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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Simple Google Search= http://www.vintageair.com/Universalapps1.asp Or http://www.vintageautoairconditioning.com/universalunits Or http://www.classicautoair.com/Other_Models_Air_Conditioning_AC.html
  2. Neg 75 :blink: :crying: Im So Proud! But I digress: Tyler (78B210GTX) Bought a 79 210 parts car with a 5speed a weber and all sorts of other goodies for a measely $150 SCORE! Gonna spend the next few days Strippin it and then cut out the rear floor and four link for use in his 78 B210 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo
  3. I love ALL Hacked Ass Trucks. Cant wait to see this one with a more funtional Front system! Great work all around!
  4. Will be removed tomarro and pics will be sent to you via PM. Prolly charge you junk yard prices. Thanks for your interest!
  5. Pumpkn210

    Z T-Shirts

  6. Brilliant! Kazi that is to your name on the Yugo forum "YugoGirl" Do IT!
  7. I would go to the junk yard with a tape measure and see what would be small enough to fit. I know that my little stock engine fans on my 210s cool just fine with a virtually no shroud and no clutch. Small enough to fit inbetween there, I think. Kinda looks like what he has on that car. You may have to make a spacer or cut one down to size.
  8. Shit, sorry man, I was just wondering :huh: Never said you were half witted, those are your words! So Hang me for being curious! :rolleyes:
  9. I would guess that any fan that fit would work. My question would be Why? Belt fans rob power, generally get in the way of tuning/working on the car, and make the car take longer to warm up. E-fans are easy to install, are controllable and they only use a minimal ammount of power.
  10. Sweet car man, paint it some bright "colour" fender mirrors and slam it on some 13in Slotted Mags! Something like this maby?
  11. 1 reply and 5 Vews? You singlehandidly Saved that site! Think about whats gonna happen when the owners find out :lol:
  12. and they are too busy tryin to keep them running, to be on the interwebs :lol:
  13. car is complete for the most part. We are strippin it cause the body is toast. Anything you need let me know!
  14. "Aquire" Some street signs and trim and rivet them onto the areas that are left! Grind off the stickers where showing ;)
  15. He is a Little Behind! Thats how my Grandma calls someone an ass! :lol:
  16. I Love the front but the back is Hideous! Hes thinkin if he puts on Huge flares and such the rear may "Blend" in? Not sure if thats possable.
  17. Pumpkn210

    Z T-Shirts

    Heres a page with some Z T-Shirts my buddy designed. More to come, want your car on one? Let me Know! http://www.cafepress.com/RatsunStuff
  18. Orange! the best colour, flavour, smell ever!
  19. My Superior "500" thats in the Goon! 64 Plymouth Fury
  20. Thats Effin cool. My buddy just picked up a one pass rickshaw for like $100! Sweet!
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