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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. Loren O

    610s unite!!!!!!

    I assumed it was a reference to Big Trouble in Little China, the first time I saw it. That's one of my favorite movies! I considered having "the Pork chop express " logo painted on the doors of my 521,back when I was going for the shop truck look. Then I decided to go with more of a 70's muscle truck look.
  2. I like the mini swap meet idea also. I don't know that everyplace we hold meets [ Sonic, for example} will really appreciate a bunch of parts sitting around while we're there though.
  3. So, I am looking for your opinions on the schedule for the January Meet. we originally said we would have meets the first Friday of every month, but soon found out that Saturdays are better for everyone to be able to attend. the first Friday of January is New years day,& I suspect that many people will be out celebrating, then recouperating the next day. I think we would be better off having the meet on January 9th [saturday} so more people will be able to attend. what are your thoughts on that? thanks! -Loren
  4. The Sonic Meet will be held at Wilsonville Sonic first,or possibly 2nd Saturday in January, depending on how many people seem up for attending after New years festivities! I will post more details fairly soon,but am holding off until details are settled about a December meet in the Eugene area. I Greatly appreciate any help you or anyone else can give putting that together for Al. I don't know the area,but I will try to help you plan,etc. I have been trying to decide if it was appropriate for me to set it up for Al,so I am thankful to you for doing so.
  5. Hey guys, I know we all wish Al well ! I just want to let you know that he didn't really want his health to be public knowledge, & ask that until he says otherwise, we all keep the subject to ourselves.
  6. In my opinion, the truck is Perfect, no matter what needs done to it. that truck is the result of the group of people who worked on it, [myself included, although I didn't get to do as much as I would have liked to do on the project.] & the community that supported it's build. I was happy to see Rick win it, then happy to hear Al had it back, now I am happy to hear that Jrock has it. I know it will be taken care of,& appreciated. someone outside our community couldn't do that.
  7. back to the question about criteria for campaigning for DNW office. a candidate needed to be a current member of DNW. due to their currently non - functioning online registration system,& lack of a online payment option [who the hell carries cash nowdays?] I was unable to sign up, & therefore am not a member of the club, thus I was ineligible for nomination. That's fine by me, since my obligation to Datslocos Oregon came first anyway. Also, I kind of got the feeling that my involvement with another club, bothered a few of their members a little. it wasn't plainly stated, but the feeling was definitely there. Either way, I will be more than willing to do what I can to help their club,& Keep the CANBY show going. as for the " Direction" of the club, based on my gut feeling about "the Guy" that I think will be elected [ especially since there were no other nominations] for the most part we will have to wait & see. He's a good guy, has a real nice 510, that was featured in SUPER STREET several years back, & he seems to lean towards wanting to have more autocrossing activity, & fun runs in their club. I think he understands how important the CANBY show is to all of us, event those of us that do not belong to DNW. Again, I would encourage any of you that have any interest in the Canby show, or DNW to do your best to make it to a meeting. we will have to wait & see if any of the "online attending" ideas fly with DNW for the future.
  8. I will definitely be sharing the ideas you guys have posted here,with the Datsuns NW crew. I almost contacted "the Guy" yesterday, but decided to wait until after the actual election. I know I t would be difficult for many of you to attend their meetings,but if you could make it to a few,that would be good. As for all the website/tech related stuff, I think it would probably be much better if you could make it to a meeting to explain what your ideas are,how they would work,etc. Remember, these are mostly old school Datsun people. They didn't really plan on Canby becoming this big of a thing originally. I get the impression that what we all do on Ratsun,is a little overwhelming for some of them. Having someone who understands the technical stuff ,explain it ,would make it less "foreign " to them. At best,I only have a very vague,& limited understanding of the tech stuff myself,so I am definitely not the person to explain it to others. I will however work with whoever will take care of the tech stuff,if they are unable to attend the meetings on a regular basis. As for Datslocos Oregon "taking over " the event, I think AL & I would agree that we would prefer to play a supporting role,rather than come in and try to take over another clubs event. That is part of the reason why I held back a little bit i" campaigning" for the Datsuns NW officer jobs. These two things are separate entities. I believe we among the leadership of Datslocos Oregon would start our own event,rather than take over some other clubs show,that they obviously have put so much hard work into over so many years.
  9. Tdaaj, and whoever else was asking, there was only 1 person nominated [ no, not me ] . he has been a member of their club before. I am not a member of Datsuns NW at the moment, mostly because their registration function on their website does not work. it just says " contact Dave Bothwell" , apparently there was supposed to be a paypal link, but it isn't there anymore. anyway, I have told them that I would take the job, but I would be just as happy just helping out. I have enough on my plate with Datslocos Oregon already. I also have family stuff to take care of, several Datsun projects of my own, that I am already having difficulty making time for, & I like to think that I will be equally active with helping out the group that puts on the Blue Lake show. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you all to get involved with that show also. if someone wants to volunteer to handle the computer, & technical stuff for the Datsuns NW website, & social media, I would be willing to go to the meetings & take notes, etc then pass that to whoever can keep the site functioning & up to date. let me know.
  10. Don't worry so much everyone. I think it's highly unlikely that Canby will be Cancelled at this point. The guy I think will be elected to take Dave's place when he retires,has some good ideas,& seems to understand how important the show is to all of us.
  11. Flatcat, I live here. for me Canby is every day!
  12. I thought there would be. Al & I basically told them that at the last meeting. I will try to get some idea of things they could use help with, then post them here. I know they need someone who could help run their webpage,& be responsible for "Social Media" for their club. Al ,Jester & I all talked to them about how lacking the updated information, has been on their website, & that because of that many people don't really even look at it. What they probably need is someone with some experience putting together web sites,& also maintaining them. the same probably goes for "Social Media". whoever it is would need to have a decent computer available to them. I will try to help out with this kind of thing, but I do not have the training, the experience ,or a computer to do what needs to be done. Other than occasionally using the computer at work, I am only online via cel phone, which is also why you all don't see more posts from me here on Ratsun.
  13. November meeting was for nominations, the voting will be done in December. I have been attending the Datsuns NW club meetings since after Canby last year. As I have said all along, if I was nominated, then voted in, I would do my best, but I really don't feel the need to hold a club president, or Vice president title. I am just as happy to help out putting on the Canby show without a title. I have enough on my plate with my part of Datslocos Oregon. I think the guy that will most likely get elected has some good ideas for Datsuns NW, & also the Canby event . I'm sure there are plenty of opportunities for other people to help out, so please come to some of their meetings, & volunteer.
  14. Thank you ! I am going to be running the SU's pictured above, using a manifold that Z therapy made for me. I still need to get air cleaners, and a choke cable.
  15. I need to find a manifold gasket for this head. Will any square port manifold gasket work. if someone has a part number, that would help. the engine is supposed to have come out of a '78 620, but I don't know for sure that this was the original head. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. We also have a facebook page, that we post event details, etc on fairly regularly. as for upcoming meet info, we generally post that info in both places as soon as possible. I know that there will be a meet in the Eugene area ,& that Denmark Boy will probably be posting about that here soon. he doesn't do Facebook, so one of us will post the info there as soon as we get it. January meet [ one year anniversary! ] meet info is already in the works, I just need to touch bases with Sonic then I will post about that some more,
  17. I am definitely not giving up. I have been trying to take into account that many of the people in my local area have Datsun's that are project vehicles, myself included. I always tell people that it is better to show up in an " Other" make of car, that not to show up at all. I am also kind of going on the assumption that the winter weather will reduce the number of people that attend our events. I am relieved to hear that when you guys started out in California, it wasn't often any larger attendance than we've been having up here in Oregon. as for what I expected when I started out with my area, I didn't really have any big expectations. I only planned on having fun with other Datsun people, which has been what has happened. I will probably keep at this, even if the only regular that shows up is me, unless either you guys, or Denmark Boy ever pull the plug for some reason. I don't see that happening , so we're good.
  18. Did you get the his contact info? I'm sure a few people would like to see how he built that,myself included!
  19. Loren O

    610s unite!!!!!!

    I really like this car,I see pictures of it posted fairly often,& I am really impressed by how great it looks!
  20. NICE! More Datsun stuff to watch. I needed that!
  21. I think that's along the same lines we were talking about at the last North group meet,the BBQ at Shawn Drawdy's place. we also talked about attending some of the "cars N Coffee" events as a group. while we're on the subject of upcoming Datslocos Oregon meets, Denmark Boy's group has a meet coming up in December. details will be announced fairly soon, i'm sure. Datslocos Oregon North will be Hosting our meet in January. This will be the 1 year Anniversary of our VERY FIRST Datslocos Oregon meet! at the moment I am planning to hold the event at Wilsonville SONIC, just like we did the first meet [ I like the idea of it being a tradition! ]. this is almost 2 months away people,plenty of time to make arrangements so you all can attend. I think the meet will be held on Saturday, that way more people can make it. I will post more definite details, as soon as I get them. if you can make it in your DATSUN, please do, but as always with our groups meets, we would rather have you show up in an "other" vehicle, than not show up at all ! if we can get someone, or several people, to bring a nice camera, & take some quality pictures, that can be posted both here, as well as possibly used elsewhere in print form that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you ahead of time for that! I hope to see YOU ALL there !
  22. there are a few people that have had 521's that were converted to 4wd. I believe a company called LOW mfg, {funny,since 4wd's are usually lifted! ] made a kit,way back in the day, I also have heard of some called Sasquatch. try to contact a guy on here who went by Boxcar. I don't know if he's still around, but he seemed to be a GURU about the subject,back when I first got my 521,& considered going the 4x4 route, instead of going for Moar Lowar instead.
  23. Awe ,C'mon guys! I know it's kind of difficult finding the time,& making the effort to put on these events sometimes. the last meet we had here had about the same size turnout as you had, Most of my local group's Datsun's are in mid- project status, which has been keeping our numbers down, unfortunately. I think that things will pick back up this spring. until then, I intend to soldier on, keep arranging meets, keep trying to recruit more Datsun people, etc. I'm sorry that more of my local group [especially myself] hasn't been able to make the drive over to the other area's events more this year. again, I hope that will improve when everyone is up & going this spring. I am hoping to encourage you to stick with this,& continue to keep this going.
  24. You can imagine the noise,& the scary "Death Wobble" that front wheel had! I swapped out the hub last week,thanks to Draynor, for bringing me a hub, & Shawn Drawdy for letting me use his shop, but the car still needs some work before it's safe to take it out of town.
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