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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. ^ owned one of those for a short time. Was pretty rough but cool as hell. Had an air cooled engine in the front. Chain drive to a tranny, shifter on the dash.
  2. I pleed insanity......Im just crazy about that stuff!
  3. Look for rust! Floors, Doors, Rockers, And the seams on the bed. Check the oil and the water for cleanliness. Check the lights and other sustems like the wipers and such. Check for mushy brakes! If you can make sure that the vehicle in question is COLD when you get there to see it. Lots of bad things can be hidden by a warmed up engine. :cool:
  4. Good job on not answering his question! :huh:
  5. When I was younger and my "parental units" still had a house phone. We would get calls for a grocery store. One day Pappy and I were sittin around shootin the shit and the phone rang. I answered and the guy on the other end asked if this was the Red Apple Grocery, I said no it was just close to our number and gave him the correct number for the Gorcery. We didnt even start talking again by the time the phone rang again. I answered "Good morning, Red Apple Grocery. This is Dave, how may I help you?" Guy was like "Hello, I need directions to your store." Was almost laughing too hard to say that I was just messin with him! Funnies phone call EVER!
  6. People look at me weird enough as it is!
  7. Take a tip from usher.....Let it Burn!
  8. Mine still has a spike (up to 3/4 on the guage) when its warming up. Jumps right back down to half right away.
  9. Unibody Trucks are the Bees Knees! Item 9!
  10. When messin with the coolant system on my goon I found that I had to check it over and over again and add a little here and there. Took about a week till the system leveled out and ran normal temps. Also it kept loosing fluid till I put a catch can on it.
  11. Those things look hella weird! I need one to haul my weird bike. Wonder is those are crappy at everything? Like el caminos. They arent good cars and they arent good trucks AKA Suck at everything!
  12. Got a hippie friend that named his oldest daughter Anastasia-Sky, my sister is Launa Marie-Louise! No last names for saftey sake. No tellin what Kamakazi would do with peoples real full manes!
  13. This was a fun meet. Just hope you southies come to the north meets this year!
  14. Would that valve cover fit an A-series?
  15. OMG OMG OMG OMG I would do lots of unsavory things for that valve cover! :o Man that is sweet!
  16. Only got one more day to prep for the show and I aint done SHIT! Will get it all done and look forward to seeing all you weirdos!
  17. Got three datsuns this way! The goon and 2 parts cars.
  18. NO!!!! You thought I was serious? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Some of these are JOKES!
  19. Thats what it says om the back. Its just not His Interceptor. Its a regular cop on the beat car.
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