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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Was a Ton of fun! Will have a couple more here this year with more advanced notice! We will do it again moda-foka!
  2. Had to add this one! :lol:
  3. Thanks to all who came to the rat meet today, and Extra Special Thank You to those who helped with the car cutting! Here are my pics, post your and enjoy! http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj310/pumpkn210/Pumpkn%20Patch%202010/100_3265.jpg
  4. Pics of a datsun forklift I saw at the carpet store. Looks like a A-series.
  5. Im just concerned that You may have let out my secret! :D
  6. Anything in a pastel! And are those jumper cables hooking the welder to the truck? :cool:
  7. No Lug Nutz, Wheels held on with Zip-Ties! Will Be there! The Goon counts, its like a truck with a can of pee! :P
  8. Guess Ill have to have another Pumpkn Patch W/Yota Meet later in the year, and happy birthday! For all those coming out on sunday. The address is 4407 Freeman Rd, Puyallup WA 98371. Its at a different location than the other meet I had so mapquest it! And there is a BEAT blue Checker by the driveway! Place looks like a junk yard and like a mullet, the party is in the back! I will be there all morning Tearing the suspension out of the parts car so come on by anytime! #(253)224-1139 Call me if you run into any prollems or are comin in real early. Happy Trails!
  9. Will bring my old pair to the NWDE Meet tonight! :cool:
  10. Will be there in the Gamer Goon!. Reppin the (253) Ratsun210Mafia! Got room for one more! :cool:
  11. Got bumped into yesterday, by a Honda Pilot! Was driving the goon in traffic, the guy behind me was trying to change lanes. He was watching the lanes behind him and slowly moving forward and into the left lane. Not watching what he was diong he bumped into the back of the GOON! I sat at the light after the people infront of us drove off. The guy in the pilot got out and walked up to me and before he could finish "Im sorry" I said "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOIN :angry: and have a nice day, sir :D " and drove off. The look on his face was priceless, and it ended in a smile too! No damage or nothin, just wonder if he will pay more attention :unsure: Yelling Polite
  12. Im sure that there will be enough people for 79D50 to show. His minimum is 7!
  13. Know what has to happen, if you got the parts Im game!
  14. FELT being the operative word! :lol:
  15. Ifn its nice enough, Pappy may bring over the Rouge Runner! :cool:
  16. We got Goats in the front yard, and they climb on EVERYTHING! This is Salt
  17. Couldnt Find My Member Number! Unless its 164.
  18. Dusty, dirty. Some surface rust. Have all front pieces including core support. No tires or wheels, tranny, or engine. Black cloth interior, For sale $400 Pierce county WA. Let me know if your interested!
  19. Oh Yea, another victim! :cool: And dont go tellin everyone that Im givin shit away and fixin cars for free! :angry: Next thing youll tell everyone that I had you transport a free Dash into Canada for some other guy (Nice140Y) Damn Canadians! ;)
  20. Maby if you did something productive on this site, you would have heard about it like everyone else!=Pwned!
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