Alt. for 6 months and 2 batteries:fu:
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