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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. Thanks for attending & also for bringing that Dogleg for my 521 !
  2. Hi everyone, I want to thank each & every one of you that attended the 2nd annual Silver Falls state park fun run & meet! I have heard that we had around 27 Datsuns show up, (my count was in the 30's),& I have no idea how many people were there Saturday, or Sunday, but we were glad to see each & every one of you! I want to thank those who coordinated the caravans from the different areas,like Eugene,Bend,Washington, & those that fought the traffic to meet in Canby,then drive to the event. I would also like to thank everyone who brought food,or beverages for the Potluck Bbq,& especially want to thank AL for bringing & manning the Bbq's. We will start planning for next year's event soon,& hopefully,as time goes on,this event will continue to grow,& improve. Thanks again everyone! -Loren
  3. Wow,Great pictures,& the videos almost made it like I had gotten to drive one of my own Datsuns to the event,Thanks!
  4. I don't think it's about who's popular, but more about who makes the effort to put on a meet. Glad to see you're putting this together. I will definitely try to make it, but at the moment I don't even have a Datsun that's drivable. All 3 are pretty close though, so maybe. Good luck,either way,& I hope the event goes great!
  5. The main event is Saturday, but enough people could not attend Saturday,that we decided to have something Sunday also. Plan for Sunday is a "bring your own " Picnic at noon,while hanging out with other Datsun people, then we're planning on doing some hiking & sightseeing. I hope you all are able to attend at least 1 day.
  6. Al,& company made some progress on my truck. It's down to getting new wheel cylinders, & brake shoes,then a trip to DMV. I can hardly wait to finally be able to drive this truck.
  7. Loren O

    Shawn's 521

    Miss riding around in this truck last summer.
  8. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    Progress! I wasn't able to get the lights working,but Al,& company were. Turned out at some point a previous owner had swapped in what looked to be. 510 headlight switch. It's a matter of getting new wheel cylinders, & brake shoes now,the getting it registered at dmv.
  9. It would be nice to have a set of these mounts for my 521. Of course then I would need to get everything else for the KA24 swap,instead of the freshly rebuilt L20b,which I guess could go into my 510 Goon instead
  10. I am so F---ing looking forward to this!! I wonder if I will be able to get Mr.Morton to sign the glove box lid on my 510 goon? That would be AWESOME!
  11. No worries, just trying to keep everything friendly,& hopefully be able to use most of the comments here to organize a better event. So far,it looks like Saturday is ahead by 2 votes here, but I have asked around other places also,& so far it appears to be a tie. I sent Steven Pepka a text message, asking him to ask the members of Datsuns NW which day,would allow more of them to attend, & I will be asking Dan Uphoff to ask the members of NW Datsun owners Association the same question. Either way,this could fairly easily turn into a 2 day event,if people want to camp out at Silver Falls State park. I will post information about how to make reservations to camp,& the costs for camping,but it will be th r responsibility of those interested in camping to make thier own reservations,& pay for thier campsite. On a personal note, I am hoping to actually have one of my own Datsuns to drive to this. Not having a Datsun of my own at the Wilsonville Sonic meet,was embarrassing,especially since I organized that event.
  12. I know there are people who have differing opinions about Datslocos Oregon,but I am attempting to organize an event that hopefully as many people as possible can attend & enjoy,regardless of any club affiliation,or lack thereof. I would appreciate it if we could keep this thread civil, & on the topic of which day allows the majority of people the possibility to attend & enjoy the event. Thanks! -Loren
  13. No need to pick "teams". I think Rick was just kidding. I didn't even think about adding an "either way " option. Like I said,this is the first "poll" I have done. For those who already voted, feel free to use the "either way " choice, if that fits better. I'm just trying to make this as easy as possible for as many people as possible to attend. Thanks! -Loren
  14. Thanks for the heads up! I haven't posted a poll before. I'm trying something new, in order to make the event as easy for people to attend as possible.
  15. I'm really looking forward to The Canby show this year!
  16. I already have us on the schedule for Sunday,May 7th,but I may be able to change the date, if we do so in time. So far,I have heard from people who are more in favor of one day,or the other,but I would like to make a more definite count. Please post your thoughts here,& I will do my best to plan accordingly. Thank you! -Loren
  17. Thanks Tdaaj! I have been working on the Silver Falls state park fun run event for awhile now, but was waiting to post much about it until after the Wilsonville Sonic meet. I'm glad you suggested that I get another event going, because it gives me an excuse to post a question. I have the Silver Falls fun run on the schedule at Silver Falls State park, for Sunday, May 7th. While we were at the Sonic meet, I had a couple people mention that it would be better for them,if the Silver Falls fun run was on a Saturday, instead of a Sunday. I have been told by other people in the past,that Sunday is a better day for these kind of events. I am sure that whichever day we choose,some people won't be able to fit it in thier schedule,but I really want to make it as easy as possible for people to attend,so my question is :Which day is better for the most people, to hold an event like the Silver Falls fun run? We will be having a "potluck style "Bbq & there is camping available at the park. I will post information for those who are interested in camping, so that they can make thier own reservations. There are plenty of opportunities for hiking and sightseeing at Silver Falls State park,plenty of photo op's too. I will be posting a thread for the event soon,& I will be asking around with the other club leaders, & other Datsun people trying to get the best day on the weekend of May 6th,7th, for the main part of the event. Please post your constructive input on this,so I can either change our reservation,or leave it as is,in order to make the event as easy to attend as possible, for the most people. Thank you!
  18. I want to thank everyone who came to our 3rd annual Wilsonville Sonic meet last night. We had a bunch of cool Datsuns show up, and as always, we had alot of great people attending. We had people from Datsuns NW, NW Datsun owners Association, Datslocos Oregon, and many independent Datsun people in attendance last night. I think things are looking to be a busy show season this year, hopefully with many of us attending as many events as possible,regardless of which club organizes the event. I will be posting about the upcoming Silver Falls state park fun run very soon. After talking to Steven Pepka, Dan Uphoff, Al, & various other people, I am really looking forward to upcoming events this year. Thank you all again for attending our Wilsonville Sonic meet last night! -Loren
  19. I did organize this meet,the other guys were kidding. Unfortunately,all my Datsuns are not drivable right now. Al was going to bring my 521 back,ready to drive, but I don't have the $ to get it registered & licensed at DMV right now,so I asked him to wait.
  20. WHOA,easy there. It's not really that I'm a "total Facebook slut",it's just that posting from my phone is so very much easier there. Remember,I don't have a desktop computer, & I rarely have time to sit down with one,even if I did have a computer.
  21. Hi everyone, I am looking for a "head count " of who's planning on going to our meet at Wilsonville Sonic this Saturday beginning at 6pm? I hope you all are able to make it! Thanks!
  22. Well,the main(& only official) event is the Fun run, & meet at Silver Falls State park on Sunday,May 7th. If anyone camps out Saturday that will be up to them. I will post information so that people can call to get themselves a camping spot,& I will post any information on prices that I am able to get,but further than that,it will be up to those who are interested to take it from there.
  23. Yes, plans have been underway for awhile for the Silver Falls state park fun run. The date will be Sunday,May 7th,& there may be a few of us that will take advantage of the camping, & hiking opportunities that weekend at Silver Falls. I have touched bases with the other area leaders,so they can rally any Datsun people in thier area. I am planning there to be a potluck style Bbq on the day of the fun run, at Silver Falls State park. I will be posting an event thread about all this in the near future, but after the Wilsonville Sonic meet.
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