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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. Glad to see you back! What model are you looking for?
  2. I'm waiting for some parts at the moment. I also need to replace some of the metal brake lines,get the rear brakes working. I also need to figure out why none of the lights except the front emergency flashers work. I need to put the radiator I have in,so I can let it run longer than a couple minutes. I also want to get the lowering blocks installed, get the torsion bars adjusted. Oh,& I need to get the rust holes patched.
  3. I just read through this whole thread. There are so many things I like about this 521! Love the slot mags, & all the talk about going for some of the "Fontana " look! That's the style i am going for with my 521. I need to go back & re-read some of the 620 brake master cylinder part at some point, since I plan on going that route with my truck also.
  4. Ha ha ha,I see what you're both saying about Saturdays, & I guess I should have been more clear about that. I was being a little sarcastic, & have put in my time off requests for the weekends of all the Datsun related shows this summer. As for why I am posting in the Canby thread... I am posting BOTH here, & in the Rat's with Dats thread,& probabl will be starting a separate thread soon,for those people that are interested in Attending BOTH EVENTS. I have probably attended the Canby event every year it has been held,& I plan on continuing to do so. I personally intend on supporting both events, & clubs that put them on,as well as the other events & those clubs,in any way I can. I am sure that there are several, if not MANY others that plan to look beyond the past,& take the opportunity to attend BOTH EVENT,even though we will have to suck it up,& do a little more driving of our Datsuns. A caravan between events will make that driving more enjoyable.
  5. Just in case it hasn't already been said, I would like to suggest Charlie69,be made a member of Datslocos,(even if he lives in Arizona ). He has shown great support for all the things we have done as a club. Also Charlie, you should try to contact Shawn Drawdy, one of my local group, that just moved to Arizona. He'll be looking for local Datsun people once he gets settled.
  6. I'm trying to organize a caravan from Rat's with Dats, to Canby,for anyone interested. We will need to head out fairly early Sunday morning, to make it to Canby in time. Please contact me if you're interested in joining. Thank you!
  7. I wish I could make it to these meetings, but it would take a congressional order for me to have a Saturday off. I am trying to organize a caravan front "Rat's with Dats " to Canby. We will need to leave pretty early Sunday morning, in order to make it to Canby in time. Please contact me, if any of you are interested in joining in. Thank you!
  8. We'll I had to warranty the Brand new battery I got the other day. The nee one,I got today seems good ,so far. I poured a little gas in the carb,then put the fuel hose into the gas can (since I need a replacement fuel filler hose.) The truck started right up,when I turned the key. I haven't put the radiator in yet,so I can't let it run for more than a minute. Here's a video of the truck running, AR my job at Wilsonville Nissan.
  9. We'll probably have a good photo-op at Rat's with Dats, or at Canby,or at the High Desert Datsuns event, or at Blue lake this year.
  10. Brought my truck to my work at Wilsonville Nissan, so I could keep working on it, since my apartments don't allow working on vehicles on the premises. Gonna miss Shawn,his wife Rebecca, & their family, now that they have moved to Arizona.
  11. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    My good friend Shawn Drawdy,his wife ,& family moved to Arizona yesterday. They will be missed by alot of us here in Oregon. I had to move my 521 to my work,so I could keep working on it,since my apartments don't allow working on vehicles on the premises.
  12. Well,we had a bit of a setback. After installing new clutch master cylinder, clutch slave cylinder, and brake master cylinder, plus a few new metal brake lines, one of the old rusty metal rear brake lines burst. Shawn rigged things so that at least the truck has front brakes. At this point I will most likely be taking the truck to my work,& making/Replacing the rest of the brake lines there. I also cleaned out the inside of the cab,& put the bench seat that came from Shawn's wife Becca's old 521. I found a few rust holes behind the seat,at the back left corner of the cab. Not at all surprising,considering that the truck sat,in the woods, for many years without a rear window, & drivers door window in it. I will have to figure out how to deal with that problem later. The only lights currently working are the front emergency flashers. Now marker lights, blinkers,headlights, tail lights, nothing. The interior fan,& the windshield wipers work though, & there is power at the bother sides of all the fuses. I will get it sorted out,but I may need to get some help from an wiring genius, like Daniel C, or Wayno, or someone like that.
  13. The new clutch master cylinder,clutch slave cylinder, and brake master cylinder came in at work today. Shawn & I should have them installed & working before he moves at the end of the month. Now it's a matter of getting the lights to work,& getting it liscensed,& I should be able to drive this truck.
  14. I had a couple of cassettes of thiers from way back in the day. My favorite song of thiers is "I left my wallet in El Segundo. Gonna go listen to that on youtube in a second. R.i.p. Phife.
  15. Shawn figured out why it wasn't starting,& got it to run tonight. Thanks Shawn! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10207111214671988&id=1030178966
  16. Here's a video of our first attempt to get it started.
  17. Here's an update. The engine & transmission are all bolted in. Shawn,Joe & I all worked on it until around 9:30 last night. I need to go get a battery. We had it turning over,getting fuel,& weak spark. Hopefully we will have it running soon.
  18. Damnit, now I want a Snickers bar.
  19. My phone does it also. To make it worse,in my case,I am already a little obsessive about using proper spelling and grammar, so when my spell check messes that up it is really frustrating for me.
  20. Thank you Al! I feel VERY HONORED,to have been given this promotion,& the opportunity to continue serving as a leader of Datslocos Oregon,& our Datsun community!
  21. Nope,but I have seen his other 521. The light green one.
  22. Just my personal opinion here,but since I was part of the group that donated parts,& worked on the build of this truck I will say that I think it's perfectly fine to make changes to make the truck suit your needs. Honestly,after seeing your other truck,I feel pretty comfortable with you being the person owning,& taking care of this very special 521.
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