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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. I wish! I need to scrape some $ together first.
  2. the address is 3870 2nd street [corner of A street/2nd street] Hubbard,Oregon 97032 Fun starts at Noon! please bring chips, soda & whatever else you might want to bring as a side dish, There will be Hot Dogs & sausage. it might be a good idea to bring something to sit on ,if you want to sit down. I need to get a head count of who's going,& how many people your bringing so we can be prepared. thanks!
  3. it's definitely a go! Remember, it's a potluck,& family friendly. I hope to see you there sunday!
  4. It was 2 years ago today,that I started this build thread for my '72 521. It's come a long way, but it still has a ways to go before I can drive it. I'm really looking forward to that day!
  5. Ok,Datslocos,now that you're all getting back from the Shasta campout,& before you completely unpack, I want to remind everyone about the Datslocos Oregon North meet/Potluck BBQ on Sunday, September 6th in Hubbard, Oregon (off 99e, between Woodburn & Canby ) at Shawn Drawdy's place. we're hoping to fill the town of Hubbard, or at least Shawn's big yard with Datsuns! Also,we're going to be gearing up to more activities in this region,& will be looking for ideas,and discussion at the bbq. I hope you can make it!
  6. I sure wish I had been able to go to this!! Hopefully by next year I will be able to leave Oregon for a weekend. I would really appreciate it if everyone who took pictures (especially you Oregon Datslocos) would go ahead and post your pictures,videos of this event on the Datslocos Oregon Facebook page, so those of us that couldn't make it can see them. Thanks! By the way,just a little note here about our upcoming Datslocos Oregon meet in the north region. We will be having a potluck style BBQ at Shawn Drawdy's place in Hubbard, Oregon (it's right off 99e,between Woodburn & Canby.) I will be posting about this on our thread,& the Facebook page. I hope you can make it!
  7. Nice save! I am looking forward to seeing this car after it's painted.
  8. My friend Rickey brought my engine over to Shawn's tonight. It's down to final assemby, then it can be installed.
  9. nice 521! it was nice meeting you on the way to Blue Lake also!
  10. Loren O

    My 521 Adventure

    Very nice! congratulations on your find/purchase. I also have a '72 521.
  11. It's time to start planning to be at the September meet in the Oregon northern region. Sunday, September 6th, we will be holding a POTLUCK BBQ in Hubbard, Oregon [right on 99e] at Shawn Drawdy's place. this will be a family friendly event. there is plenty of room for parking,& Shawn has a shop there also. I hope you all can make it !
  12. Ineed to find out what years & models the "dogleg" 5 speed came in,or what the part number for a rebuild kit would be. will one of you please answer this question for me? thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. flatcat19


      When you find the main bearing, Loren, I need one. PM Mike. He'll know the part number.

    3. Loren O

      Loren O

      Thanks guys! I will look that up. the dogleg I have a bad 2nd gear synchro, or so I'm told. I have 2 5 speeds for my truck, the dogleg, or a '78 620 5 speed, that has a cracked extension housing & a flattened end, where the seal is & the driveline attaches. I need to get one of these transmissions fixed.

    4. btd19m


      1981 datsun 720 dual cab(aus) had the 620 l18 with a 5speed shifter (floor) i can take a look at mine if you want

  13. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    thegreg, That's a cool truck! also ,it looks like a VW type 3 squareback [wagon] in the background. Those can be done really cool!
  14. Nice Goon though. I like the slot mags ,& the white vinyl top, or is that primer where the vinyl top used tp be?
  15. Thanks Mike! I didn't see any of the parts I need in there yet, but I will keep an eye on that.
  16. I need a left taillight lense,& the tailgate Garnish, if someone has them,please let me know. I also need the lenses that fit under the front bumper,actually I probably need all the front lenses,& a front bumper too,if someone has them.
  17. I already have a replacement fender,I got from Danfiveten. Thanks Dan!
  18. I bought this car a year or so ago, and haven't done much with it since. I have had other projects in front of this one (my 521 for example)but now my wife's damn Suburban,& her Accord wagon are not reliable enough, so it's time to build her something reliable....a DATSUN !
  19. Thanks jrock ! that's the purple late 510 wagon I was talking about. for some reason I really like that car. I hope the owner/builders are on here!
  20. My personal opinion on best interior is; I don't really care as long as it's functional. take a look at my goon,& you can tell this is how I am. I currently have a bucket holding the seat back in the upright position. I need new seats, but that's low on the priority list. As for some of the other catagories, 521 & 510 especially, but also 1200, the competition was just so close that it was nearly impossible for me to choose a "best " one. I think that in 521 & 510 there could be a stock,a modified,& a full custom class. The 3 521's where jrock was parked I would have had them draw straws ,they were that close. not to mention the 2 521's that showed up to late to enter. One thing the 521 crowd had going for it was that while there were some really great looking trucks,& it was really too close for me personally to call, at least they all looked different. I like Z's ,but there were at least 3 red ones that looked almost EXACTLY THE SAME, right down to the stickers. of the 3,i would have picked the one with the slot mags, just because that at least made it a little different, the interior was in really nice, original condition too. she left before judging finished. I can predict the need for a 210 class, & it should be separate from B210's. these cars are really starting to catch on lately. many of my favorite vehicles didn't enter, so weren't judged, one of my favorite cars at the show was a purple late model 510 wagon. it was rattle canned, yet done really well. something about the look it had really worked. I wish my cel phone battery had lasted long enough to take a picture of it.
  21. alright, I hope I don't get flamed for this! I was one of the 3 people judging at Blue Lake this year. I am BY NO MEANS a professional judge ,nor do I have any intention of becoming one. I make it a general rule to never say anything negative about someone else's vehicle. My "technique" used in my input during this years judging was mostly just me pointing out different aspects of the various datsuns,& Nissans that I liked. With so many vehicles there this year ,it was difficult to choose. if it were up to me ,there would be a few more classes added in a few of the catagories,stock & modified in 510 & 521 for example. we tried to "spread the winning around" while judging. for example,if we were thinking a vehicle would be getting "best engine" then we didn't really also consider the same vehicle for other catagories. it just seems more fair that way. So here's the part I'm probably going to get flamed for. I feel that we are going to HAVE TO start accepting the newer Datsun & Nissan vehicles being part of our hobby,& part of the community. Older Datsun's are getting rarer,& more expensive all the time ,that's just fact. unless you're INCREDIBLY LUCKY, you're probably not going to be buying a Datsun at a price that someone just starting out in this hobby can afford. Most of us that do have them, aren't selling them cheap,& some of us are "hoarding" them, myself included. a somewhat newer Nissan may be all that these new people can find, or afford. At the rate people are "retiring" from this hobby lately, I personally don't think we should be turning away people, just because they happen to have a newer Nissan. We're quickly getting to the point where we will need new blood at these events.
  22. i had a great time both during the caravan to the show,& also at Blue Lake yesterday! thanks to all that joined us,or at least tried to join us on the caravan. I'm already looking forward to next year.

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