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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. How Bout next weekend? May be able to make it down there!
  2. Gimmie you old intake! Do it... Doit NOW!
  3. I got a note alot like that from a stalker named Mend at the canby show! :D Good Times
  4. I got a coller popped and these glasses that are see thru, but they dont protect my eyes from the sun, but you can kinda see my eyes, and I got this Fresh Fuckin Faux Hawk on my head...... GOLD, Funniest Shit Ever!
  5. The first and second seasons are out on DVD I got 2 coppies of both, HOCKEY TEAM! Blane hates Lady of the Lake! Dont Think! Im adopted everyday! I got a Knife! I got the Title line in Starwars! Say Im your Mama! DAMN YOU BONG BOY!
  6. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    The Rouge Runner is NASTY! It shakes like a Rat Fink drawing! HiPo 440 all done up with a hot, Hemi Street/Strip Cam and all the trimmings! It gets downright scarry in traffic sometimes, gets all hot and bothered and wants to drive thru the car infront! :cool:
  7. I LOVE Carbs! That is the truth! And an L would have enough power aswell. It dorsnt need to be fast so a L20 should be fine and getting to have my cake and Carbs too. But KA Goon does sound good off the toung! Plus if Im gonna go to an auto I may aswell go to FI for comlpete ease of use. HHHMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm :unsure: Now Im even more confused than when I started :huh: Thanks for nothin
  8. Dude, your gonna hafta grow another layer of some extremely thick skin if your gonna be on this forum. And try to read things a couple times before you go all postal. The guys on here can be fairly abbrasive (witch they werent) and if you cant handle a little mouthin off without resorting to Butt Sex, we got nothing for you!
  9. I was thinkin an auto cause it is a daily driver and Im lookin for ease of use. I say again,"this car will NEVER be fast or anything of the sort. I understand the opposition to an auto but this will kill 2 birds with one stone, It will be Easy to do other things whyle driving and it will prevent me from trying to act like speed racer!
  10. So I have been driving the Goon for a whyle now and have reached a bypass. The A12A that is in it is tired as hell. It cant get out of its own way. I have problems going up hills and getting on the freeway cause of the lack of power. I do not intend to make this car fast, just cool. But with the TV, Video games and extra batts the car is so slow that I dont wanna drive it anymore. The Pumpkn is gonna be drivable this summer and I wanna square away the goon for to be a daily. Was thinking that I could get a single cam KA with an auto for fairly cheep and make the car super user friendly. The more I think about it the more I realize how tough of a decision this is for me! I Love the A series, but it will be hard and expensive to make powerfull enough to be what I want. Plus the 4sp is not ideal for a heavy car to be driven daily. Help me out! What would you do? :unsure:
  11. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    "Protect the Neck!" Dudda Dudda Dudda!
  12. #1 RWD swap car in World! So freakin HOT, but looses too many points bein Wrong Wheel Drive! Anybody know what year it is?
  13. Hondea Cons: Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive! Front Wheel Drive!
  14. I Love the slot mags! And that is one sweet 120y!
  15. I could forsee offering 1800 for it after a good look over and a couple tests (if I had the money) Wasnt tryin to make it about me, just give perspective on the Way of the site, and the prople on it. Seems its alot different in the south! That poor fuck just got on here and the first thing he gets is a bunch of guys bein very off-putting about his car. For 2500 he should keep it and get it on the road. Was just stating my opinion, same generic excuse everyone else uses. :unsure:
  16. You think your better than me? Got any change on you........ Pull it out Oh, looks like you have quite a few pennies in there. Ive been putting $30 worth of pennies up my ass every day for 11 years. Thats 12 million 12thousand and 42 pennies. You handle my ass pennies every day. You pick up my ass pennies for good luck, you throw my ass pennies into fountains and make wishes on them. You give my ass pennies to your little daughter to buy candy with. YOU ALL HAVE HANDELED MY ASS PENNIES. Oh I'll Laugh at you before you can laugh at me, cause your pennies have been in my ass. YOU HEAR ME? YOUR PENNIES HAVE BEEN IN MY ASS!
  17. Very valad responce. :huh: I guess my point is that this is RAT-sun. ALOT of the cars the people on this forum are building Do Not pass the mismatched criteria, most have tired looking parts ON PURPOSE. Makes me feel that you think the work done on me and my friends cars is Garbage-son, and that I do dissagree with <_< I would love to have the guages that car gots, or that cool wierd shit on the celing(dont even know what it is) And my view may be skewed to a certain extent, as far as the was I see Ratsun and the was I like my Dats. Shit I wouldnt take less than $2000 for my Shatson Pumpkn.
  18. Remove old bad valve in home depot parkinglot, enter the store, build valve, buy parts and install! Great Thread!
  19. Your on the Wrong Forum! And should hate both of my cars, No?
  20. My Favorite Show! http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=BB495E3E2FE63053&search_query=upright+citizens+brigade
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